


After witnessing what had happened, I followed Taeyeon into the room like what she had told me to. I sat down quietly while watching her pace around the room as she pinched her nose bridge.


I didn’t know what to say, but I do know that I had to do something to break this heavy silent. “So, umm, are you alright?” I asked, and then felt stupid for a moment. Because, duh, of course she wasn’t alright.


She stopped pacing around and went to sit on the bed. Her hands rubbed over her face once in an exasperated manner. “No, I’m not alright.”


Oh. It came quite a surprise for me that she’d actually admit that to me. “Are you having problems with your… boyfriend?” I referred to that man that was here a moment ago. “It’s normal for couples to fight, so you don’t have to feel too bad about it. Although… I can’t really say much because I’m not really an expert in that area.” And there I went rambling on. It would definitely be best for me to keep quiet.


She frowned at me—at what I said, maybe, who knew. I looked at her with a questioning look. As if very slowly, she then started to enlighten me, “That’s not my boyfriend, he’s my brother.”


“O—oh.” That was all that I could say since I was dead embarrassed for assuming things on my own. I scratched the side of my neck and then looked away from her very slowly.


So, that was her brother. Which meant that she wasn’t having relationship problems, but family problems. I actually felt a little relieved at hearing that when I actually shouldn’t be.


“What happened?” I asked, and then thought of the possibility of her not answering me. “I know that it’s not in my position to ask, but maybe—maybe you’ll feel better if you let it out?”


The look on her face showed that she was having an inner battle with herself. After some time, she then looked at me with a strained smile. “It’s nothing huge. Just a small squabble between siblings, you know?”


I nodded at her. Of course I knew, I have a younger sister myself. However, I knew that she wasn’t telling the whole truth to me as she avoided my eyes. I didn’t press her further though, she probably needed her own privacy since it was family problems.


“I have a younger sister, so I completely understand you.” I changed the subject quickly since she looked kind of uncomfortable talking about her problems.


“You have a sister?” Her eyes went back to me, surprise was clearly seen in them.


“Yeah, her name’s Krystal. She’s seventeen this year.”


“Wow, that’s—I didn’t know you have a sister.”


I shrugged, “I guess I haven’t mention that.” Like how you didn’t mention you have a brother. The words were at the tip of my tongue, but I knew better than to really say it out. I didn’t want to offend her, after all.


“How is she like?” She asked.


“Why do you want to know?” I looked at her suspiciously.


She merely waved her hand and shrugged, “Just curious. I haven’t hear you talk about your family before so this truly intrigues me.”


“Does it now?”




“Well…” I tilted my head to the side and looked up at the ceiling. “She’s a sweetheart. Although she could be a handful at times, but it’s normal since she’s still young.” I chuckled. “The both of us were very close ever since she was born, and of course, we still are. I love spending my time with her, just talking and fooling around. It’s weird, you know. Because we have an age difference of four years but she still could understand what I’m saying to her, so yeah… I really love talking to her. And also, most people thought that she’s cold when they first meet her, but she’s only just too shy to interact. When they really get to know her, they’ll then know how much of a chatterbox she is.”


I laughed, feeling my heart get lighter. Talking and thinking about my sister always had that weird effect of making me relax. But then, thinking about her also made me miss her more since it had been long since I saw her. Ever since school started, I had been busy and didn’t have time to go back to my home.


Taeyeon must have noticed my sudden mellowness, she asked, “Why did you stop?”


I took in a deep breath, “I haven’t seen her ever since school started. I miss her.” I told her. I hadn’t told Tiffany about this and yet, here I am, saying the words from my heart to Taeyeon.


“You love her a lot, don’t you?” She asked. Her elbows were now placed onto her knees while her head was supported by her hands. Truthfully, she looked adorable like that.


I stared at her, longer than usual before I answered, “Of course. She’s my sister, why wouldn’t I love her?”


“How do you do it? How do the both of you remain so close after, well, so many years?”


