
Inked Heart

“Man, I wonder what we should do for our next date.” Sungyeol softly muttered to himself as he quietly walked through his room to plop himself on his bed. 

The tall boy wanting to lay down for awhile, he couldn’t help but let that night’s events continue to run through his mind. Especially since he hadn’t expected the date to go as well as it had gone. Because as imperfect and low-key as the date had been, Sungyeol couldn’t help but feel as if it had been one of the best dates that he had ever been on. And he had been on some fun and interesting dates before. 

So for something as small as him and Myungsoo going to dinner and then doing some carnival-esque arcade games at one of the nearby arcades, it had to have meant something. At least something much bigger and deeper than what Sungyeol had expected - it had to be a soulmate thing. Because as much as the communication had been a little stagnant and hard to do at first, things had gone quite well - much better than anything that Sungyeol had thought of. Especially since he had been a little worried about things and how they would click, even if he had been confident during the date. But once Myungsoo had gotten over his first date nerves, things had easily fell into a natural rhythm between the two. 

Things had felt so natural and easy - almost as if they were truly destined to be together - which they had been - Sungyeol couldn’t help but feel amazed by what had transpired between the two. Especially since Sungyeol had been able to talk about anything and everything with the other boy. He had felt a deep connection that he had never really felt with anyone else before, especially with any of his previous lovers. Because as much as some of his exes had been fun and good people - physical people like him who liked to do things through touch - none of them were as interested as Myungsoo had been when it came to his thoughts and feelings. 


Myungsoo had actually shown enthusiasm for what he had to say, even if there were things that he wasn’t exactly into or just had never thought about until he had a reason to do so. He had made the differences between him and Sungyeol’s previous lovers significant enough for Sungyeol to realize that everything he done before Myungsoo was superficial. Because unlike the others that had gotten bored whenever Sungyeol would speak about what he was interested in, Myungsoo actually paid attention and liked what Sungyeol had to say. And because of that, Sungyeol had felt that he didn’t have to hold himself back when it came to talking about himself and what he enjoyed to do. Myungsoo had made him feel important and had actually seen him as someone that was worth much more than he was - someone that was truly great and not because he was smart, talented, and good looking, almost as if he was a piece of meat instead of a human being.

And while that was something that Sungyeol had noticed before, because Myungsoo seemed to treat many people that way, almost as if every person that his friend, let alone kind to him, was precious, it was impossible to not notice that type of thing now. Because when one saw how much Myungsoo would literally light up whenever he was around, one could barely notice anything else. And when Myungsoo showed him all of that affection, it had made Sungyeol feel good… Impossibly good.

Myungsoo may not have been into some of the movies and books that he liked - heck, he wasn’t into sports that much either, unless it was baseball and football, and even then, he had only watched a few games on TV when he could and had time - Myungsoo had just been happy to hear him speak about those things. The younger boy enthralled by what Sungyeol had to say, almost as if he could listen to what Sungyeol had to say forever. And what had made Sungyeol like the other even more was the fact that he had even shown an interest in what Sungyeol had to say about tennis. Which was definitely not something that Sungyeol experienced often.


But Myungsoo, all it took was a couple sentences, and Myungsoo was already mentioning to him that he had wanted to see him play. The other promising him that he’d come out to games once the season had started, and Sungyeol couldn’t help but feel a little touched at that. 

He wasn’t used to someone being that sincere about the sport that he loved, the sport that he would eventually make a career out of, unless it was family. And even then, there were people in his family that didn’t really care about such things either. So for Myungsoo to even mention that type of stuff, as well as him telling Sungyeol that he’d go to to the library to read some books about it so that he could understand it better - well, that had been a little more mindblowing. Especially since Myungsoo wasn’t the type of person that would lie about such things. Myungsoo had to be the sincerest person that he had ever met. 

But what had really surprised Sungyeol about the date was the amount of fun that the two of them had had, even with the difficulty that the communication barrier had presented. Because once Myungsoo had gotten comfortable with what they were doing, getting used to all of the new experiences and realizing that he didn’t need to be that guarded with Sungyeol, Myungsoo was able to let loose a little bit and be an enjoyable date. Especially since underneath all of that sweetness that the younger teen had held, Myungsoo was a little bit corny and hilarious in his own little ways. 

Seriously, his jokes were so horrible that Sungyeol couldn’t help but laugh whenever he had read them. Because no matter how cheesy and horrible they had been, there were still funny enough to put a smile on his face. Never mind the fact that Myungsoo had been completely adorable whenever he would share one that Sungyeol couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit giddy about it all. Even if the first time that Myungsoo had done it, he’d been completely shocked at himself, almost as if he hadn’t meant to do it at first. And while Sungyeol had felt a little awkward at the look that had passed Myungsoo’s face, almost as if the other had been scared about possibly overstepping his boundaries, Sungyeol had been quick to make sure Myungsoo knew that he could do things like that. Because Myungsoo should never be scared to do something so human - Myungsoo shouldn’t have to worry about having fun.


But figuring that he had just been seeing things when it had came to that look, Sungyeol couldn’t help but chalk it up to embarrassment and Myungsoo being worried about Sungyeol possibly disliking him. Which was preposterous since it was impossible to not like Myungsoo, Sungyeol could only ignore it and do what he could to encourage Myungsoo to get so comfortable with him that he wouldn’t think twice about making a joke or two. 

