Story 1

Heart By Heart

"When your soul finds the soul

It was waiting for"

Jongin looked up, looking at the stars. The tiny light that scattered around the sky, just like how his heart is now. He lie down, closing his eyes, trying to held his tears back; but his eyes betrayed him. The tears slowly flowed, slow at first, which gradually accompanied by soft sobs. The sky looked so vast; too much stars emitting out tiny lights, that it blinded his eyes with past memories. Memories of Kyungsoo. Memories of pains. Memories of loss. Memories he don't want to walk in again.

Jongin looked up, before looking down again. It's nothing. No, it's no one. It's just Kyungsoo. Wait, what? Kyungsoo? He looked up, seeing the empty hallways in front of him. The person he just bumped into - it's Kyungsoo. But he knew he didn't have the bravery to see Kyungsoo's face anymore. The fact that Kyungsoo did not utter a single word made his heart break. He sighed, looking at the empty hallways again. The bell rang, but it means nothing to Jongin, except urging him to run away. Away from the pain he feels now, the choking feeling in his gut. He needs someplace to breathe, away from Kyungsoo and his painful memories.

Jongin was panting hard, lying on the wooden floor. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. He looked a little bit thinner than usual. He sighed, looking at the ceiling above him. The coldness of the room could not calm his body, nor his mind.  Somewhere between staying awake and closing his eyes, he looked around the dancing room, which slowly dissolve into darkness.


"Yah, Kim Jongin, wait for me!"

Jongin turned around, only to get a playful smack on his arms. Kyungsoo was panting and sweating, maybe from the run he made to catch up with Jongin He pouted, before brushing his arms.

"Is your hand made from steel or what?" Jongin chuckled when Kyungsoo's face reddened. After a few light kisses on the cheeks and a few more punches with laughter, they finally arrived at the lake.

"Here?" Jongin nodded, before pointing towards a shady tree with a mat and a picnic basket underneath it.

"Yup. Let's sit there." He said, before pulling Kyungsoo towards the mat.

After settling down, Kyungsoo expressed his amazement on the preparation that Jongin had done. They proceeded to make their assignments; which is to draw things that is most appealing to them - to Kyungsoo is the peaceful surrounding while to Jongin is Kyungsoo's smile himself. After two hours of drawing and eating their meal, they finally decided to call it a day, packing things up and leave.


He opened his eyes, looking at the whiteness of the ceiling. Again, the coldness of the floor bite him, sending him shivers. Looking at the mirror, he wondered, 'Who am I looking at? Kim Jongin? Why do I look so different? I looked...lifeless. Did it really, turned me like this? Why?'

Jongin wondered, has his life really become a mess? How could he be so weak - both his physique and mental. And what should he do with his heart? It almost break into thousand pieces.

"When someone walks into your heart

Through an open door"

"What is wrong with you?" Kyungsoo yelled, making every people turned their head towards them.

"No! What is wrong with YOU? I didn't do anything!" Jongin snapped back; he was getting angry with the way Kyungsoo treating him lately. They were always at war; things doesn't seemed so smooth between them now.

"You know what? I'm getting sick and tired of you, really. Everything about you ticks me off. I should have listened to myself when my heart said that we don't belong together." Kyungsoo said, taking his bag with him and started walking away from Jongin.

Jongin immediately run to catch up with Kyungsoo, before pulling Kyungsoo's hand forcing Kyungsoo to move backwards and stopped walking.

"Kyungsoo please." Jongin begged.

"What is there for me Jongin? I can't see anything in front of us anymore. Our relationship has no more meaning. I'm sorry, but it has to end here. Can't you just accept the fact that we are not meant to be together?" Kyungsoo said sharply, bringing tears to Jongin's eyes.

"No. Don't go." Jongin said, trying to hold Kyungsoo's hand tighter.

Kyungsoo just looked at Jongin, before turning his head. "Let me go Jongin. Both my hand and my heart."