I frowned at her question, and then finally realised where this was going. Taeyeon was indirectly asking about her own relationship with her brother. “By communicating. We talk to one another almost every single day. Even though I couldn’t see her, but I keep in my mind to call her every day. We also share secrets with one another. It makes us trust each other and also get to understand the other more.”


“It sounds easy…” She mumbled.


“It’s not really that difficult. Just make it an essential thing to do and it will get easier.”


“But, what if it’s too late? What if your relationship with your sister got strained and communicating isn’t a way, anymore?”


I knitted my eyebrows together. This all got me thinking that maybe Taeyeon and her brother doesn’t talk to one another anymore, which explains how distant they became. But who am I to know? I haven’t had a clue on what’s the deal between them. “Communicating is always a way. The problem is whether you’re making an effort or not.”


“And if your sister avoided you every time you wanted to talk to her?” She continued asking.


“There’s bound to be ways where I could speak to her. It’s just a matter of fact whether she listens or not. So, being in a room alone with her will definitely help. If she does tries to leave, well, I guess it will just come down to locking us both in the room.”


At the last sentence said, it managed to evoke a laugh from her. “I see. So, that’s the legendary Jessica Jung way, huh?”


Only when it’s needed.” I chuckled alongside with her. Feeling that she was definitely better than earlier, I then glanced at the clock on the wall and stood up. “Well, it was nice talking but we’re going to be late for class if we stay and talk.”


“About that…” A grin started to grow on her face and I did not like that, at all. I have a feeling that some weird ideas of hers were going to be suggested. “Do you want to skip class?”


“Again?! We just skipped, like, last week!”


“Yes,” She grinned gleefully at me. “It will definitely take things off my mind if we go somewhere else. If I’m stuck in the classroom for the next two hours, I’d go berserk.” She then pushed her bottom lip out and looked at me with big wondering eyes.


I felt my heart go soft at the sight. Reprimanding myself in my head, I then turned away from her. “But—”


“Please?” She went beside me. “We don’t even have to ask anyone to fake our attendance.”


“Wouldn’t that mark us as absence, then? I’d rather go to class then to be marked down.”


“We won’t be!” She took out her mobile phone and beamed at me. “I have a way.”


“I’m not going to go if you don’t tell me what that ‘way’ is.” I crossed my arms and stared at her challengingly.


“It’s not something illegal if you’re worried.” Seeing how sceptical I still looked, she raised her right hand up. “I swear.”


I still wasn’t that sure about it. Sure, the idea seemed exhilarating, but I’m not sure how I would feel if we do get into trouble.


“Pretty please?” She clasped both of her hands together.


I run my fingers through my hair, and then sighed. “Fine.” In my mind, I was scolding myself for being so easily persuaded.


A grin quickly made its way to her face as she took her things from the desk nearby and went to the door.


“But first…” I held up a finger, telling her to wait. Pulling my phone out from my pocket, I then quickly sent a brief message to Tiffany telling her that I won’t be going to class. I didn’t want her to get mad at me again after that one time. After doing so, I then pocketed my phone almost reluctantly and trudged towards the grinning woman.




I got out of Taeyeon’s car after she told me that we’ve reached the destination. Surprisingly, she did tell me where we were heading to when I asked her, and her answer was: “to lunch”.


And now, standing tall right in front of me was the mall that was near the school. It took around ten minutes’ drive for us to reach here.


I followed suit after Taeyeon when she told me to stay close. I rolled my eyes at her words—it wasn’t like I was going to get lost or something, right? I’m not a kid. But, of course, I didn’t say anything back to her and just obediently walked beside her.


When we got into the mall, there wasn’t that many people considering it was a weekday. We didn’t walk for long as Taeyeon came to a stop right in front of a fast food restaurant. I gaped at her, “Seriously? McDonalds?”


“Well, I’m craving for some burgers.”


“It’s unhealthy.” I pointed out.


