

I can’t really believe that I was doing this now. Skipping class? It wasn’t something familiar to me and god do I feel nervous about this.
Even when I was making a beeline towards the main door up at the front, I could still hear Taeyeon laughing away. I didn’t know why she was laughing. I didn’t really care about it now since I was scared that we might get caught. So, I held onto her wrist tighter and pulled her while quickening my pace.
I finally got to breathe out in relief when we reached outside. Immediately, I let go of her hand that I had been holding onto. I wanted to hold on a little longer, but she might think that I was being weird so I didn’t dare take the risk.
“So… what now?” I asked after a while of silence from her.
“You do know that we aren’t really safe here, right? It is still the school ground.”
I panicked when I saw how her eyes dart past me. Looking over my shoulder, I was half expecting a teacher behind but I saw nothing but emptiness. And then, she started cackling and I groaned after realising she was just teasing me, again.
“Relax, will you?”
“I can’t really relax with you around.”
She faked hurt but then a smirk slowly appeared, “Wait. Is there a hidden message that you’re trying to say?”
No.” There really wasn’t any. I then turned my body around and started to walk. I thought she was going to come after me, but when I heard no footsteps, I then stopped in my tracks.
“Where are you going?” She asked and I spun around to face her.
“You did say that we were gonna head out, right?”
She smiled, “Yes. Yes, I did. But there’s something that I own and it’s called a ‘car’ if you’ve forgotten, Miss Jung.”
Oh, right. I guess I did forget that for a moment. “No, I didn’t forget. I just thought that your car was parked there.” I pointed my thumb to the back and then walked past her with my chin up.
“Not there, either.” I blushed and stopped walking. “Why don’t I lead the way? It’ll make it easier for us.”
“Well…” I turned. “You should have done so minutes ago.”
She grinned at me. We walked to the parking lot and I followed well behind Taeyeon. Honestly, I was still feeling paranoid of being caught but with Taeyeon with me, I guess it wasn’t that bad, after all.
She stopped in front of a silver Hyundai car. I couldn’t even recognise this car as the one I’ve ridden. That night when Tiffany was admitted to the hospital was very rush for me that I didn’t take note of it.
She unlocked the car and proceeded to open the door for me. My face was starting to heat up when she continued to look at me with that silly smile. I quickly got in and she closed the door. While she was walking towards the other side of the car, I took that short time to place my palms onto my cheeks in an attempt to cool them. And when she opened the car door, I quickly placed my hands onto my lap and acted like nothing happened.
“You ready to have some fun?” The engine roared alive.
“You haven’t told me where we’re going.”
“That wouldn’t be fun if I told you, would it?” She winked before stepping onto the accelerator.
She wouldn’t tell me where we were heading to no matter how I annoyed and pestered her. I swear that her persistence was very, very strong.
I looked out at the window absentmindedly. She had the stereo on and it was playing some music softly. With my head leant against the window, I could hear her fingers drumming against the steering wheel with her occasional humming.
She sounded quite good with her hums and I wondered how she would sound like if she were to sing.
“Do you have a driver’s license?” She asked. The sudden question had taken me aback since we had been on the road in silence for about ten minutes now.
“Um… yes.”
“Oh?” She raised an eyebrow with her eyes on the road. “Then why don’t you drive to school?”
“If you didn’t realise, not everyone is able to afford a car of their own, Miss Kim.” I mimicked how she called me ‘Miss Jung’. “And besides, why would I need to drive to school when I live in the school’s dorm?”
“Oh right. I forgot about that for a moment.” She chuckled.
I shook my head at her silliness and went back to lay my head against the window. This car ride was actually very comfortable and I was slowly beginning to feel sleepy.
“What are your hobbies?”
“Huh?” I blinked. She looked at me through the corner of her eyes.
“What do you like to do? I guess I haven’t seen you do anything much except staying in your room during your free time.”
“Well… is sleeping considered a hobby?”
She laughed so hard that she accidentally turned the steering wheel, causing the car to swerve to the left and the cars behind to honk. Quickly composing herself, she steadied the steering wheel and began to drive smoothly again.
“Drive properly! I don’t want to die this early.” I scolded and hit her arm.
“But seriously? Sleeping? I know that you love to sleep so that’s not considered. Give me another.”
“What—But I… I don’t know.”
“Well, think of one. Anything that comes up to your mind.”
I frowned and pondered. What are my other hobbies other than sleeping…?
As if there was a light bulb in my head, it lit up at the thought of something. Taeyeon must have seen how my eyes widened.
“So?” She asked.
