Chapter 5

Innocent & Purely
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[CONTENTID2]Getting to know you better[/CONTENTID2]


“J…J…Jung kook?”

“Tis my name. What are you doing here?”

“I go to school here?”

“Once again, you don’t sound confident in saying that you go here.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I go to school here full stop.”

Jung Ah cleared .

“Dae Eun-ah? Who is your friend?”

“Ah… Jung Ah this is Jung kook. Jung kook this is my best friend Jung Ah.”

“Why am I just noted as Jung kook? I’m your friend to. I’m a bit sad knowing our kiss meant nothing.”

“You guys kissed?!” Jung Ah cried.

“Indirect. Indirect kiss.”

“It’s still a kiss.”

“I searched it up though. It involved no contact, so it isn’t considered a kiss right?”

“You tell me.” Jung kook shrugged and smirked.

“Yah Jung kookie-yah… What’s taking you so long?” A boy cried out from one of the practice rooms. At that moment Jung Ah gasped and hid her face in my shoulder.

“Are you feeling okay? Are you hurt?” I asked in concern.

“That’s him.” She whispered.

“Jung kook… who are your friends? Saesang fans?!” The young boy asked as he put his arm around Jung kook’s neck.

“No. This is Dae Eun and Jung Ah. Dae Eun, Jung ah… this is Jimin.”

“Annyeong!” Jimin greeted as his eye smile appeared and his grin went from ear to ear. There lied a moment of silence, it wasn’t awkward though. For me it wasn’t.

“What brings you two here anyway?” Jung kook asked. I pointed at Jung Ah and she looked at me in the ‘why-are-you-blaming-me’ face.

“Umm… didn’t you hear about the 101st anniversary school event?”

“Yeah we did. Just then. Why?” Jimin asked.

“Do you want to… work together?” Jung Ah asked hesitantly. I’m so proud of her taking the initiative. Jung kook took a glanced at me, raised an eyebrow then smirked. Then came out of the blue, I felt my cheeks heat up.

“Sure. Why not?” Jimin agreed. I don’t know how I feel about this.

“Well okay bye.” Jung Ah bid farewell as she linked arms with me and dragged me out of the building but before that could happen, Jung kook grabbed my non-linked arm.

“Where are you going?”

“To get… some… food?”

“Why don’t you sound confident every time you answer any of my questions?”

“A habit?”

“There it is again.”

“Care to join us? We can talk about what we are planning to do for the school event.” Jung Ah suggested. Jung kook and Jimin both nodded and walked along with us from behind.

The next thing I knew, we were all sitting on a square table across from each other. Me facing Jung kook and next to me was Jung Ah facing Jimin. In front of me was fruit salad in a container and in a plastic cup was some yogurt on the bottom layer, oats on the next topped with blueberries and strawberries.

“Health food critic.” Jung kook sneered at me.

“I like these sorts of food.” He nodded in accepting my opinion. Jung Ah broke the small silence that was upon us.

“What do you guys want to do for the school event?” We all just looked at each other wondering what we should do for the school event.

“How about a bake sale?” I suggested. It wasn’t merely an idea that popped up in my head. I

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kimgaeun96 #1
Chapter 50: Hyuuu authornim~ Your fic is daebak~ Can't neglected it even for one minute. I like your way of writings authornim. Thumbs up to you and hwaiting~
Chapter 38: oh no
Chapter 51: I'm at most crying tears of joy. ;; The fact that I literally read the story in a day just makes me happy/sad that I finished. It was a beautiful story author-nim. Thank youuu. I was kind of hoping for a Jung ah and Jimin left of story, because let's just say they are "a-do-wa-ble" ;)
i really like this story!! ^^ great job~~
IamCloudyELF #5
Chapter 50: done finally ㅠ ㅠ usually I'll comment on each chapter but this story is so beautiful and addictive I kept clicking the next button. in chapter 49, i thought daeun gonna end up with changjo I was ready to bawl my eyes out and I was thinking to be mad at you but thankfully happy ending is the one you choose. I'm so happy that this story ends beautifully and nostalgicly(?). anyway, I love how you create a character like daeun, witty and innocent at the same time. and for kookie, he's adorable and such a boyfriend material. tbh, it will great if you can make a bonus chapter for jungah and jimin, istg they are so cute. lastly, wonderful story author him! Iwish this story will have a yellow star!
asdfghjkl1697 #6
Chapter 3: I have a question! I am intrigued to read this story but the layout of it is not mobile friendly :( I'm deeeeeply sorry if you are offended or any sorts but do you have plans on changing the layout perhaps.? AGAIN I AM TRULY SORRY IF YOU ARE OFFENDED!!!!
Hello! I decided to add your story to my personal collection (recommended list) if you don't mind :')
It's right here:
maiquie24 #8
Chapter 50: Awwww! I LOVE THIS STORY!!! I cried at the part they had to break up but i'm okay xD lol!
maiquie24 #9
Oh My Globberness!!! I just found this story and I was reading the foreword and you mentioned the book "Eleanor & Park"!!! That caught my interest, so yeah! I read that book before and I cried at the ending!!! It was so sad at at the end!!! Lololol! I LOVED that book, so I might love this story too when I start reading it!!!