Chapter 18

Innocent & Purely
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[CONTENTID2]On The Rise of our Relationship[/CONTENTID2]


2 days is shorter than I expected and there was a lot that I had to prepare for – not physically. First, there was Jung kook going to camp for a week’s time… then my parents were coming back from Uruguay on short notice since I told them I had a beau (boyfriend… in definition). Although, due to their malfunction happening in their business, they weren’t due to come in about 2 weeks.

I was at school in the library working on my new project. (The current game design I worked on previously turned out to be beyond what the teachers expected, so hello full mark!) Jung kook has probably already arrived at the camping cabins and do my demise, I was a bit sad he wasn’t going to be here for a week. Abruptly, my phone vibrated in the middle of my editing.

Jagiya! I’m here at the camping site! I miss you already!

Oppa! I’m here in the library! I miss you too!

Don’t hang out with Han Byul too much! >:(

And if I do?

You will feel the wrath of my love >:)

XD Love you too Oppa

Call me when you are home J

Okie doks! Have fun~

Is that even possible knowing you’re not here?

Stop being cheesy!

XD Love you too Jagiya~

Thank you opposable thumbs. You made my day. The school bell rang as opposed to announcing ‘everyone! Your second boring and lame class is about to start so look excited.’ I laughed at my inside joke, causing some students to stare at me rather eerily.

“Dae Eun-ah!” Here comes the back hug in 3…2…1 and boom! I lost most control of my legs due to the impact of the sudden ‘tackle’ of a bear hug.

“Jung Ah… you should apply for the football team.”

“Why would I want to do that?”

“Ever wondered what would happen if you put in a bit more strength to your hugs?”

“I need you to feel the love Dae Eun-ah.”

“I think I have felt too much.”

“Is it cause of Jung kook?”

“It’s because you may be the death of me.”

“Hehe~ I’ll make you look pretty at your funeral.”

“Thank you?”

“I miss Jimin!”

“And my stomach summons nourishment but looks like both of us can’t get what we want.”

“What class are you going to now?”

“Digital Imagining.”

“I’m sad… we aren’t in any classes together.”

“I thought you said you wanted to do art to improve on your makeup skills.”

“I did.”

“That’s why we aren’t in the same class together.”

“Anyways… class is about to start. I’ll see you at second break yeah? Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you! I’m coming to your house this evening.”

“Okie doks. Make good choices!”


I love you

I love you

I love you

I love you

I love you

I love you

Feel the wrath of my love >:)

“Daebak! Jung kook is crazy for you.” Jung Ah said as she scrolled up and down my phone as her eyes constantly wavered as she read my texts. I snatched my phone off her.

“There is a reason why people have their own phones Jung Ah.”

“I just wanted to see what you to get up to now and then.” I leaned back onto my desk chair causing the wheels of it to roll around in any direction as Jung Ah lied onto my bed with her back facing up with a pillow to support her chin.

“Seriously though… I can’t believe you guys kissed. You had your first kiss before I could get a boyfriend.”

“There are pros and cons to every decision I make.”

“Yeah… but we always tend to look on the bright side of things… and look where that brought you. You’re in a loving mature relationship with someone that could be the one. You two are so cute together!”


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kimgaeun96 #1
Chapter 50: Hyuuu authornim~ Your fic is daebak~ Can't neglected it even for one minute. I like your way of writings authornim. Thumbs up to you and hwaiting~
Chapter 38: oh no
Chapter 51: I'm at most crying tears of joy. ;; The fact that I literally read the story in a day just makes me happy/sad that I finished. It was a beautiful story author-nim. Thank youuu. I was kind of hoping for a Jung ah and Jimin left of story, because let's just say they are "a-do-wa-ble" ;)
i really like this story!! ^^ great job~~
IamCloudyELF #5
Chapter 50: done finally ㅠ ㅠ usually I'll comment on each chapter but this story is so beautiful and addictive I kept clicking the next button. in chapter 49, i thought daeun gonna end up with changjo I was ready to bawl my eyes out and I was thinking to be mad at you but thankfully happy ending is the one you choose. I'm so happy that this story ends beautifully and nostalgicly(?). anyway, I love how you create a character like daeun, witty and innocent at the same time. and for kookie, he's adorable and such a boyfriend material. tbh, it will great if you can make a bonus chapter for jungah and jimin, istg they are so cute. lastly, wonderful story author him! Iwish this story will have a yellow star!
asdfghjkl1697 #6
Chapter 3: I have a question! I am intrigued to read this story but the layout of it is not mobile friendly :( I'm deeeeeply sorry if you are offended or any sorts but do you have plans on changing the layout perhaps.? AGAIN I AM TRULY SORRY IF YOU ARE OFFENDED!!!!
Hello! I decided to add your story to my personal collection (recommended list) if you don't mind :')
It's right here:
maiquie24 #8
Chapter 50: Awwww! I LOVE THIS STORY!!! I cried at the part they had to break up but i'm okay xD lol!
maiquie24 #9
Oh My Globberness!!! I just found this story and I was reading the foreword and you mentioned the book "Eleanor & Park"!!! That caught my interest, so yeah! I read that book before and I cried at the ending!!! It was so sad at at the end!!! Lololol! I LOVED that book, so I might love this story too when I start reading it!!!