I blinked several times. Should I be telling her this? I didn’t like it when people judge and I knew very well that Taeyeon wouldn’t but I was still… uncertain about this.
“Come on, just share. I promise that I wouldn’t laugh or anything.”
“You laughed earlier on.”
“I’m sorry about that. I was being rude earlier on. So if you could forgive me and give me an answer?” She turned to me for a second with those wondering and hopeful eyes before returning to the road.
”Well… You could say that I love… singing.” I whispered out the last word.
“Singing, huh?” She said to herself. “I finally found something that we are similar in, Jessica Jung.” She smiled.
“What do you—”
“Singing. I love it, too. In fact, I love it to death.” She turned to look at me again. “Maybe we could have a duet one day. I would love to hear you sing.”
I stared at the side of her face as she looked at the front. “Maybe…”
I fell asleep. The ride was so cosy that I actually fell asleep. And when I woke up, the thing that I noticed right away was that the sky had become darker and there were very few buildings around here.
I lifted my head off the window and moved it from left to right, trying to ease the soreness that I felt.
“Had a nice nap?” Taeyeon asked.
I glanced at her, “Yeah… Where are we?”
“I’ve told you that it wouldn’t be fun if I disclosed it, right?”
Right. It slipped my mind. “Did I sleep for a long time?”
“Umm… Not really. Just close to two hours.”
My eyes widened and I sat up straight. “Two hours?! We’ve been on the road for two hours?”
I saw her wince slightly at my loudness and I felt a pang of guilt. She was the one who was driving and yet here I am, complaining about how long this car ride had been. “Sorry…” I mumbled and slouched back against the seat.
“It’s alright. We’re reaching soon. In fact, we’re already at the entrance.”
“Huh?” I looked out the window and there were cars around us. Cars that were not moving. It actually took me a minute to realise that we were in the parking lot. And up ahead of us, I saw light. Lots and lots of colourful lights. Not to mention, there were also a lot of people. “Where is this?” I asked, with my eyes stuck on a family that were coming out from where the lights were. The children were holding onto pink fluffy stuffs, I think they were cotton candies.
“A fair. Or a funfair, to be exact.”
“Funfair?” I repeated as my eyes were looking over the interesting place in front of us.
“Yup. Come on, let’s go.” She turned the engine off and got out of the car while I did the same.
I was still kind of mesmerised by the place that I didn’t notice Taeyeon was already next to me until she touched my arm.
“You alright?” She asked with a smile.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m perfectly fine.”
“Let’s go, then.” She started walking.
This place was like an amusement park, but then it also doesn’t look like an amusement park. It looked more… welcoming, to say the least.
“Have you ever been to a funfair?” She asked as we walked through the entrance. Another thing that I learnt was that we don’t have to pay for entrance fee here.
I shook my head. “We don’t need tickets?”
“They are having an event today. Free rides for all.”
“Oh… Cool.” I was so absorbed in observing the place that I didn’t realise someone was walking straight towards me—or should I say, running towards me.
It took me by surprise when warm arms encircled my waist and pulled me. I gasped when my body hit Taeyeon’s body.
“Whoa, careful there.”
I didn’t dare to move. I didn’t want to move, as well. It felt so comfortable, so right to be in her arms. We were practically cuddling right now.
Her hands went up to grab my arms and push me back gently. “You alright?” She looked right into my eyes. I could see that she was really worried. And my heart couldn’t help but to swell.
“I… Yes. Yes, I am.” I stammered while still trying to calm my racing heart.
“He should have watched where he was going, gosh.” She let go of me and I instantly missed the feeling of her touching me.
I breathed out, “Yeah. He should’ve.”
“Let’s not let this ruin our mood. Come on, we have to enjoy ourselves while we’re here.” She grinned at me and started to pull me along.
I totally didn’t regret skipping class.
The sky had gone completely dark by now. We went to a lot of rides, and my voice was a bit hoarse after all that screaming and shouting from the rollercoaster and of course, the haunted house.
Initially, I didn’t want to go into the haunted house because I was scared. But I got forced to – like literally forced to.
I was standing on my grounds with crossed arms and kept on saying ‘no’ to Taeyeon, but she pulled me and for a moment, I got blanked out and the next thing I knew, we were already inside.
I screamed, shouted, and even scratched Taeyeon a few times when ‘something’ came out and scared us. I didn’t know what that ‘something’ was because I had my eyes closed the entire walk—or run, for me.
I held onto Taeyeon for my dear life and she laughed. I can’t believe that she laughed at me when we got out so I kept on hitting her. But then, she soothed me with a pink fluffy cotton candy and I was partially contended.
And now, here we were, walking under the starry sky with our sweet treat in hand. Luckily Tiffany or Sooyoung wasn’t here or else my cotton candy would not have been safe.
