Chapter 46

Innocent & Purely
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[CONTENTID2]Hoping It Was Out of the Question[/CONTENTID2]

[CONTENTID3]“Myung Hee? Who’s that? Do you know her? Why is she with Jung kook?” Changjo spewed out the multiple questions that abided to no full stop or pause whatsoever. I turned back to the buffet table, ignoring Changjo’s questions and poured myself another drink… that didn’t keep me from feeling this weird churn in my stomach… or me struggling to pour the jug since it was still too heavy for me. I ignored the situation by keeping my mind onto the drink being poured as Changjo peered his head to see my face.

“Dae Eun-ah?”


“Why aren’t you doing anything? Do you know her?”

“It’s fine. It’s not like… it’s not like that.”

“It’s not like what?”

“Just… don’t worry about it Oppa.”

“Dae Eun-ah. I know it’s none of my business, but I care about you. And seeing you now like this hurts me.”

I ignored his presence once again. I know that our reunited intervention just happened, but since I’ve known him for half the many years of my life seems to be an adequate reason as to why I am behaving this way. Before I knew it, I sensed Changjo’s presence was absent, causing me to turn and look for him. He was heading his way towards where Jung kook and Myung Hee were chattering. I had a bad feeling his intentions weren’t exactly to reason with him nicely.

I placed my cup onto the buffet table and made my way over towards Changjo, simply running my way whilst avoiding and weaving through the several guests bunched together. Praise the lord I was wearing converse shoes.

I finally caught up to Changjo but my timing wasn’t exactly planned to make it before anything could happen.

“Jung kook… can we talk… in private.” Changjo kept his calm manner… thank god.

I’ll admit it. I was expecting something a bit more negatively boisterous. Myung Hee and I took a glance at each other before I looked back at the two boys and this conflict between the two. Changjo gave me a reassuring smile as Jung kook stood and followed his remark.


Jung kook POV

I glanced at Dae Eun before leaving to follow ‘tall-freak’ to wherever he may take me. Little did I know, he took me to the garden of the place. Fresh and chilled air was present, relaxing me from any tension to my surprise. The garden was serene – the moon illuminated the landscape as golden spears beamed from small lights the enriched the stairs.

“This is quite the place. Isn’t it a little too romantic for your little confession?” I joked… not too whole-heartedly though.

“Who was that girl that sat across from you earlier?”

“Why? Do you think she’s a charmer?”

“Was it something like Sung Lee?”

“Myung Hee.” I corrected.  

“I think you should consider paying less attention to Myung Hee.”

“Why? Do you like her or something?” I chuckled jokingly, as if he was being serious.

“You should pay less attention to Myung Hee because you’re hurting Dae Eun-ah.”

I flinched a little at his sudden statement. I slipped one of my hands in the hole of my pocket and stood my ground as I knew we were in serious business.

“Can’t you see she doesn’t like it? Earlier when she spotted you two, she was completely ignorant. She pretended like everything was okay when I knew she was hurting inside. Only someone who really knows her would understand. And I thought you were her boyfriend.”

And that’s when it hit me. I balled my hand into a fist and swung it before punching Changjo, aiming onto his cheek.


5 minutes earlier

Dae Eun / OC POV

My inner patience wasn’t playing its role, as my leg shook and the urge to look for them was killing me. I was sitting across from Myung Hee, avoiding eye contact – or any contact in that case – and kept my mind occupied on what may happen between the two that walked off.

“Dae Eun-ah.” Myung Hee called out softly. I had no other choice but to face her – it’s rude to ignore one’s presence from time to time. I gave her the expression that read that I would listen to what she has to say.

“I… I have to… I have to tell you something. And… it’s important.”

“O…oh. What… what is it?”

“I don’t think this is the best place to tell you. Do you mind if we… go outside?”

I gave the place one more look in order to spot where Jung kook and Changjo might have gone, as the look of worry got over me.

“They’ll be fine. I’m sure they will settle, whatever they are settling, in a responsible manner.” She added as if she read my thought of anxiousness.

I turned to look at her before standing up and following to wherever she may take me. Ideas and thoughts washed over me as I was thinking: (1) what important fact was it that Myung Hee needed to tell me and (2) what could be going on between Changjo and Jung kook. This night wasn’t getting the best of me, but I tolerated it by having that ray of hope that things wouldn’t be as bad as I think.

Myung Hee turned the knob to whatever it is that lies beyond the door, and as she pushed it for the hinge to swing open, I witnessed with my own eyes that Jung kook punched Changjo. Oh gosh. I didn’t know who to turn to: Changjo who’s hurt and your close childhood friend or Jung kook who’s your loving boyfriend that just punched Changjo in the face. So in the end, I just stood there astonished at the situation. Before I could protest, the door squeaked as the chattered din’s volume from the party rose, catching our attention – my father and few other gentlemen standing at the doorway masked of the same shocked expression as I did when I walked into the commotion.

“Jung kook! What on earth do you think you’re doing?!” My dad cried out

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kimgaeun96 #1
Chapter 50: Hyuuu authornim~ Your fic is daebak~ Can't neglected it even for one minute. I like your way of writings authornim. Thumbs up to you and hwaiting~
Chapter 38: oh no
Chapter 51: I'm at most crying tears of joy. ;; The fact that I literally read the story in a day just makes me happy/sad that I finished. It was a beautiful story author-nim. Thank youuu. I was kind of hoping for a Jung ah and Jimin left of story, because let's just say they are "a-do-wa-ble" ;)
i really like this story!! ^^ great job~~
IamCloudyELF #5
Chapter 50: done finally ㅠ ㅠ usually I'll comment on each chapter but this story is so beautiful and addictive I kept clicking the next button. in chapter 49, i thought daeun gonna end up with changjo I was ready to bawl my eyes out and I was thinking to be mad at you but thankfully happy ending is the one you choose. I'm so happy that this story ends beautifully and nostalgicly(?). anyway, I love how you create a character like daeun, witty and innocent at the same time. and for kookie, he's adorable and such a boyfriend material. tbh, it will great if you can make a bonus chapter for jungah and jimin, istg they are so cute. lastly, wonderful story author him! Iwish this story will have a yellow star!
asdfghjkl1697 #6
Chapter 3: I have a question! I am intrigued to read this story but the layout of it is not mobile friendly :( I'm deeeeeply sorry if you are offended or any sorts but do you have plans on changing the layout perhaps.? AGAIN I AM TRULY SORRY IF YOU ARE OFFENDED!!!!
Hello! I decided to add your story to my personal collection (recommended list) if you don't mind :')
It's right here:
maiquie24 #8
Chapter 50: Awwww! I LOVE THIS STORY!!! I cried at the part they had to break up but i'm okay xD lol!
maiquie24 #9
Oh My Globberness!!! I just found this story and I was reading the foreword and you mentioned the book "Eleanor & Park"!!! That caught my interest, so yeah! I read that book before and I cried at the ending!!! It was so sad at at the end!!! Lololol! I LOVED that book, so I might love this story too when I start reading it!!!