A smile was on his face.

On the outside, he looked happy.

All s never question it.

Therefore nobody knew...

Kris stood around waiting to get on stage while some of the other members rushed around doing other things before hitting the stage.

Kris found himself going to a secluded area where no one could hear him.

He took his phone out and pushed the call log button to see if she had called.

She hadn't.

His heart pained a little.

Almost every number in his cell has log was hers. But it wasn't an incoming call, it was an outgoing call. He called her all the time, but she never picked up. Kris looked at her number some more. He was trying to decide whether or not to disappoint his heart before going up on the stage.

Ignoring his head, he followed what was left of his heart.







He finally hung up the phone.

"Kris five minutes."

suho called after him from afar who hair was still getting done

 Ignoring him, he walked out the room outside the door. This time calling her again. Same thing only this time he left a voice message.

"Hey. its me. Again. Um. I really just need to talk to you. Please pick up."

And then he hung up with that he slumped against the wall.

His eyes formed tears, but he wouldn't let them fall.

And then he just starts to stare off into space.....

(Moments pass.)

"Kris Hyung its time to go." beakhyun says in the door frame.

Kris quickly jumped up avoiding to look at baekhyun. as baekhyun walked behind kris he grabbed his shoulder. "hey hyung were you crying?" he laughs amused.


he says in his normal kris voice. baekhyun just let it go and got into his place. "Alright guys five,four,three,two..."suho said.

Half of the members took stage And from the back stage kris herd the fans scream when tao started the song growl. kris looked at them perform from the screen in the room.

"Yeah, okay. y."

kris didn't show it on the outside, but he was slowly dying inside.

It annoyed him when luhan, do, and suho obnoxiously laughed and giggled about stupid things. And at the other members on the screen.

kris got ready and ran onto stage with the other second half of the members and put on a fake image to hide his current anger. When his part came up the fans screamed loudly. It should of helped his current state, but it didn't.

- - -


At the dorms kris found himself going to the store.

"I'll go with you!" Tao said anxiously.

"Aniyo. You'll ruin my image." he thought of a quick lie.

kris started to walk towards the store. But then he found himself going to her house.

As he got there he felt stupid.

Why was he hanging on so tight when she let go. He had already seen him with another guy. So should he just move on to the next girl?

Standing at her apartment door, he hesitated to knock. He hasn't been here in three months and thinking about it killed him. His head hung low as he finally knocked on it. When she didn't answer, he brought his head up to knock again and then there she was.

"________," he says your name as he clings on to you. "I need you. He breaks out into tears. "I just can't go on like this I feel dead. My heart hurts and I can't barley sleep and eat. I'm alone ______ please don't don't do this don't let me go please." he begs you

"kris ah" you whisper.

"Please don't say it kaji ma KAJI MA!"

"I don't know if I can do this." you say.

He lets go of you and your heart pains as you look into his red tearful eyes.

Truth is kris was sensitive.

He gets on his knees. "What do I have to do _______? What do you want?"

You look at him. What you wanted was to be with him see him more you couldn't stand him being away months at a time. And people say if you love someone so much none of that matters, but to you, you thought that was just a whole bunch of bull$% because you missed him and you needed him and more importantly you wanted him around. So what was you suppose to do. Suffer?

kris looked at you. And he moved on his knees and clung to your waist.

"Please baobi, I need you in my life. I'm nothing without you."

You look down at him you haven't heard him call you baby since you broke up and your heart melts all over again just after you froze it back. Instead of listing to him you throw him off of you. And shut the door.

kris instantly starts to cry.

He knocks on your door repeatedly.

kris didn't even realize his phone was ringing till he stoped knocking on your door.

To his surprise, he sees it was you. He quickly answers it. "Yobosaeyo?"

"oppa when are you coming home, I miss you!!" you say acting as if he was on tour.

"Huh."kris says.

"oppa, I miss when you hold me at night I need for you to come home."

you say the usual things you would say when you were dating each other and while he was on tour.

finally kris realised what was going on and he started to play along. "yah pabo im comming home in two weeks dont worrie jagiya." he says smiling from ear to ear."and i miss and love you t..." before he could say anything eles you kiss him and then drag him into the apartment closeing the door behind you.

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