Back on the Roof

One Mistake, Two Kisses, Three Hearts

-later on at night-

Me: *sneaks out of my room and heads to the door*

Kai: *hears me and follows me out*

Me: *heads up to the roof, sits and cries*

Kai: *watches for a while, then comes to stand behind me* Done crying yet sweetheart?

Me: *sniffs* Kai?

Kai: Who else? *comes to sit next to me*

Me: Why are you up here?

Kai: I could ask you the same.  It's night and here you are, sneaking up to the roof.

Me: *sighs* I needed some fresh air.

Kai: And some crying space.

Me: Jongin! *slaps him*

Kai: *laughs* Alright, I’m sorry. *puts an arm around me*

Me: *leans into him* Kai, you shouldn't be here.

Kai: You shouldn't be here either.

Me: I don't care.

Kai: Fine. But you want me here. I can tell.

Me: No I don't.

Kai: Why are you leaning on me then?

Me: Why did you put your arm around me?

Kai: Touchè.

Me: *giggles*

Kai: You are an evil maknae.

Me: But you all love me anyway.

Kai: True. *we sit in silence for a little bit* So why are you up here?

Me: Come on, is it not obvious?

Kai: Nah.

Me: *sighs* I couldn't sleep.

Kai: It's more than that.

Me: *ignores his comment* Why are you up here?

Kai: *pulls me closer* Same as you. I couldn't sleep. So I saw you sneak out, decided to follow you, and here we are.

Me: Why couldn't you sleep Kai?

Kai: *sighs* I was worried.

Me: About?

Kai: A girl that I love. Are her feelings the same as mine? Or does she regret knowing me at all?

Me: *thinks for a minute* She's not sure who to love. But she does know that she never regrets knowing you.

Kai: That's good to know.

Me: The only thing is, she wants to know if you really love her or not. And why are you here instead of somewhere else? Wouldn't you like someone better than a girl who just broke up with her fiancé?

Kai:  *looks at me* I thought I told you I loved you.

Me: *looks at him* And I just want to know why you love me.

Kai: *looks away* I honestly shouldn't have. But you're so cute, honest, sweet, and just plain perfect I just couldn't help myself but to fall for you. I tried to stay away, I mean, you were with Suho. You guys were a perfect couple, well, until-

Me: Until we broke up.

Kai: I'm sorry. But that means now you can be with me.

Me: And leave Suho, just like that? No way. I can't do that to him Kai.

Kai: Yeah you can. Suho left you.

Me: I know, but Jongin, please, try to understand. I knew that I loved him, and all of a sudden now we're split up and I'm already in the arms of another man-

Kai: A man who loves you as much as Suho did, maybe even more.

Me: But I can't leave him Kai.

Kai: But he left you. He gave you to me.

Me: Stop saying that can you? Making me feel like some sort of object you guys are passing around. *gets up* And now I know he would have never left me if I didn't kiss you. *walks away*

Kai: Alisha! *comes after me*

Me: Go away Kai! *starts running*

Kai: Never. *catches my wrist, then pulls my body close to his* Now that I have a second chance, I'm never letting you go.

Me: *sniffs and struggles* Jongin~ Please. I can't do this.

Kai: Yes you can. I love you Alisha. Can't you just love me back?

Me: But Jongin-

Kai: I know its hard, okay? But I don't like seeing you hurt.

Me: Then why are you doing this Kai? *pushes him away and faces him* Why are you getting me hurt? Wae? If you don't like seeing me hurt, why do you keep doing it to me?

Kai: Because I love you yeobo. There's always pain before happiness. Just say yes to me now and all this pain will end. We'll both be in happiness. *walks towards me*

Me: *walks backwards* And everyone else? I don't think that they'll be that happy as well.

Kai: We can deal with them later. We need to deal with you and me first.

Me: There's nothing to deal with Kai. We don't have anything.

Kai: Alisha, don't say that. *takes my hand*

Me: *shakes his hand off* Enough Jongin! Don't you think you have done enough? Just leave me alone. *walks off* 

Kai: *grabs my arm* Alisha, please- 

Me: *throws off his hand* I said, LEAVE ME ALONE! *runs off crying*

Kai: Alisha wait!  *runs after me* Please maknae!

