Touch Up


Kingka:- Someone who is like the "king" of good looking people, also very cool, smart; someone who is muh-shee-suh

                                                                                                                                              From Urbandictionary

It's very unlikely that he'll do this for her, hence why it's a miracle. In fact, she didn't even know him that well. He's what she calls a kingka due to his charming good looks and arrogant attitude. But...he's not that bad...right? 

She's the beautiful girl who pretends to not notice him, mainly due to his high status. It's the modern world. Status is everything nowadays. Even at school. Now that's saying something. Nevertheless, she fell for him. Get the picture? Well, now here's the twist. Prom's coming up and girls are already buying dresses while guys are starting to practice their pick-up lines. Amongst that chaos, she remains detached and passive but he's going to change that. Besides, it's his first time to ask a girl out. Usually, they ask him out. There's a first for everything right?




This poster is made by me via Gimp 2.0 while the original picture is not mine and rightfully belongs to the original owner so shout out goes to the owner!

Check out my other fanfics-

Distinct Dimension - Exo and Park Ri Rin 

Alone in The Rain with Him - Lee Kikwang and Sun Shion (complete) 

Nostalgic Moments - Kai/Kim Jongin and Kim Aelke (complete)

The Story Behind The Story - Kris/Wu Yifan and Kim Chae Rin  (complete)



18th of May, 2014:- I've only done the description and foreword but I haven't done the story (one-shot) itself so I'm sorry and please stay tune!


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