Office Warfare

Office Warfare


Sunny fell forward in an overly dramatic manner, the trip seemed awfully staged, literally. 


Rewind and replay.

Sunny was walking steadily, saying hi to her colleagues who had arrived earlier to work than her. Her steps were rhythmic, the eight inches high heels posing no problem at all. Her smile kind and her eyes formed those crescent shapes that easily mesmerized people. A flick of her brown tresses, and her ears picked up a low whistle that escaped from someone. 

Easy peasy. 

Then she saw her walking over, that cocky strut, too laidback and way too proud. Struts are for tall people, Sunny scoffed, that fellow isn’t nearly tall enough to do that, even with those heels on. Sunny caught her eye, unyielding and totally… y. 

This is war. 

So Sunny went ahead with that ridiculously staged trip in front of the arrogant Jessica Jung, even though it was so painfully obvious what she had in mind- a high pitched shriek and all attention was on Sunny. 

Sunny falling on to Jessica, in fact. 

With a victorious glint in her eyes, Sunny could see that Jessica had been caught, visibly surprised, and her reaction was just that bit late. It was enough time for Sunny to pretentiously grapple for support and tear the top button off Jessica’s blouse. With exceptional control, her hands grabbed and lingered on Jessica’s chest during her pseudo fall, and they quickly ran down Jessica’s body before circling around her waist, supposedly steadying herself. 

“Oh, lucky!” Sunny beamed, seemingly glad that she prevented a terrible fall, “Thanks for the support, Ms. Jung.”

Jessica shot icy glares at Sunny, as she slapped the offending hands off her waist. Sunny stood back smugly, waiting for Jessica’s retort, which, she confidently believed, would be lackluster. She had the element of surprise on her side, and Jessica didn’t handle surprises well. 

“I’d rather you be tiny and negligible than to be falling over everywhere,” Jessica snapped and straightened her back, intentionally or otherwise, which made her cleavage stand out even more, “Ms. Lee SoonKyu.”

The smug look was now on Jessica’s face, permanently plastered there as she swept off. 

“War? You want it, I’d give it to you. Naturally.”

These words were just about audible as Jessica walked past, Sunny gritted her teeth. She had been outwitted by Jessica, even with the button in hand. 

Well. . 

Everyone in the vicinity probably sensed the tension, no one dared to even utter a sound, and mostly acted like they were extremely busy. Sunny held back the string of curses she planned on directing at Jessica and stomped off to her office. 

But before she reached her office door, she heard a loud slam. Jessica had beaten her to slamming the door as well. 

Sunny flung open the door, and after exerting copious amount of self-control, she managed to shut it calmly. She wasn’t about to let Jessica have the satisfaction of getting her all riled up. 

All warfare is based on deception, said Sun Tzu

Sunny regulated her breathing, yes, Jessica shall not know of this anger brewing. She had always been the better one at control between the two of them, her tactics more refined. Except for today’s, which ended in a failure. 

Embarrassing Jessica Jung was suddenly hard. 

Sunny pulled out her smartphone as she walked over to her chair, the wallpaper brought a smile to her face, involuntarily, even though she was really quite mad now. Planting herself in the comfy chair, she swiveled around, and tapped on the message icon. 

Sica leveled up huh? That was too slap worthy Jung Sooyeon.

Seconds later, Sunny’s phone vibrated and lit up, a reply from Jessica came in. 

Hey, you pulled a button off my blouse… like what was I supposed to do. You meanie! Hate you so bad :(

All warfare is based on deception, indeed.

Sunny held in a laugh, she could imagine Jessica pouting in her office, poking her phone sulkily. It was ceasefire at the moment, Jessica’s whiny tone had commanded a truce. 

Calling me tiny and using my granny name in public was too much! Even for the button, which I’d end up paying for anyway. 

I was gonna like suggest you sew it back for me, but… new clothes any day! Yay! Big hugs!

Sunny slapped a hand to her forehead, it was a moment of foolishness, a slip up in tactics. She shouldn’t have made that suggestion. 

Rule One of War: Never stupidly offer anyone your resources. 

In this case, it equated to never offering to pay for shopping. Jessica Jung was a full-fledged shopaholic, that one new blouse would probably miraculously duplicate itself and multiply into many many new clothes. All on her bill. 

Sunny groaned, this text conversation was tilting to Jessica’s advantage even though she wasn’t even trying. Squishy Sica was every bit as formidable as y Sica. 

