Quotes For Me


Shy 16 year old Taemin stumbles upon a quote written on a wall....On a whim he replies, setting him of to whole new journey. ONESHOT.


Comments are highly appreciated! Thank you in advance for taking the time to read. =)


This story was written in conjunction with the 2min fanfic competition hosted by our one and only Caline.^^. I hope this story makes it but even if it doesn't, i hope it is worth reading.


We had to write out stories based on one of the 3 prompts given,(Making it even more challenging @@), so i chose,

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.


Wish me luck! >,<


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Chapter 1: This is too endearing 💖💞☺
alexshineeexo #2
Chapter 1: soooo cute!!! how could i not read it again???!!! love it :)
shirokuroi #3
Chapter 3: wah! this is an old story i read and now i re-read it again, it's still great XD. anyway i voted your sister photo, it's beautiful :)
GOSHH! just found this >_< whohh **however,still LUCKY coz found it** I LOVES THIS OKEY!! I should found it earlier.. aishh.. TaeMinho.. LOVES THEM SO MUCH! <3 <3
Booky-faliza #5
Honestly, I'm an ELF, not a Shawol, but I loved this! I think I may start shipping 2Min now! It was really cute, and the plot was actually pretty original-- usually it would be kinda cliched but you made it work!
Absolutely beautiful and adorable, I love it so much :3 Thank you <3
AWW SOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like this, it is so pure and beautiful. Good luck for the contest.