“So? It’s not like you’ll die from eating once in a while. Besides, don’t you miss this after the food that you eat in school every. Single. Day?” She was trying to trick me into this, I knew it. But then again, what she said sounded right. I really am sick and tired of school food.


“Alright, fine. Let’s get a seat.” She smiled in victory and we went off to the seats by the window. She was the one who asked me what I wanted and told me to sit and wait while she ordered. Well, who knew that she would be such a lady?


While she was at the counter, I then took out my phone and there were three new messages, all from Tiffany.


“What do you mean?! You just skipped last week!”


“Are you going out with Taeyeon? Oh, that girl sure can influence you.”


“Oh, well. Tell me about your date when you get back! Love ya!”


I rolled my eyes at the messages as a silent laughter left my lips. I typed my reply, “It’s not a date!”


“Aww, no need to be shy, Jess. Besides, what took you so long to reply? Are you two doing something naughty? Make sure to use protection!”


My jaw literally dropped. Almost frantically, my fingers worked on the screen the fastest I’ve ever had. “WHAT?! HWANG MIYOUNG, YOU’RE DEAD!”


“Oh, right. Forgetful me. You don’t need protection, you’re both girls hahaha.”


Oh, the nerve of this girl. I was about to type whatever scolding (in caps) when Taeyeon returned with a tray. She startled me when the tray was suddenly placed onto the table. Looking up, she was staring at me with an amused smile.


“Who got you angry?” She asked as she plopped down on the chair.




“The frown on your face earlier when you’re on your phone,” She explained. “Problems with your boyfriend?”


She asked so smoothly that my eyes went big. And then I remembered the similar situation in Sooyoung’s room and I laughed. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow, “I don’t have a boyfriend, Taeyeon. It’s just Tiff.” Although, I still couldn’t quite grasped where she got that assumption from.


Very faintly, I thought I had saw a smirk on her but it soon faded away when she looked at me. “So, problem with her?”


I shook my head, “Nah, it’s just—” I was so close to spitting it out, like so close, but then I remembered who I was speaking to and quickly closed my mouth.




“She was just asking where I went, that’s all.”


“Oh,” formed the ‘O’ shape. “Are you two like very close?”


I nodded, there was no doubt in my answer. “Yes, we are.”


“Have you ever seen her as more than a friend? Like… maybe have some feelings for her? And, I meant in the romantic way.”


My mouth opened at what she said. I was about to drink from the straw but I was so glad that I didn’t, if not, the drinks might have been spat out from my mouth by now. “God, no! She’s my best friend, my sister. How did you even come out with those thoughts?”


“Well…” She used a finger and drew circles on the side of her cup. “You two seem close, so I thought that you guys might have actually dated one another before… But, yeah, guess it’s my wrong for thinking too much.” She scratched her head with a sheepish smile. “I mean, it’s not like you swing that way too.” She looked down and opened the wrapper of her burger.


It wasn’t my intention, but I might have paid too much attention when she suddenly said ‘too’. “What—do you mean?” I asked her.


“Hmm?” She kept her eyes on what she was doing. “What?”


“You said something at the end. What do you mean by that?”


“Oh, I, uhh…” I saw her blush. Like, really blush. Her cheeks became pink and this was actually the first time that I caught this happening to Kim Taeyeon. “You probably already knew this by now, but… I’m gay.”



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Chapter 8: ooooo im curious what would happen next
I really miss this story author-ssi...
Pls update soon ^^...
yeolow #3
"i'm gay". hahahaha
iycdvia #4
Chapter 8: "i am gay"..got ya!! wkwkwk sica keep smile ehh :-D
Chapter 8: WAY TO GO KIM TAEYEON! TAENGSIC FTW! gosh thank u for updating author~
Chapter 8: please update soon
Chapter 8: That last part! Haha I love it! :)
Chapter 8: omg go kim taeyeon! way to advance things!
fxgglove #9
Chapter 7: Is that Taeng brother?
Chapter 7: update soon please