Stupid Boys and Weird Girls

Stupid Boys and Weird Girls

Baekhyun entered the bus after he showed his ticket to the bus driver. He looked around. Only one seat in the very back was free. ‘Awesome.’

He headed over to it and sat down.


He hates going by bus, but his car got damaged – he had no choice, he lived too far away.


Baekhyun looked around. Most of the people around him were 50 or older.

A girl sat next to him. She was crying. Tears ran down her cheeks.

Baekhyun felt like he should do something…


“Do you need a tissue?” He finally asked, after seeing her wiping her eyes with her small hands.

She quietly nodded. The boy took out a clean tissue out of his pocket and handed it over to her.


“Thanks.” She whispered.


Meanwhile the bus had started to move, but there were still 30 minutes left until Baekhyun finally arrived at home.

‘Why do I live so far away?’

Baekhyun kept on looking at his phone to find out how much longer he has to stay in this bus.


The girl was still crying. The tissue he gave her was already soaking wet.

”Is it alright if I ask what happened to you?” Baekhyun suddenly asked the girl. She looked at him quite surprised.

“He cheated on me with my best friend.” She quietly answered him.

“That’s awful.” Baekhyun took out another tissue for her. “If he did that he is not worth your tears.”


“You don’t know me.” She mumbled.

He nodded. “Yeah, I don’t, but why should I be wrong?” Baekhyun smiled. “You seem like a nice and bright girl…”


“You are just judging my appearance. That’s what all boys do.”

The boy shook his head. It seemed like she had stopped crying.

“I can’t look into a person’s character just by seeing them. If you don’t want me to just judge you by your looks, you should tell me something about you.”


“But you are a stranger. And how should I know that you are not just trying to talk to me, because you want to have me in your bed?”


Baekhyun grinned and shook his head. “I’m Byun Baekhyun. A 22 year old innocent guy who loves to sing. How about you?”

She lightly smiled. “Han Mijung. I’m 21.”


“Smiling definitely suits you better than crying.” Baekhyun grinned.

“I don’t like crying either. My eyes will become red and I look terrible. I wonder how people can look so beautiful while crying, like in the K-Dramas.”

The boy looked at her. “Yeah, your eyes are red and you look pretty horrible.”


“You don’t say that to a girl!” She grinned.

“Let me treat you like a boy then?” Baekhyun smirked.

“When will you leave the bus?” Mijung asked.

“End station. That’s where I live. How about you?”


“Same…We live in the same neighbourhood?”

“I don’t know, man. I’ve never seen you before. I’ve never seen this messy blonde hair before.” Baekhyun pointed at Mijung’s head.


She widened her eyes and looked at the window at her reflection. “You are…”

“Remember? I’ll treat you like a guy.” Baekhyun grinned.


“Maybe…maybe you are no serial killer who wants to me before killing me…” Mijung whispered after fixing her hair.

“Why are you so sure of that?” Baekhyun raised his right eyebrow.


“And even if you were a serial killer…To be honest…I wouldn’t care.”

“Why? You don’t care if you get killed?” The boy widened his eyes.


“No.” Mijung smiled. “You made me stop crying. You made me stop thinking about him.”

“You’re welcome. It was a pleasure.” Baekhyun grinned.


“END STATION! EVERYBODY LEAVE THE BUS!” The bus driver suddenly shouted.


Baekhyun nodded and stood up. Mijung and he were the only people left in the bus. The others have already left at the previous stations.



It was already dark outside. The moon was shining above them.

“So…I guess we’ll see each other some time huh? Bye, man.” Baekhyun turned around to walk to his house, when Mijung stopped him.


“Can you walk me home?” She shyly looked at him. “It’s dark…and…”


“You are afraid of the dark?” Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “Girls…”
”You are so stupid…” She turned around and walked away. The immediately followed her.


“What I wanted to say was that I would love to bring you home. I wouldn’t be able to go home peacefully knowing you might be kidnapped or something.”


“Baekhyun you are definitely impossible.” She flicked his forehead with her right hand.


“Ouch…What was that for?” Baekhyun looked at her.

“See that as another way of saying thank you.” Mijung grinned.


“Note to myself: Girls are a really weird species in this world.” The boy mumbled.


“You want me to ‘thank you’ again?” Baekhyun shook his head and started to run away into the night. 

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dorihabsoo12 #1
Chapter 1: update soon
Whitebetony #2
Chapter 1: Cool! Can't wait to read more! Plz update!
Chapter 1: Nice! I want my baekhyun, then ;)
Chapter 1: hahah cutee