Train 1– “Excecutive Railway Coach Love.”

Journey of love

Train 1– “Excecutive Railway Coach Love.”


Jessica was on her way to Busan from Seoul for business trip with her workers slash her secretary slash her bestfriend slash her sister slash her everything, Tiffany Hwang.

Tiffany was the type who want try everything new, that was why now she and Jessica sit at seat of the train for her business trip. Of course it would be so easy if they use airplane. But sometimes she act very childish, she said to Jessica want to try having a night trip with train, and with her eyesmile and powerful aegyo, Jessica couldn’t say no to her bestfriend.

But the childish behaviour of Tiffany wasn’t stop there, rather than choose KTX, she choosed to use Muganghwa the slowest and cheapest train than KTX. If use KTX they could reach Busan with short period, but with this train they will took 6 hours for reach Busan. But again she couldn’t say no to her bestfriend. So she bought all entire ticket of railway coach-1 because she want to be safe and peaceful.

Now she sat beside Tiffany who look with twinkling eyes at the big window beside.

“Are you happy now Tiff?” Jessica asked.

Tiffany gave her a big grin, “Absolutely Jess! Thank you.” She hug Jessica, “I love you! Bigsistaa”.

“I love you too.” Jessica broke the hug and read news paper again.

“Jess why no one on this railway coach?” Tiffany said in sad tone.

Jessica smirked mentally, “I don’t know maybe nobody want use this train.”

“Uhm so i can sit everywhere in here?”

“Yes you can.”

“Yay!!” With that Tiffany walk to other seat, sat in there for awhile then move again to other seat. Jessica smile at Tiffany’s dork antic.


After a minute the train start accelerated and move forward, not so fast. Then three officers come, one of them checked their ticket. And the two of them are railway police. As the officer who checked their ticket left, the railway polices standing infront of Jessica and gave Jessica salutes.


The tallest officer said, “Kwon Yuri and Kim Taeyeon on duty! We’re officer on this railway coach Miss. We’ll make sure all passenge—“ Yuri stopped her sentence as saw only two person on this railway coach.

She added, “We will make sure you and your friend have a safe trip on this night train.”

 “I will stand at the front and Officer Kim will stay at the back.” As she said that Yuri and Taeyeon walk to their spot.

Jessica look at Yuri with her cold look, but her heart was beating so fast. She kinda— interesting with the tallest officer. Yuri looks very strong and— handsome with that uniform. Jessica mesmerized her from head to toes. She use black army boots, with blue navy uniform, and black baret plus a gun hanging on her waist, she stands bravery with rest parade position.

Jessica always love a man with uniform not a girl, but Yuri was an exception. Now she love a girl in uniform, but not everygirl, she love a certain girl, and that’s Yuri.

“So handsome...” Jessica muttered softly.

But then she realized, “But she’s a girl...”


Hour passed to hours, Yuri stay stand still at the front. Different with Taeyeon at behind, she already shared laughter with Tiffany. They sat together in the same row of seat and already had nice conversation. Even Tiffany’s loud laughter already echoed in all entire railway coach, and it’s annoyed Jessica because she can’t talk with Yuri who seemed too serious on her duty.

Jessica look at Yuri who flexed her neck muscles, she looks very tired and Jessica grow concern to her, “Are you not tired stand still there?” she asked use flat tone.

“I’m on duty Miss, so it’s usually we stand for a long time.”

“But your friend already sat and talk happily with my friend.”  Jessica pointed her finger to Taeyeon.

Yuri smile, “It’s okay, because i’m her leader so i should be more professional than her.”

“There’s a lot of empty seat, rest for awhile officer.”

“I’m on duty Miss, I can’t rest.” She tried to refuse politely.

But Jessica insisted, she stood up and drag Yuri to the seat beside her seat. Jessica didn’t realized she still held her hand until they sat next to each other.

Yuri cleared , “Miss sorry your hand.” Then Jessica smile sheepishly and let go Yuri’s hand.

“No need to shy like that Miss.” Yuri said as she saw Jessica’s cheeks are reddened.