“Where do you wanna go now?” Taeyeon asked. She plucked out some cotton candy and tossed it into .
“Umm… We’ve gone for most of the exciting rides so why not take it slow now?”
She grinned, “Why? You scared of the exciting rides?”
I rolled my eyes, “No. I just want something slow and relaxing now.”
“Well, the thing that I can think of will be the Ferris wheel.”
“Ferris wheel it is, then.” I shrugged.
We were inside one of the carriage in no time since there wasn’t many people queuing.
The ride was quiet as I stared out at the horizon. We were at the top now and I have to say that the view was gorgeous. “Oh wow…”
“Beautiful, isn’t it?”
I nodded without taking my eyes off the breath-taking view. “Yeah, it’s gorgeous.” I said. And then I realised one thing. Throughout the whole time, it seemed like Taeyeon knew very well where each ride was at, and she knew very well of the way around, as well. “You come here—” I turned my head around and was surprised when she suddenly looked away hastily. If I didn’t knew better, I would have said that she was looking at me. But that was probably just my own imagination.
“You were saying?” She looked down.
I paused for a while to observe her, “You come here often?”
She tilted her head up and stared at me. “What makes you think so?”
“You know the way around like it’s the back of your hand.” I explained.
“You could say so, then… The last time that I came here was…” She looked out. “Nine years ago.”
My eyes widened. Nine years… Which meant that she was twelve when she last came here. “That’s very… long ago.”
“Yeah. Yeah, it is.”
I have a feeling that she doesn’t want to talk about it because of the sudden sombreness. And at that time, I came to realise that there were still many things that I didn’t know about Taeyeon. Or should I phrase it another way – there were little that I know about her.
She doesn’t really talk much about herself, or her family or anything related to her. Most of the times, I had observed that she stayed quiet while the others were talking. Of course she listened to them, she remembered what they had said.
Kim Taeyeon is just a puzzle that I can’t piece together easily. I didn’t know whether one day I could solve the puzzle and get to know her thoroughly, but I sure hope I could.
My eyes went to the seat where her hand was at, and right beside hers, was just mine. It was just a mere inch apart, and I ached for her to hold onto my hand.
As if she could hear what I was thinking of, she turned to look at me. I gulped when I realised she had saw me look at our hands.
What is she thinking of?
I didn’t know.
Does she also have the same thoughts as me?
I couldn’t really tell because of her poker face.
All of a sudden, she breathed out and her hand started to inch towards mine and very gently, she placed it on top of my hand like it was something fragile. She was being so careful and so gentle. I could tell that she was observing my face to see if I had any looks of disapproval.
I didn’t. Because I wanted this.
And ever so slowly, she started to lean towards me. My heart beat faster at the thoughts of what she was about to do. And when I could feel her breath slowly caressing my skin, my eyes closed and I waited for what was going to happen.
The anticipation was nearly killing me. I wanted to know what it feels like to have her… kiss me.
I could feel her getting closer to me. Her hair was ticking my cheek. I held onto my breath and then…
A ringtone started blaring loudly in the small carriage that we were in. I fluttered my eyes open when I felt her warmth instantly disappearing.
Disappointed washed over me and she looked at me with a look that I didn’t know of before she answered her phone.
“Hello? Yes, I am… W—what?! How could that—… Alright, I’ll be right there.”
She ended the call so fast. The thing that got me concerned wasn’t the fact that I didn’t know what she was feeling right now, but rather, at why she looked so worried at the call. “What’s wrong?” I placed a hand onto her knee.
“I’m sorry, Sica. But something came up so we have to go now.” She bit her lip.
I had no idea what happened but it must have been something important or big to cause her to have a reaction like that. “It’s alright, Taeyeon.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. There’s nothing to worry about, okay? It’s pretty late now so we ought to head back.”
While we were in the car, I heard Taeyeon mumble another apology like, “I’m so sorry…”
It probably wasn’t meant for me, and I couldn’t help but to worry.


Eh eh it's a red light light~

f(x) is so freaking cool in the new album!! I'm going crazy these few days because of them!

Anyone who also loves the album? :>

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Chapter 8: ooooo im curious what would happen next
I really miss this story author-ssi...
Pls update soon ^^...
yeolow #3
"i'm gay". hahahaha
iycdvia #4
Chapter 8: "i am gay"..got ya!! wkwkwk sica keep smile ehh :-D
Chapter 8: WAY TO GO KIM TAEYEON! TAENGSIC FTW! gosh thank u for updating author~
Chapter 8: please update soon
Chapter 8: That last part! Haha I love it! :)
Chapter 8: omg go kim taeyeon! way to advance things!
fxgglove #9
Chapter 7: Is that Taeng brother?
Chapter 7: update soon please