I’m gonna get like five personalities if we continue doing this though. What’s the deal? Like what’s this all these about?

Sunny didn’t typed it in, but Jessica already had at least two personalities. That y and icy front she had wasn’t constructed overnight. It was her, perfectly assimilated into her self, and present since the first day Sunny had shook her hand in the company. 

But when her professionalism and tough front was put aside, she was lazy Sica. Or more simply, she would transform into Girlfriend Jessica Jung. A bit of an airhead because she preferred not to use any brain cells once off work, and a bit of a whiny child because she disliked putting effort once off work. 

The office equated to the warzone; Home, Jessica had said to Sunny, was supposed to be paradise. 

Because, this is war. 

I know that! Like, it’s so obvious, please. Answer me, or I’m gonna bombard you with Sica-styled dinner tonight. That’s like my best ammo kekeke. 

Sunny gasped in horror. That’s the ultimate disaster. Sica-styled dinner generally meant badly measured quantities with ingredients that weren’t even supposed to mix, and all of that cooked in the wrong chronological order. 

Those dinners, Sunny had to stuff down because Jessica would use those irresistible puppy eyes on her. And also, because Jessica iness would be off the charts the next day, if she didn’t finish the food. 

I told you before! Because we’re secretly colluding, putting on a show, so as to lower our real enemies’ guard. The CEO spot is coveted by waaaay too many people!

Attack where he is unprepared; sally forth when he does not expect you, according to Sun Tzu again. 

The two of them were the front-runners to the succession, along with two other guys. It had been announced quite a while back that the CEO was planning for retirement and internal promotions would be put in place. So Sunny worked hard, got sales and more sales. But she realized soon, that her movements seemed to be tracked by her rivals. When she worked hard, they tried working harder; when she closed deals, her rivals tried closing more deals. 

There was a spy among their midst. 

So distraction and deception tactics were utilized, girlfriend dragged in to form a secret alliance. 

And I said this before too! Like, I really don’t care about the position. But since you are soooo persistent… let’s stop the act soonish okay?

Sica, we’ve never been friendly to each other in office. This is an underground romance, remember? 

Oh. You’re right! Hehe. 

A knock on her office door distracted Sunny from the texts; she suddenly became aware that she hadn’t done a single bit of work since sitting down. She had been too caught up with texting Jessica. 

Love and distractions. 

“Come in.”
“Ms. Lee,” it was Jessica’s secretary, Sunny was pretty surprised, “Ms. Jung says, umm, said that you’re wanted in her office. She um, demands that you go over immediately.”

The secretary looked scared stiff, she was well acquainted with the bad blood between the two, and today seemed like a bloody awful day to be a messenger. 

“Say that again? Wanted? Did you say that? And, demand?” Sunny’s tone was dangerous, and the poor secretary almost trembled.

Poor girl, I’ll give you a pay raise when one of us gets promoted. 

“Yes, Ms. Jung specifically told me to quote her.”

Sunny seethed, “You. Tell her to move her feet or roll over here if she wants to seek audience with me. And, quote me.”

The girl hurriedly excused herself, glad to be rid of Sunny’s overwhelming presence. 

A short while later, Sunny got a text. 

Seek audience? Omgggg, like what dynasty are you living in, Bunny?

Before Sunny got the chance to reply, however, another knock sounded and the poor secretary was at her door again. Positively terrified, Jessica must have pretended to be outraged. 

“Ms. Lee… Ms. Jung said that, ummm, you’re a lowly creature, I-I’m quoting her,” the girl added on hastily after noticing Sunny’s grim expression, “but you can stick your old-fashioned in this dog hole and she’d grace you with her presence in a while.”

Sunny was silent for a moment, Jessica really pulled no stops in this war. Innocent casualties were getting piled higher and higher. 

“Tell her, to watch or she’d get it from me later.”

The secretary nodded and bowed, scampering off to Jessica with amazing speed. Through the gap as the door closed, Sunny saw one of the boys outside looking on in glee. 

Spy detected, Sunny did a small victory cheer in her heart. 

Get your over here Jung Sooyeon, before I spank it

Oooh ~ Do it! Do it! 

Sunny smirked upon seeing Jessica’s reply. Leaving her phone on the table, she made her way to the glass partition that separated her office from those outside. Jessica passed by at that exact moment, and they traded death stares, Jessica exceling at it with her naturally icy features. With a pull, Sunny let down the blinds just as Jessica stepped into the office without bothering to knock. 

Rude. Very good. 