Jongin was speechless. How can Kyungsoo be so cruel? Slowly, he loosened his grip on Kyungsoo's hand, and slowly to, Kyungsoo's hand slips off his, until their last finger parted. It was not because Jongin was giving up, but it was because of Kyungsoo's cold eyes that had forced Jongin to let him go.

"Goodbye." Kyungsoo said, still not looking at at him before sprinting out through the door.

"When your hand finds a hand

It was meant to hold

Don't let go"

"Hello!!!" Lay plucked his finger in front of Jongin's eyes a few times, snapping Jongin out.

" Lay hyung! Can't you let me enjoy a pretty view sometimes?" He said, pouting a bit.

"Bwoh!!!" Lay responded, hitting Jongin playfully on the arm. "So, wait, the pretty view?" Lay looked around, before smiling mischievously.

"He's single you know? I bet you can get him if you are brave enough. It's been a while you've been watching him afar anyway. It's time to make a move man." Lay said, gesturing towards Kyungsoo, who was rushing out to the classroom.

Jongin blushed, before looking at Lay. "Well, I'll do it if you gather your balls and ask Suho hyung to be yours." He said, chuckling.

Lay smiled widely, before gesturing Jongin to come closer and whispered to him.

"Then you've lost, silly. He said yes, just now at lunch." Lay said, chuckling loudly. "well, now it's your turn."He raised his eyebrows playfully while Jongin sighed, and looked down; a deep tint of red appearing on his cheeks.

"Erm, why do you look so restless?" Kyungsoo asked, looking at the man - or rather boy - beside him.

He was a bit annoyed when the other moved a little too much, as he could not get his focus straight to the teacher in front, bot looking at the other's worried face, he suddenly become concerned.

"Erm...Did yo-you hap-happen to see my wallet? It's missing." Jongin said, stuttering while trying to look at the bottom of the table.

"Wallet? No I do not. It fell maybe?" Kyungsoo said, helping the boy to find his wallet. "Where did you go before coming here?" Kyungsoo asked when he couldn't find the wallet anywhere.

"Erm...I was from the library." Jongin said, his face sullen.

"Okay, we'll go there then. The time is up anyway." Kyungsoo said, as soon as the bell rang and dragged Jongin out. Jongin felt a slight flush when Kyungsoo suddenly hold his hand, but he decided to ignore it seeing Kyungsoo's sincerity. They were literally running when suddenly Kyungsoo stopped, making Jongin almost bumped into him. Kyungsoo suddenly went to the vending machine, leaving Jongin dumbfounded.

"You are thinking of buy-" He stopped short when Kyungsoo bent down and took a black wallet from the floor near the machine.

"Well, clearly someone did not put back his wallet when he bought a drink." Kyungsoo said, before handing the wallet to him.

"Yours I believe?" He said, smiling.

Jongin felt a pang of embarrassmennt that he decided to just bow and turnedaway before Kyungsoo suddenly said, "Hey, at least you should buy me a drink for helping you, huh?" He leaned on the vending machine. Jongin sighed, before slowly nodded. "Okay." He muttered, before pulling a note out from his wallet and put it in the machine.

Kyungsoo quickly bought the drink of his choice.

"I'm Kyungsoo. Do Kyungsoo. What about you?" Kyungsoo said, holding his hand out.

Surprised at the gesture, it took Jongin a while before he took the other's hand and smiled.

"I'm Kim Jongin."

"When you're one with the one

You were meant to find

Everything falls in place

All the stars alligned"

"When you're touched by the cloud

That has touched your soul

Don't let go"

"Are you happy?" Jongin asked, looking at Kyungsoo.

"Erm, of course I am. Never thought one day I will actually ride the Ferris Wheel, along with someone I love so dear." Kyunsoo replied, looking at the scenery below them.

"The city lights, they look like stars right?" Kyungsoo asked, looking over the glass. By now, they were stopping on top, allowing them to see the best view of the city at night.