Me: No! Stop-ah! *trips and falls*

Kai: Alisha! *comes to me*

Me: Aish. *rubbing my ankle*

Kai: *kneels down to help me* Here, let me help.

Me: Oh go away! *pushes him away*

Kai: No! *shakes me by my shoulders* I am not going away from you! Ever! Don't you understand that? I love you Alisha. I am never going away from you. Even if you tell me that you don't love me, or you find someone else, I will never go away from you or stop loving you. 

Me: *starts to cry* Jongin-

Kai: No! Don't tell me to go away! *grabs my shoulders* I never will. I love you Alisha! Can't you see that? *tears swell up in his eyes*

Me: Jongin, I'm sorry. *sobs* But I wasn't going to tell you to go away. But I do need you to give me space. I can't just walk away from Suho and go to someone else. Can't you see that?

Kai: Right. *lets go of me and looks away*

Me: *thinking to myself* Great, now I feel guilty. *looks at Kai* Jongin, don't get me wrong okay? *pulls his face to look at me* I like you, but I can't just go away from Suho like he did to me. Even if he let me go, I need time for my heart to heal before I can love someone. 

Kai: *puts his hand on my cheek* Maybe this can help your heart heal faster. *pulls me to him*

Me: Kai-*he kisses me*

I don't want to give in, but for some reason his kiss just feels so right. So I kiss him back, to his and my surprise. He deepens the kiss and kneels between my legs, pulling me onto his lap. I run my hands though his hair and lock my arms around his neck as he picks me up and puts me against the wall.

Kai: *kisses my neck* So, is this helping?

Me: Wait Kai, we shouldn't, stop please-ah~

Kai: Your mind is telling you no but your body is saying yes. Come on maknae.

Me: Kai, this is wrong. We shouldn't-

Kai: If it's so wrong, why does it feel so right?

Me: *starts to cry* I don't know Jongin. I don't know! I'm scared! I shouldn't be doing this and look at me now! I-

Kai: *kisses me softly* Sh, sh, its okay.

Me: But Jongin-

Kai: Sometimes things happen for a reason. 

Me: But Jongin, *sniffs* what reason is this?

Kai: *puts me down and wipes my tears with his hand* I don't know Alisha. But I can tell its a good one.

Me: Aish get away from me. *pushes him away and shakes my head* I don't know Kai-

Kai: Just wait okay? How about we get you back to bed for now?

Me: *yawns* Fine. *starts walking away*

Kai: Alisha wait.

Me: What? Yah! *he picks me up* What are you doing?

Kai: Just go to sleep. I'll carry you back.

Me: Kai, I'm fine-

Kai: Not after that fall. I saw you limping as you walked. Let me carry you back to the dorms. 

Me: Kai, I just tripped and fell. I'm fine. 

Kai: We can do this the easy or hard way maknae. Unless you want me to kiss you again, I suggest that you let me carry you back.

Me: Fine. *lays my head on his shoulder* Too bad you can't teleport us back.

Kai: Go to sleep now. When you wake up, it will be like we teleported back.

Me: You sure? 

Kai: *smiles and pecks my forehead* Sleep. *gets into the elevator (remember we're in the dorms)*

Me: *snorts* I thought you weren't going to kiss me if I let you carry me. 

Kai: *sighs* Can't you just go to sleep? 

Me: Not yet. *giggles and ends up falling asleep as we get back* 

Kai: *puts me on his bed* I see you finally fell asleep. *pecks my forehead again* Love you maknae. 


Author's Note: Sorry I've been nothing but a lazy and not updating.....but enjoy! ~SaxyEXOticELF

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brightjeon #1
Hi! Do you need a poster to attract more readers? Kindly request here now! :
thank you very much!
RentaiKitten #2
Awwwww, Suho is so noble, stepping aside like that. Kai better bring his "A" game!
Chapter 4: Poor Suho... SEE WHAT YOU DID!!!! Kai, get yo booty outta the way!