The moment Jessica shut the door, Sunny slithered over, and without missing a beat, a hand landed on Jessica’s . 

A few light smacking sound filled the room.

“Your welcome gift.”

With a hand groping Jessica’s , Sunny allowed the wolfish grin to spread on her face as she looked at Jessica’s flustered expression. Her other hand slowly travelled up, from Jessica’s hips up to her stomach, a few tender and finally up to the exposed cleavage. Light feather touches and Jessica was biting her lips, looking at Sunny with a mixture of seduction and uncertainty. 

“Mmm, aren’t we at war, Bunny?”

Sunny breathed into Jessica’s ear, her tongue running down the length of her ear as Jessica gave a low moan. Jessica’s sensitive spots were everywhere; Sunny smirked, before biting the folds of her ears. Jessica shudders in delight, leaning into Sunny’s embrace. 

“Ms. Lee,” the voice of Sunny’s secretary shattered the moment, and Jessica sprung away from Sunny with surprisingly fast reflexes. 

Rolling her eyes in frustration, Sunny double-checked that they both looked okay before answering with a stern ‘come in’. 

The sight when the secretary opened the door was one to behold. 

Sunny and Jessica looked as though they were squaring off, glaring at each other with undeniable rage, the secretary stopped in her tracks, unsure about her next move. 

“What is it?”

Sunny said calmly, while she continued the staring contest with Jessica. She could see from the corner of her eye though, that her subordinates outside were sneaking peeks, curious about the new battle that was happening. The supposed spy, she noticed, was on the phone with a palm covering his mouth. That mirthful expression not going unnoticed. 

“Ms. Lee,” Sunny’s secretary seemed much bolder than Jessica’s, recovering easily from the initial shock, “These documents need to be vet through and signed by you. You seem busy though, I'll just leave these on your table.” 

The secretary left the documents as she spoke and was about to shut the door behind her, when Jessica suddenly grabbed the doorknob. 

“You,” Jessica poked a finger near Sunny’s shoulder, “wake up, and stop acting like you know it all. I’ll make sure you fall so miserably, you won’t want to get up again.”

A few gasps could be heard from the background, when Jessica spitted out those harsh words. That’s the effect Sunny wanted, hoping to sieve all the traitors out. Each and every one of those with overjoyed expressions was going into her database. 

Sunny gave a nonchalant shrugged, “Suit yourself, Ms. Jung. We’ll see who wins in the end.”

As Jessica turned to go, Sunny suddenly stretched out a hand and grabbed Jessica’s. A split second later, they were millimeters apart, and Sunny was whispering into Jessica’s ear with a malicious look. 

“Spies uncovered, time to feed them wrong information.”
“Smarty pants. Celebration tonight?”
“With really hot .”

Jessica pushed Sunny away with much disdain, seemingly offended with what was said. Sunny locked on to Jessica’s leaving figure with much spite, portraying her staged hatred for Jessica perfectly. And when she retreated back to her office, her eyes lingered on the number one spy for a brief moment. 

It’s definitely him, and she was going to use this mole to her benefit. 

The supreme excellence is to subdue the armies of your enemies without having to fight them. 

Sun Tzu’s Art of War— such a useful book.Everything was falling into the palm of her hands. 

Sunny settled back on her chair as she chuckled, this office warfare will end in her victory. No doubt. And there would be a beautiful lady to celebrate this with. 

Her phone vibrated again.

I love hot <3


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taejellybean #1
Chapter 1: this was funny indeed :) can't believe I have stumbled upon it only now, but still glad that I did! :) the fake war to identify spies (or spy) :D but omg poor Jessica's secretary, that girl certainly couldn't get a break with those two :D
Chapter 1: Definitely liked the build up and story. Fun read. Sunsica is amazingly hot.
Chapter 1: Hur hur *smirk* Didn't know SunSica can make sucha great and comedy pair! Thumbs up for the story, Author :D Update soon~~
Chapter 1: Lmao this was a great read. Sica's txt msgs weren't what I expected especially when she said, "oooh ~" cuz Sunny was telling her to go into her office before she spanked her pahaha xD! Loved how Sunny seemed smitten cuz of how detailed she explained Sica's 2part personality, very cute.

Thanks for posting this. Would love to see if Soonkyu won the war to become CEO :3.
Chapter 1: share more please
Chapter 1: Lol~~ Daebak!! This is so cute and funny and hawt~~ Dayuumm~~
connie56 #7
Chapter 1: This is so awesome ^^
A y comedy heheh
SunSica <3