Chapter 11

Innocent & Purely
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[CONTENTID1]My Heart went Thump[/CONTENTID1]



Jung Ah, Jimin, Jung kook and I were at the supermarket looking for ingredients for the baking goodies. Jung Ah was strolling the trolley whilst the three of us looked around the place. I separated the group after I saw green ripe grapes. I tore off a plastic bag from the roll and grabbed two bunches… then hesitantly took a third. I held a fourth by the stem until a figure stood next to me.

“When you said you wanted to keep your body physically fit, I didn’t expect an overdose of health foods.” I moped mentally and placed the fourth bunch back on its box. He grabbed the bag of grapes and walked off as I followed behind him. We spotted Jimin and Jung Ah in the baking section giggling. I was happy for her, seeing her laugh and smile with the boy she is hopelessly blinded by love with.

“Ah! Dae Eun-ah! Can you get some strawberries, blueberries, a watermelon, kiwi and some pineapple pieces? Oh! And some red grapes.” Jung Ah listed.


“For the fruit skewers.”

“Jung kook! Can you get the macaroon mix? Get as many flavours as you can.”

Jung kook and I shared a glance then turned around to get what was listed. I took a step toward the fruit and veg section until a pair of arms held my shoulders.

“You get the macaroon mixes. I’ll get the fruits.” I nodded.

“Remember to get strawberries, blueberries, a watermelon… some… kiwi and pineapple pieces.”

“And the red grapes.” Jung kook reminded me.

“That too.”

“Daebak! This is… your house?” Jimin gulped as I nodded.

“What… do your parents do for a living?” Jimin asked we all put the grocery bags onto the counter of our kitchen.

“They own this legitimate business club.”

“Is that so? Where are they now?”

“South America. Uruguay to be exact.”

“Time to party!” Jimin yelled. Hyun Shik cleared his throat as he bowed and headed to his domain.

We gathered all the ingredients for the baking. I was going to do the fruit skewers, Jimin and Jung Ah are making the macaroons and Jung kook is baking the cookies

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kimgaeun96 #1
Chapter 50: Hyuuu authornim~ Your fic is daebak~ Can't neglected it even for one minute. I like your way of writings authornim. Thumbs up to you and hwaiting~
Chapter 38: oh no
Chapter 51: I'm at most crying tears of joy. ;; The fact that I literally read the story in a day just makes me happy/sad that I finished. It was a beautiful story author-nim. Thank youuu. I was kind of hoping for a Jung ah and Jimin left of story, because let's just say they are "a-do-wa-ble" ;)
i really like this story!! ^^ great job~~
IamCloudyELF #5
Chapter 50: done finally ㅠ ㅠ usually I'll comment on each chapter but this story is so beautiful and addictive I kept clicking the next button. in chapter 49, i thought daeun gonna end up with changjo I was ready to bawl my eyes out and I was thinking to be mad at you but thankfully happy ending is the one you choose. I'm so happy that this story ends beautifully and nostalgicly(?). anyway, I love how you create a character like daeun, witty and innocent at the same time. and for kookie, he's adorable and such a boyfriend material. tbh, it will great if you can make a bonus chapter for jungah and jimin, istg they are so cute. lastly, wonderful story author him! Iwish this story will have a yellow star!
asdfghjkl1697 #6
Chapter 3: I have a question! I am intrigued to read this story but the layout of it is not mobile friendly :( I'm deeeeeply sorry if you are offended or any sorts but do you have plans on changing the layout perhaps.? AGAIN I AM TRULY SORRY IF YOU ARE OFFENDED!!!!
Hello! I decided to add your story to my personal collection (recommended list) if you don't mind :')
It's right here:
maiquie24 #8
Chapter 50: Awwww! I LOVE THIS STORY!!! I cried at the part they had to break up but i'm okay xD lol!
maiquie24 #9
Oh My Globberness!!! I just found this story and I was reading the foreword and you mentioned the book "Eleanor & Park"!!! That caught my interest, so yeah! I read that book before and I cried at the ending!!! It was so sad at at the end!!! Lololol! I LOVED that book, so I might love this story too when I start reading it!!!