Chapter 9

Innocent & Purely
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[CONTENTID1]A Different Approach[/CONTENTID1]

[CONTENTID2]Ever heard of Jealousy?[/CONTENTID2]


“Dae Eun-ah!” Jung Ah cried out as she awoke me from dazing off.

“Were you listening to a word I said?”

“Yes?” I said as she scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“The 101st anniversary of Bernard Performing Arts school event is in 2 weeks and we need to start preparing things!”

“You don’t have to recall the whole event name. Just say school event or festival. You need to pause in between monologues.”

“I am coming to your house tonight.”


“This is how I know you weren’t listening. What’s been on your mind lately?”

“Food.” I groaned as my chin leaned on my palm dazing.

“Seriously though. We need to start preparing for the ‘festival’ and we have less than 2 weeks to get them done.”

“You already told me that.”

“And I’ll say it again if you don’t get up from your seat young lady.”

“And why do I have to get out of my seat?”

“We should go see Jimin and Jung kook. We need their help and their cooperation since we are all in this… together.” She pumped her fist in glory whilst saying together.

“Can I go get some food first? It feels like a million bubbles are popping within me.”

“Gross. And no. We are going and that’s final!” She took my arm and dragged me to the Performing Arts building whilst I held my stomach that made whale noises.

“I’m SOOOO hungry Jung Ah!”

“That can wait.” We halted in front of Jung kook and Jimin’s practice room.

“No it can’t. Food is a daily essential in our lives. We need it to gain energy, to survive another day of school and so far, by the looks of it… I’m about to faint.”

“Fainting can wait!”

“You can’t wait to faint. I’ll get going and you can go chat amongst yourselves.”

“Where are you going?”

“To get food!” I said as I walked down the corridor. All of a sudden, I bump into someone’s chest. I was too busy holding my stomach that I didn’t see what was in front of me. The young student held my arms after I bumped into his chest.

“Sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going.” I apologized.

“It’s okay. I should’ve seen what was in front of me too.” I eyed my arms as he was holding it hoping he would let me go… since I was starving to death. Thankfully he did.

“I don’t see you around here. Do you go to this building?”

“No… I’m in the creative diligence building.”

“Ahh… I’m Han Byul.” He put his hand out for a hand shake… which I did. Common courtesy.

“Dae Eun.”

“Dae Eun… Oh! Don’t your parents own the North Central Pro…pr…po”

“Positronics.” I helped him finish the sentence seeing he had trouble pronouncing the company name.

“Yeah… why?”

“My parents work with them. I’ve heard a lot about you and I’ve seen some of your artwork there. Shoulda known you were in the Creative Diligence building.” I just simply smiled at him. He had nice features as I looked upon them.

“Where are you headed off to?” He asked.

“The cafeteria.”

“Mind if I tag along?”


“Ehh..?! So wait… how many languages can you speak?”

“I can count 4.”

“I can

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kimgaeun96 #1
Chapter 50: Hyuuu authornim~ Your fic is daebak~ Can't neglected it even for one minute. I like your way of writings authornim. Thumbs up to you and hwaiting~
Chapter 38: oh no
Chapter 51: I'm at most crying tears of joy. ;; The fact that I literally read the story in a day just makes me happy/sad that I finished. It was a beautiful story author-nim. Thank youuu. I was kind of hoping for a Jung ah and Jimin left of story, because let's just say they are "a-do-wa-ble" ;)
i really like this story!! ^^ great job~~
IamCloudyELF #5
Chapter 50: done finally ㅠ ㅠ usually I'll comment on each chapter but this story is so beautiful and addictive I kept clicking the next button. in chapter 49, i thought daeun gonna end up with changjo I was ready to bawl my eyes out and I was thinking to be mad at you but thankfully happy ending is the one you choose. I'm so happy that this story ends beautifully and nostalgicly(?). anyway, I love how you create a character like daeun, witty and innocent at the same time. and for kookie, he's adorable and such a boyfriend material. tbh, it will great if you can make a bonus chapter for jungah and jimin, istg they are so cute. lastly, wonderful story author him! Iwish this story will have a yellow star!
asdfghjkl1697 #6
Chapter 3: I have a question! I am intrigued to read this story but the layout of it is not mobile friendly :( I'm deeeeeply sorry if you are offended or any sorts but do you have plans on changing the layout perhaps.? AGAIN I AM TRULY SORRY IF YOU ARE OFFENDED!!!!
Hello! I decided to add your story to my personal collection (recommended list) if you don't mind :')
It's right here:
maiquie24 #8
Chapter 50: Awwww! I LOVE THIS STORY!!! I cried at the part they had to break up but i'm okay xD lol!
maiquie24 #9
Oh My Globberness!!! I just found this story and I was reading the foreword and you mentioned the book "Eleanor & Park"!!! That caught my interest, so yeah! I read that book before and I cried at the ending!!! It was so sad at at the end!!! Lololol! I LOVED that book, so I might love this story too when I start reading it!!!