"Yes it is. You like the stars a lot don't you?" Jongin chuckled, before hugging Kyungsoo's waist. 

"I do. It's beautiful. Reminds me of someone I know. I believe my parents are up there, watching and praying for me." Kyungsoo said, pointing at the sky above.

"They are, my love. They are." Jongin gave a peck on Kyungsoo's cheeks, making both of them blushed.

Kyungsoo then looked at Jongin, before leaning closer to Jongin and put his head on Jongin's broad shoulder.

"Kim Jongin, I'm tired. Can I sleep for a while, on your shoulder? At least just for a while?" Kyungsoo asked, his voice become slower little by little. Jongin just nodded, before hugging Kyungsoo. "Yes Kyungsoo. Of course."

Kyungsoo smiled, before slowly he looked at Jongin and the city again, before sighing and closing his eyes.

"Park Chanyeol. Stop messing around. This is not a game!"

"Stop what? I'm having my fun."

" off. We both know what you are doing is wrong. Stop messing up please."

"Why is it that you always have to make me the bad guy, Byun Baekhyun?"

"Tsk...Because you are, Chanyeol. You are."


"Now please. Don't do it. It's not his time yet, Chanyeol. It's not his time yet."

"That is not for you to decide."

"It is when you are interfering with my work."

"Oh, so now it's work between us right?"

"Ughh!!! Are you ing serious?"

"I am dead serious."

"Why do you have to bring the past into work?"

"I'm not."

"Hell right you're not. Now listen, if anything happen to him, I swear I'll...Ugh!!!!"

"Hahaha...We both know there's nothing you can do about it Baek."

"Shut up! You'll regret this. You'll regret this!"

"You know his heart by heart.

Don't you ever let him go."

Jongin snapped out of his thoughts. Looking around, he saw the empty classroom. He glanced at the windows; the sun was setting down, and he couldn't help but notice the white dove that was pecking something on the windowsill, before it flew away.

Jongin sighed. Looking at his watch, he decided to go home, where he can rest in ease. He felt his energy draining from the day before. Standing up, he slung his bag on his shoulder and walked out slowly, dragging his feet down.

"Klang!" A loud metal clanging sound made him jumped out of his skin. Smelling something fishy, he tried to find the source of the sound, before noticing the door towards the rooftop is slightly ajar.

"Rooftop?" He mumbled. As far as he know, no one dare to go the rooftop, because of the ghost stories that has been circling around the rooftop, especially at this late hour. Slowly, he slowly climbed up to the top, and pushed the door apart. A gush of wind blew through, making Jongin winced a little before gasping.

He could not believe his eyes. There Kyungsoo was, his hand wide apart, and he was standing at the very edge of the rooftop, ready to jump anytime. Without thinking, Jongin ran towards Kyungsoo, pulling Kyungsoo away from the edge. Kyungsoo was struggling, but Jongin held him tight.

"Are you out of your mind?"

"Let me go, Jongin. Let me go."

"No I won't let you harm yourself, you stupid creature."

Kyungsoo froze, before ended up burying his face on Jongin's chest, crying.

"Why me! Why me..." Kyungsoo mumbled, shivering and sobbing. Jongin looked at the other, and kissed Kyungsoo's head.

"Shhhh....It's okay, I'm here. I'll protect you from anything. We'll go it through together. I promise. I won't let you go this time." Jongin rambled on.

Kyungsoo just nodded, before looking up; eyes red from crying.

"Don't let me go again."

"I won't."


The sounds of wings flapping were soon heard, before a white dove and a black crow flew into the sky, leaving the two on the rooftop, comforting each other, completing each other - heart by heart.


A/N: Hello~ Finally the 1st story is done. Anyway, 2nd story will be up soon. So, which side of story you would like to read first? Kyungsoo, Baekhyun or Chanyeol? Anyway, thanks for reading~ :)

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Chapter 1: Ommo! Please update soon!!