Chapter 2

Cat and Dog

Chapter 2

Please listen to 'Wallpaper Design' by IU

             The following weekend pasted by too fast for BoMi’s taste as she stared blankly at her bedroom ceiling and annoyingly hearing her alarm clock go off. Her bedroom was rather plain for someone of her economic status and bright for someone with a personality like hers. The wall her bed pushed against was pastel blue with floral patterns while the rest of the walls were left a creamy, white colour. Her room was large as well; adjourning a queen sized bed with European style, white headboard that looked like it could be owned by royalty, a white comforter set with pastel, floral accessories, two white nightstands that matched her headboard on either side of the bed, and various décor placed around the bedroom—including a large closet and wardrobe and a bathroom attached to her bedroom.

           BoMi slapped her hand on the alarm clock, silencing its annoying screeches. She groaned in irritation; today was her first day of being tutored by Yoo Youngjae. Also it was the day he was going to find out how much of an absolute idiot she was. BoMi ran a hand through her hair that resembled a haystack before getting up and getting ready for the day ahead of her.

          Seoul Academy’s uniform almost looked like the norm for most schools; plaid, blue skirt, white, button-up, gray tie or bowtie, and navy blazer. Most students made it their own by adding subtle accessories and getting to pick out their own shoes. BoMi wore a simple pair of black and white, tuxedo oxfords along with a simple, Marc Jacobs black watch. Her hair was worn the same almost every day; down and sometimes straight or with curls. Today—or doomsday as BoMi called it in her head—it was straight.

           “BoMi! Yah! BoMi! Breakfast!” BoMi heard her nanny, Mary, call from the kitchen. BoMi grabbed her backpack and purse before heading towards the kitchen. Mary was a sweet, old woman that had practically raised BoMi. Mary was like the mother BoMi never had—since her mother had died when she was a couple of months old. BoMi sat calmly at the chic, dining room table as she awaited her meal.

           “Aigoo!” Mary gasped as she lifted the plates onto her old, weak arms. She was getting weaker and weaker by the day. “Happy Monday!” Mary smiled.

           BoMi gave her a slight grimace and short nod acknowledging her greeting. Mary had been used to this attitude of hers for years—BoMi was always nicer to her anyway. BoMi looked at her plate and began eating breakfast calmly as she heard the pitter-patter of rain as it hit the windows.

           “I didn’t know it was going to rain today,” BoMi muttered staring out the tall window at the gray, cloudy sky. She liked rainy, cloudy days. It relaxed her in the oddest of ways and was beautiful as well.

           “I actually heard it was supposed to be sunny today,” Mary started, “Guess we can’t predict everything.”

           BoMi offered her a small grin as she thanked Mary for her breakfast, “JiHo should be here by now, and I must go. Thanks for the meal.”

           “Have a nice day!” Mary yelled as BoMi walked out of the door.

         Once at school, BoMi’s guard instantly shot up as she worried, ‘maybe he had told people about me being an idiot and needing tutoring or maybe he’s going to try to blackmail me with the tutoring thing! I mean no one can be that nice and cheerful! There has to be a hidden mean side to him, right?’ She thought frantically panicking inside while on the outside her blank, cold stare remained. She walked into the already crowded classroom and gulped—it was now or never. As punishment, her father ordered her to set up where to be tutored. She was always bad with social interactions as well and her father believed doing this would help her as well—and, in BoMi’s opinion, it didn’t.

           “Youngjae,” BoMi started as her nerves rose due to the fact the class had gotten silenced by the sound of her voice, “Where do you want to meet for tutoring?” She asked with an emotionless tone.

           Youngjae gave her a small, comforting grin as whispers echoed the room,

           “BoMi, needing a tutor?!

           “I thought she was top of the class!”

           “She’s so fake, I knew it all along.”

           BoMi sent a chilling glare to the whispering students causing them to shut their mouths. Youngjae gave, yet another, comforting look that almost sent BoMi into a fit. She glared at him, but it was softer than the chilling ones she gave the students—he was helping her after all.

           “Ah, yeah. How about the coffee shop after school? You know the one by the school?” Youngjae responded with a grin, BoMi nodded.

           “See you there.” She quietly replied before going to her desk. She felt the eyes of students follow her and keep staring at her. BoMi glared softly at Youngjae’s back; blaming him for putting her through this embarrassment. It was his fault.

           BoMi, as her normal day routine, walked into the girls’ bathroom. Her blank look etched yet again into her face as she brushed her long hair. Brushing in her hair was calming, comforting; since, she was a little girl, she had loved her hair being brushed. Her ears perked at the sound of whispers and talking.

          “BoMi is such a though,”

           It came from the corner stall—the one of handicaps.

           “No wonder she doesn’t have friends.”

            BoMi’s eyes shifted as she turned to stare at the stall, a glare settling into her face.

           “She’s just another airhead, rich girl. Maybe she would learn more if she wasn’t always wasting her father’s money.”

           BoMi blew her bangs up in an angry sigh, “It’s very coward-like to talk behind someone’s back. I would rather you say it to my face.”

           The whispers stopped immediately as the stall slowly opened revealing three, 2nd years; One was a rather shy-looking girl with straight, dark medium length hair with a shocked look on her face, one with long, pinned-back hair and a careless expression on her face, and one with two, curly pigtails and an also, shocked expression. BoMi glared slightly at them,

           “Anything you want to say?” She asserted with a raised eyebrow, as if to test them. They remained silent until the one with the pinned-back hair piped up:

           “Yes. I think you are stupid; dumb; worthless. All you’re good for is spending your sweet father’s money and being a cold, . What happens when that is gone? You’ll be nothing… Wait! You already are nothing.

           BoMi’s face remained stone, cold and expressionless as she stared at the girl who stood with a proud look on her face that began walking away, the two other girls scurrying after her. BoMi spent a moment groping for words until before sputtering:

          “Yah! I’m your senior, you’re supposed to respect me!”

           The girl snickered before turning around, “Save it for your nanny~” She sighed strutting out of the room leaving a shocked BoMi.

           “She doesn’t even know what she’s talking about… BoMi, you’ll amount to something.” BoMi whispered to herself as she looked into the mirror, “Or maybe she’s right…” 

           BoMi had called JiHo shortly after lunch, telling him not to pick her up. The café was a short walk from the school, she gripped her old umbrella over her head as she walked quickly to the café. The wind blew her umbrella hard as BoMi struggled to hold it and not get wet. She stopped in front of the café to see that Youngjae was not there yet, she stood in front of the door taking a deep breath:

           “Today, definitely, is doomsday.” She sighed.

A/N: Sorry if this chapter was short, I mean I just wanted to release it earlier and also just wanted to get it out since I might not have time this weekend. I have finals soon and like six projects due in the next two weeks! So much stress I'm currently feeling a little sick too so I decided to take a short rest to finish up this chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed and I like reading your comments! I'll add more Youngjae and BoMi interaction next chapter for sure! Promise! 


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jtwakaraniii #1
Chapter 2: it'll be interesting to see how the main characters will change once they interact with each other. Good start!
daehyunpabo #2
oooh I like the story so far :D Yay some attention for Jae! I will anticipate your update ^^