spilled coffee (what a waste)

unreasonable sad

Kim Joonmyun. College Junior. Dorms with Wu Yi Fan. Age 20. Simple and short. (Like his physical appearance)

So he doesn't understand why he is the main target of the freshmen, Kim Jongin and Oh Sehun. He isn't anything special. Okay, maybe he is a nerd. (Nerd my , Kim Joonmyun is the top student for all grades.) But he is president of the student council. (Insert the yelling of nerd here please.) He should be seen as a royal status and have respect from those two freshmen. Why, Joonmyun even approved of them having a dance club. (Which was getting quite popular.) So really, why is he the one getting bullied?

" Hey Joonmyun!" Speak of the devils. Double devils really. 'Well,' Joonmyun thinks as he is being pushed into the lockers, ' They aren't really devils. They just happened to have a lot of anger. Probably from stress. But can't they use dance as a stress reliever?' He winces as one of the sharp edges of the door jab his side. "Yo Joonmyun. Let me borrow 200 bucks."  Sehun jeered, leaning into Joonmyun's face. Jongin chewed his gum, on the look out, in case anyone sees them cornering Mr. Perfect. Not that it matter, they had a story made up already. Joonmyun got an eyelash in his eye and Sehun was trying to blow it out.

Joonmyun blinks, remembering he was cornered. "200 bucks? I don't have." He blinks and stares at Sehun. Sehun stares back. This staring contest continues until Jongin gets bored and kicks Sehun's . ( "Hard as a rock." Jongin later comments. "Shut the up" Sehun replies.) "Just grab his wallet, man. Take 200 bucks and we are out." Jongin stretches his neck and looks at the clock. 3:10 P.M.. In five minutes, the basketball team comes out of practice and he did not want to be caught by them. Not by Wufan ( "Kris, you dip.") especially.

Sehun rolled his eyes. Jongin ruined the fun. Sehun liked playing with his prey, making them nervous and afraid. "Wallet." Sehun commanded. Joonmyun shook his head. His wallet had his lunch money and he needed lunch today. Sehun tsked in annoyance and reach down Joonmyun's pant pocket. Joonmyun yelped and tried to push him away. Sehun's eyes furrowed in confusion. He didn't feel a leather pouch anywhere. Joonmyun was feeling very uncomfortable at this point. Sehun never got this close to him and not to mention, Joonmyun hated skinship. 

Jongin tapped his foot impatiently as he watched Sehun reach into the back pockets of Joonmyun's pants. Joonmyun yelped again and tried to run away. Jongin grinned. There was something about Joonmyun that made Kai want to torture him more and more. He wanted Joonmyun to cry because of him and be afraid.He wanted Joonmyun to scream in fear, louder. He wanted Joonmyun to beg for mercy as he pounded him- wait that didn't sound right. "Sehun, stop touching me!" Joonmyun pushed Sehun away, which actually caused Sehun to take a step back. Jongin looked at Sehun in confusion. "Where's the wallet?"

Sehun shrugged. The wallet wasn't in Joonmyun's pants like it always was. Bummer, he wanted 200 bucks to buy the new video game. he narrowed his eyes on Joonmyun, who was hugging his bag a lot closeer than he use to. Then Sehun smirked. Joonmyun was too easy of a nut to crack sometimes.

Joonmyun fiddled with his bag and took a step back when Sehun approached him. Jongin looked at Sehun with curiousity. "Bag." Sehun commanded. Joonmyun's eyes opened wider than an owl's. "B-Bag?" He stuttered. How Sehun find out? Was he a mind reader? Oh no, does Sehun know about the time Joonmyun accidentally kissed him? It was an accident, Joonmyun swears even though Jongdae knows the truth. Speaking of Jongdae, where was he? He was suppose to meet up in front of the lockers a few minutes ago. ( "Baekhyun needed me to go to with him to get coffee." Jongdae beams at Suho later.) He lets his mind wander before he comes back to Earth because Sehun is pulling his bag.

Sehun pulls Joonmyun's bag. Joonmyun snaps out of his daze and pulls back, with more force than Sehun expected.  'What is this?' Sehun says, trying to get the bag away from Joonmyun. Joonmyun takes a few more stepss back. "Sehun, let go!" he whines. Jongin watches as those two wrestles and it catches his eyes. If they kept going the way they were going, Joonmyun was bounded to fall down the stairs. "Yo, Sehun-" 

"Joonmyun! Jongdae! Are you here?" 

Jongin freezes. . He looks at his watch. 3:17 P.M. ' .' Jongin thinks as he turns to distract the giant basketball player who was runing down the hall. "Hey Wufan!" he shouts before the giant runs past him. Wufan turns and glares. Jongin regrets his decisions of calling him Wufan and mentally slaps himself for not remembering to call him- "Kris, you dip. The name is Kris. What are you doing here, Jongin?" Kris has full attention on Jongin. 'Mission success' Jongin does a victory dance in his head. "I'm waiting for someone thats all." Jongin replies and flips his ( "Oily." Jongdae comments later in the day) hair. "How about you Kris?" "Kris ge or Kris hyung, young grasshopper. I'm here to meet up with Jongdae and Joonmyun. Have you seen them--"


Joonmyun let out a blood-curdling scream as he misplaces his foot and falls down the stairs. His fingers slip from the handle of the bag and he falls down three flight of stairs, where he then lays there, still. Sehun blinked as he tightened his hold on Joonmyun's bag. There was no blood. He places a grin on his face as he turns around, shaking the bag. "Yo,Jongin---" he gulps. Jongin's face is full of fear and he is mouthing 'Run' to Sehun. But Sehun's legs won't move. Kris's glare has him standing froen in place. 

"Baekhyun do you think Joonmyun and Kris already--- oh my god its a body, do you think it's dead?"

"Stop being silly, Jongdae, its probably someone asleep."

"Let me check."

"Jongdae I don't think-- "


Jongdae's screams caused the three males to ruin to the top of the stairs. Baekhyun dropped the four cups of coffee and caught Jongdae in his arms. Baekhyun then looked up and said in a happy voice, "Hi, mind telling me what happened here?"

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NorthStar_xoxo #1
Chapter 1: I like this story very much hope you update soon! ^_^