( Chapter 19 )

The Foreign Brothers

Minh's POV 

I can't believe it... 

How could all of this just happen so suddenly. I was shocked from the news and all I did was stay still and frozen. 

"When did you find out?" I asked Hanbyul

"Yesterday...  I was gonna tell you then, but the time wasn't really right" 

"You should've told me as soon as you found out, I'm more stronger than you think" 

"I know you are but you seemed really heartbrokened, so I didn't feel like the right time. I'm sorry" 

"No don't apologize, you only did because you cared. I should be thanking you" I smiled and gave him a hug, and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. 

"Ayee~ what was that for?" I then chuckled 

"For being a good brother to me" I hugged him tighter.

Hanbyul and I might not be related in any certain way but he is the only person I had in my whole life that actually felt like family. My aunt and uncle proabably won't be coming back, and who knows where my parents are right now. I bet they won't even come back when I get married in the future. 

"Thank you for being the bestest sister ever" he whispered into my ear and I released from the hug. 

"But can I just get some rest, I just want to forget about evreything for a moment" I asked him and he nodded his head and left the room. Leaving me all by myself. 
The light was beaming onto me through the window, as the cool breeze was flowing through my hair and making it fly back. I could feel the warmth from the sun sooth my body.

It was nice and calming, I was in a whole different world as I closed my eyes. I was in a beautiful garden in a white fleezy dress, that was my style. As the different kinds of lovely flowers surround me, birds were chirping and the colourful butterflies were flying around me. 

Suddenly I felt a soft touch on my both of my arms, I turn my head around and it was.... 

"WAKE UP!!!" someone was shouting in my freaking damn ear. 

"ARRRGHHH!!!!!" I swing my hand and slapped the person on the face, I open my eyes and it was...


Ooops, Dylan is gonna kill me.. 

"Oh my god, I am so sorry" I apologized to Benny as I bowed several times. 

He was giggling at me, I just looked at him with the ' what the heck is wrong with you ' look. 

"It's ok, Dylan wants to see you" 

"Oh okay let her in" 

"She's not here, she's on here" he handed me over his phone, and there she was on the screen with a weird face on. Oh this girl, her and Benny fit perfectly. The weird couple

"Heyyy~ how you feeling" Dylan was saying it in a weird voice

"Your playing with helium again aren't you?" I asked her as I raised an eyebrow up

"Ya I am" then she stuck her tongue out. 

"Why couldn't you just come here and see me in person, instead on your boyfriend's cam" 

"I have a perfectly good reason, but I just can't say. Well I got to go, but feel better so you can go back to school, I freaking miss you. It's so lonely and weird without having you in school"

"Ne~ I will get better for you. Bro FIST!" I put a fist on the camera and she gave a fist back. I then handed the phone back to Benny and he had a big smile on his face, that just kinda looked creepy to me.

"Just stahp, just stahp. That smile is just creepin me out man" 

He then chuckled and ruffled my hair. I gave him a pissed off face, and his smile just grew bigger. He is just strange that I hardly get him. 

"Well seeya soon, get better Minh, saranghae" he did a hearted shaped with his arms over his head, acting all weird and cheesy. I did one back to him for fun.

Those two just brightened up my day. :D



Dylan's POV 

School is so freaking damn boring without Minh. Plus I'm seriously getting irritated by all the rumors that were already going around about Minh. Plus the those stupid hoes say. Like..

"I knew Kevin would've broken up with her" "Ya she was ugly neither ways" "Hah she thought we were friends...NOT!" 

"Wow what a loser, and I looked up to her" "I would've been a better girlfriend to Kevin" "He looks better with me" 

Like would you freaking hoes just shut your mouth holes. You know nothing about the situation so just shut up! It annoys me soo freaking much. Plus please, she was not even your friend, you thought that just because she was being nice to you. LIke literlly everytime I would catch a girl saying something about it, I'd have to walk up them and shut them up and give them the look. 

Plus I tried to talk to Kevin, but he would be the jerk he is and ignore me. I just want to give you a piece of my mind you assshole KEVIN! 

I wonder if Yoohwan or Benny are gonna be able to talk to him, since they are on the same team as him. Oh there's Yoohwan over there right now. 

I wave my arm in the air and call out his name. He waved back and I ran to him. 

"Hey do you and Benny have football practice today?"

"Ya we do? Why? So you can have some lovey dovey time with your boyfriend if we don't" he chuckles then I hit him on the head. 

"Oww geez, I was just kidding" 

"No, I want you guys to talk to Kevin" he then went straight into a frown, he then crossed his arms with a seriosu look on his face. 

"I refuse" 

"Howcome, I need to talk to him about Minh"

"We are fine without having anymore contact with him, me and Benny don't even talk to him during practice anymore" 


My words were cut off by someone covering my mouth, Yoohwan mouth slowly turned into an O as he was lowering his hands. I turn to look and it was Kevin covering my mouth with a smirk on his face.

Oh no... what's going to happen now, this position right now does not look so good... 





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Chapter 34: Great story=') sniff....^^ so sad!!! Ü maybe do a little story about what happened next? Idk^^ <3
Believeitornot007 #2
Chapter 35: Well that was an emotional roller coaster :') Great story!! <3
keziahlee #3
Chapter 1: Like the story from the start haha
mk8346 #4
Chapter 35: awwww love u too ~(^_^~)
mk8346 #5
author nim you made me cry~~~~~~ :(
Giorginaomana #6
Chapter 5: I love it, update sooooooooon~