shoot and guard


Practice had been stressful for Shutoku due their match against Touho next week. Though the match was just another "friendly" match, the couch didn't let one of them rest until he's satisfied -until he was sure his team could beat the legendeary Touho. Suho thought he was a little bit exaggerating things but he said nothing about it, attending his practice sessions and never skipped once -he was the coach's pet, he knew that. He let the sweat thst was  dripping down from his chin, wiping it off would be useless anyways he thought. The opposite team has the ball and Suho immediately sprinted towards the player, blocking his way and any possible chances to pass the ball to his team mates. The other player made a big mistake for letting his guard down, which lead Suho an opening to steal the ball and so he did, looking around seeing a familiar blonde haired shooter looking at him in the eye. Seuho didn't have to think twice on passing the ball to him which was caught perfectly in the blonde's hands. 

The said blonde boy turned around to face the hoop, aiming the ball and threw it, the ball takes off from his slender hands to his fingers smoothly. Floating in the air towards the ring and the best thing is that no one could stop the beauty of the sight. The blow of a whistle could be heard throughout the gym as the ball went in with the sound of a swoosh. 

Some people may think its weird to love these little things about basketball but Suho was never the one who would care about public's little talks. 

"Okay guys! that's for today, thank you for your hard work!" Taeyeon- their manager- shouted and then he finally realized that the coach was already gone, probably had left hours ago without telling. psh, typical. 

Suho could feel his back aching not only because of the intense practice but also the constant pats that his team mates seemed not getting bored of. Catching the water bottle from one his team mates, Suho then made his way to the side bench, pulling out his little towel as he drinks his water. The cold water felt amazing in his throat so he let out a satisfied moan when he finished. 

"You did really good today." the familiar voice of Taeyeon made him looked up from where he was sitting. The girl was smiling brightly at him, make up was thick against her skin and she looks undoubtly beautiful. Suho only nodded politely. "Thank you, sunbae." 

He could see her smile fell -just a bit- from the formalities that Suho insisted on using. The fact that his manager harbored a major crush towards him was making him far from comfortable -he already had someone inside his heart. 

A sudden swoosh was once again could be heard by Suho's ears. Looking away from the girl, Suho focused his attention towards a familiar blonde boy, still going on his shoots trying to making them perfect as possible though Suho thinks that his shoots were beyond incredible -outstanding, amazing, etc. The bead of sweat that was trickling down from his forehead to his adam apple looked incredibly hot and the way he puts a little jump when he shoots always made Suho's breath hitch -either because of his nerves or the sudden anticipation for the ball to go in. Both,Suho thought to himself. 

Kris exhaled, tearing his gaze from the ring to the side benches, only to be met by the sight of his boyfriend sitting next to his manager -he was staring at him but still. Kris knew -everyone knew that the school's team basketball manager have a huge crush on a certain defender of the team. Jealousy runs through his veins but Kris tried his best to calm himself, reminding himself that the raven haired boy was his and his only. 

Suho beamed when he saw Kris was walking towards his direction but soon feeling confused on seeing the huge scowl on him. Looking to his side, it soon dawn to him.

Kris was jealous.

Suho chuckled to himself. Well that's rare, he thought. 

"Suho," Kris called, eyes were staring at him intensely and Suho suddenly felt intidimate by the taller. "Hey Kris. I wa--mpphh??!"

A pair of warm lips suddenly crashed against his own, taking him by surprise and Suho was about to whine that they were not the only one in the gym but as soon as those pair of lips started to move Suho couldn't help the moan errupted in his throat as he relaxed and moving his own pair against the other's. He was a panting mess when Kris finally let him go, cheeks flushed in bright shade of red. He took a small glance towards their manager, not really surprised by the shock look in her face -mouth hanging open and eyes were big like saucers. It was a little funny in Suho's opinion but this was not the time to laugh, he quickly reminded himself. 

Kris was grinning ear to ear on seeing the manager's expression. Feeling proud on kissing his boyfriend in front of her, as weird as its sounds.

"I-i- um, i'll be going first.." Taeyeon packed her things quickly and stood, bowing her head lowly and scurrying out of the room with face that was sure could boil a pot of water. 

Looking back at his boyfriend, Suho glared at the blonde shooter. "What was that for??!!"

Kris only shrugged, plopping down next to his lover and snatching the other's water bottle- "hey!" and drinks the rest of the water in it. Suho pouted but didn't say anything to the shooter, already feeling a bit guilty for making his boyfriend jealous. 

Speaking of jealous...

"Are you jealous?" 

By the choking sounds that his boyfriend was making (he was actually choking though), Suho took as a yes. 

The two of them walked home together after that. Kris' arm slung over his shoulder and Suho felt warmer and warmer in every step they made. 


what is this

i don't even ship krisho gdi

exo's been hacking my mind

anyways, hope you enjoy this you wont i know

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2436 streak #1
Chapter 2: Kris wanted to send a message, and boy he sure did! HAHAHAHA
i don't think the manager's gonna be lurking around Suho ever again HAHA
Chapter 2: This was so cute ^^
lazer1999 #3
Chapter 2: Kuroko no basuke + exo
I think I died from feels

You are amazing!!!!!!
wumyeon9091 #4
Chapter 2: This was really cute!! "i don't even ship krisho gdi" but you wrote them so well! I enjoyed it a lot! ^^
jambydsy #5
Chapter 2: Aaawww this is cuuute
Chapter 1: kuroko no basuke...kuroko no bas....kuroko n...