

Sunny and Yoona walked different paths… and yet they ended up in the same place at the same time.  “This is the last place I thought you’d be.”  Sunny announced as she closed the door behind her.  “Yeah, me too.” replied Yoona as she took a seat near the lamp.

“Yet here you are.”

“Yet here I am.”

They both smiled at the smart reply of the younger girl.  It was something they had not seen in each other for some time (for, as I have said earlier, they had been walking in different paths).  Nevertheless, it felt refreshingly good to see that familiar face and the familiar warmth it bore.

“So~” the amazingly comfortable atmosphere between them was as queer as it’s opposite and had to be broken.  “What brings you here?  I thought you-”

“-hated it here?”  Yoona stood up and when she looked at Sunny again, smiled that smile – the one that had been all too familiar to the older girl.  It made her gulp (as secretly as she could) like always.  “I did hate it here.”  Yoona announced as she strode around the room, brushing the tips of her fingers on the wall.  She stopped before a hanged frame and studied it.

Sunny saw the lingering look that Yoona was giving the frame.  There was a surge of emotion and Sunny did not like it one bit; she was supposed to be the stronger one.  Holding herself together, Sunny continued their conversation.  “Had a change of heart, eh?  That’s interesting.”

Every step she took to get closer to the younger girl was a struggle for reasons she knew but still got confused at (it is hard, you see, to pinpoint the exact reason/s for something in one’s life for something else will always overlap and things would stop to make sense once everything is piled together).  The next answer of the younger girl would continue to disappoint Sunny.  And this disappointment would further her distaste for this said meeting.

“Not really.  I still hate it here.  It left me so much bad memories… so why should I like it?  Not for a single reason would I change my heart.  Nor a million at that.”

“So, why did you go here?  Surely, there’s a reason for bottling up all that hatred and marching down here.”  Sunny could not even hide her frown anymore.  Not wanting to admit that she hated being so powerless in a situation, she knew what the truth was and surprisingly, it did not bother her as much as how she hated Yoona’s answer.

Yoona was still staring at the frame, and now, Sunny was staring at it with her.  The former had been very oblivious to the latter’s expressions.  Sunny had her way with words and voices that could deceive anyone who was not looking very, very closely.  Yoona was not an exception to this talent.  The monotone struck her as the older girl being bored.  And so the more Sunny talked that way, the more Yoona thrived to make everything more exciting.  Interestingly, that included hurting Sunny.  Yoona, unfortunately, did not realize that it was the ego she was crushing.  “Geulsse… just thought to make my life more exciting, I guess.”

Clenching her fist (as tightly as how her heart was being clenched), Sunny glared at the girl beside her.  (Emotions, you just got to hate them for hurting you too much.)  “Exciting?”  Sunny questioned, irritated.  Yoona’s head turned sideways automatically.  When she saw the look on Sunny’s face, she smiled.  ‘Finally, I have you.’  And right then and there, Yoona pushed Sunny to the wall, crashed her lips on the latter’s, and made love to her as if an Armageddon was approaching.

Fascinatingly, they lied exactly where they did seven years ago when they were in the room.  It was as though they travelled through a time machine.  For the blood that Sunny saw was there once again.  The only thing different was the amount of it flowing out of Yoona’s body.

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