
All the pain for what? [DRABBLE] *very short*

“I’ve told you many times before Seungri.” Ji Young whispered looking down at Seungri.

Not a word is said.

“I told you not to talk to TOP anymore but you didn’t listen.” He turned away and started pacing. He couldn’t believe what he say. How dare they kiss in my OWN house?

“WHY DID YOU DO IT?” He yelled as he punch the wall.

“If you had just listened it me none of this would have happened. I loved you babe. I will not let anyone take you away from me” Ji Young whispered in Seungri’s ear.

“I forgive you. Let us go to bed now.” He said as he dragged Seungri by the arms followed by a trail of blood. He places Seungri on the bed and looks at him.

“I’m sorry I had to do this. If I didn’t you would have left me for TOP. If you are not with me than you cannot be with anyone else.” He said out loud.

“I’m going to go talk with TOP now.” He said. Before leaving the room he bent down and gave a kiss on his motionless lover’s forehead and lips. He got up and closed the door behind him.

The rain was coming down hard, it was thundering really loud and flashes of lightening painted the dark moonless night. If one were to be standing in front of this house you will be able to hear the faint sounds of screaming filled with pain. As if someone is being tortured deep within the house.


A/N: I am so sorry for this. It was on my mind but I don’t know if it came out right o.O

Also would just like to point out I am not crazy or a psychopath. Please believe me. I am a fun hyper person XD

Oh also sorry for the bad spelling and grammar

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