Has it changed ?


This fiction is about the main character, Hana who was wondering about her relationship with his chilhood friend, Khae. Whether the boy like her or not ? However, she also confused on her feeling she had towards the boy. Is it love or just an affection ? As they were growing up, would their feelings to each other changed?


I once asked him ,

"Hey Khae, do you love me or do you hate me ?"

"Erm ... I can't answer that now. Can you give me some time ?"

"Yea, sure ... ".

- it was through an online chat by the way.



Few days later, I got a replied saying

"My feeling toward you will never change.."

Will never change? Wait. What did he mean by that ? Did he like me or not ?

"always as a friend..

may you find someone who love you.."

As a friend ? Yea .... what more could it be, right ?

"And, I will never hate my friends no matter how much they hurt me.

Nobody perfect, every one makes mistake. So, I have no need to hate people."



Remember this, Hana

Hating people will never solve anything - Shin Khae Ryi


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