Jessica offered the mineral water to her, “Drink?”

“No miss it’s too much.”

“I insisted.”

“But mis—“

“Officer Kwon...” Jessica stated coldly.

Jessica make this strong and brave police shivered, then Yuri took a bottle and sip the water quickly and choked.

Jessica patted Yuri’s back, “Are you okay?”

“Uhuk— I’m o-okay miss.” She kept coughing and Jessica gave her a tissue.


“Thank you miss.”


And there goes awkward silent between them, only Taeyeon and Tiffany laughter and the mechanic voices could be heard. Jessica took a glances to Yuri who look at her army boot, she seem felt awkward and uncomfortable.

“Are you not comfortable sit with me?” Jessica asked

She immediately answer, “No, miss! But i’m on duty so i can’t do this, i mean when police on duty we sh—“

“But your friend?”

“She get along to easy miss, plus your friend seems enjoy her company.”

They peeked at Tiffany who half fall asleep and rested her head to the other officer’s shoulder while Taeyeon gave Yuri her big dork grin and mouthed ‘I got a girl!’.

Yuri shook her head, “She not very professional today, but the passengers are our king so, we should do anything to make them secure and comfortable.”

“What if your professional things make me uncomfortable?”

“Uh.. i..”

“Oh come on officer Kwon, i need someone to talk freely, Tiffany already fall a sleep behind.”

“But miss i—“

“And stop calling me Miss, can you?”

Yuri nodded defeatedly. Once again she didn’t believe what this girl doing with herself. She was a police, with good achievement, never failed when doing missions and always professional, but now she was defeated by a girl, a stranger, a beautiful stranger.


And they start making a comfortable conversation. They talk, talk and talk, but Yuri talked most while Jessica only rested her chin on her hand and listening to Yuri.

Jessica found behind her uniform, Yuri is a funny, dork, and always has a warm and good vibe. She’s playful, talkaactive but still polite, cool, bravery and strong, conclusion—perfect, that’s what she thought about Yuri.

Yuri told her stories of her life, mostly the funny stories and her police’s life stories. She keep talking and didn’t stop until she felt a weight on her shoulder. Jessica fall asleep on her shoulder while listen to her story.

“My story not a boring story, why you fall asleep?” Yuri frowned.

She observed her sleep face, “You’re beautiful.” she chuckled, “But you give me a shiver, oh that cold stare.” She laughed.

“Ehmm” Jessica groaned.

“Hoho you know i talking behind you huh?”

Jessica groaned again.

“Okay sleep sleep tight Miss.” Yuri patted her head and follow her to dreamland.



“JESSSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! WAKE UP!!!” Tiffany’s voice echoed on all entire train.

Jessica open her eyes slowly and blinked.

“Jessica we’ve arrived since 15 minutes ago!” she shook Jessica body, “Wake up!”

Jessica look around and find where is the officer.

“Where is the officer?”

“They already left and change the shift?”

Jessica feel disappointed because Yuri left her without goodbye, without telling her number, or adress or anything. Somehow she hope can keep in touch with Yuri, know her better and so on, but her wish couldn’t be reality.

Her lips curved into a deep frown, “Oh really?”

“Yea! Come on, we have no time.” Tiffany took their bag and walk first to the door.

Jessica following Tiffany with frown still adorned her face.

“Ugh why i fall asleep while she telling her story!” she knocked her own head but then she realized she was clutched something on her palm.

“What it is—“ she found a crumbling tissue with some note.


Why you fall asleep when i tell you my story? Is that my story very boring Miss? I have other interesting story, you can call me if you have want listening my other story, 090-1234-12.

And miss, have i tell you that you’re very beautiful, especially when you fall asleep? Hehe *salute!*

-Officer Kwon.



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attada84 #1
Chapter 3: Finally an update....ive been waiting for this chapter....hehehe
Thanks for the update....sooyoung reallly cute
attada84 #2
I just found this after u mention it at your other ff...
It quite interesting...hope you can continue tis story
Chapter 2: This story is so nice,
I like it,
Keep up a good work author :)