The younger boy had also been a bit competitive as well, and while he had been nowhere near as competitive as Sungyeol had been when it had come to him getting Myungsoo that stuffed penguin from one of the arcade games that the two of them had played, Myungsoo was definitely the type to get something done when he would put his mind to it. Just seeing him do his best to overcome the difficulties that his disability had given him every day was more than enough to tell him that. And even then, he couldn’t help but remember Myungsoo’s determined face when it had come to the two playing table hocky and a few other paired games that wouldn’t cause any stress to Myungsoo’s ankle. And while, Myungsoo didn’t win any of those games since Sungyeol had a lot more practice than him, Sungyeol couldn’t help but find Myungsoo’s tenacity and the way he bit his lip in concentration adorable. Because when Myungsoo wanted to win, there was just something stunning about him. So Sungyeol couldn’t help but want to see a little more of that in the future, at least when Myungsoo was completely comfortable to let loose and not care about what Sungyeol had to think. Since as much as Myungsoo had gotten to relax, it was going to take a while until he could completely do so.


Adding onto that competitive nature, making Myungsoo seem even more perfect for him, it didn’t help that Sungjong had also mentioned to him in one of their conversations about how smart Myungsoo was, at least when it had come to school. Because the other boy was holding some high marks in all of his subjects and was one of the best students in his class. So Myungsoo was definitely not stupid. Sure, he was a bit naive and unworldly about some things, a little bit of a dreamer as well, but Myungsoo was the type of person that put a lot of thought into what he would say and do. Myungsoo was also quite excitable and passionate about a lot of things and just seeing that in action - his mind was definitely an active one. But unfortunately, Sungyeol was only getting to see a portion of that - a portion of who Myungsoo was. And Sungyeol couldn’t help but want to be able to see and understand the other boy a lot more. 

Surprisingly he wanted to be like all of the other soulmates in the world that had seemed to understand each other without needing to speak - the soulmates that loved each other unconditionally. Sungyeol wanted that and more and while it was a little scary, Sungyeol couldn’t help but want to welcome it… 


Which was crazy, but with Myungsoo, it wouldn’t be. He had actually found himself liking the fact that Myungsoo seemed to have fun with him, the other smiling and laughing with him. Even if Myungsoo laughed a little too much at his funny stories, despite Sungyeol knowing how unfunny some of them were. But to Myungsoo, they weren’t - he truly seemed to enjoy them, which in turn made Sungyeol want to tell him more - to see the other laugh. Even if the other liked to hide his laughter into his hands, almost as if he was afraid that showing his toothy smile would be rude - it wasn’t and Sungyeol wanted to fix that if the other thought that was true. Because despite how silent Myungsoo’s laugh had been - something that had almost startled Sungyeol for a couple of seconds when he had first seen it, Sungyeol was just glad that the other could laugh. He wanted Myungsoo to be comfortable enough to laugh without feeling as if he was bothering him in some way, though.  

Because deep down… Okay, not deep down, because Sungyeol knew that Myungsoo was insecure - it was impossible to not notice it. Sungyeol couldn’t help but wonder if most of that insecurity was from his disability and the fact that he lacked any sort of friends before him. But despite all of that, Sungyeol couldn’t help but want to take everything that Myungsoo was insecure about and make him confident about those things. Because as much as Myungsoo was excelling at being his soulmate so far, Sungyeol had to be good for Myungsoo in some ways as well… He just had to be. 


He couldn’t be that idiotic boyfriend in dramas that usually did nothing but hurt their significant other and constantly make it up to them with stupid things like superficial goods. Relationships didn’t work that way and Sungyeol wanted to do all he could for this relationship. He may have ed up once and he may up many times in the future, but he wanted to make things work and the only way to do that was to be what Myungsoo needed. 
Turning until he was on his side, Sungeyol couldn’t help but give a small sigh while he silently looked at his wrist. The tattoo was now completely healed and beautiful to look at… The ink had even seemed to be a more beautiful color than it had been before… He couldn’t help but suddenly wonder about what Myungsoo’s tattoo had looked like as well.

Would it be reminiscent of his sloppy writing since most tattoos were usually similar to how their soulmate’s would write things, or was it actually beautiful? Like how Myungsoo was?

Sungyeol didn’t know but he had definitely wanted to find out since he had been curious since the beginning when Myungsoo had kept him from seeing his arms. But knowing how distressed the other had been - something of which Sungyeol found even odder, he’d wait until Myungsoo was ready to show him it… Until Myungsoo was ready to show him his body -


“Ah, hey bro, didn’t expect to see you so soon, date not go well? Usually I’d see you coming home at 2-3 in the morning.” 

Looking up to see his brother in the doorway, the other leaning against the edge of the door-frame with a small glint in his eyes, Sungyeol couldn’t help but roll his eyes at what his brother was hinting at. Even if the comment was warranted and was wrapped up in brotherly concern, because if the positions had been reversed, Sungyeol probably would have made a similar, if not worse, comment than what Daeyeol was getting at.


But knowing Daeyeol meant well, and with him still being quite gleeful about his date with Myungsoo, Sungyeol found himself admitting, if a bit hesitantly at first, “No, it - it had actually went quite well, much better than I thought it would go, and please, I’m not that bad. I always came home for curfew...”

Laughing at his brother’s words and how he was trying to make it seem like what he did previous wasn’t that bad, Daeyeol was quick to reply, “Oh please, mom and dad don’t even have a curfew for you, unless it’s on nights where you have a big game or something. So don’t even give me that bro, especially since I don’t even have a curfew… But seriously, how did it go? You got any details for your younger brother?”


Snorting at Daeyeol’s words before he was quickly reorienting himself so that he was leaning against his headboard, Sungyeol could only give a pleasant sounding sigh a moment later, “ Like I just mentioned, it  had went really well - much better than I had thought… Actually, it might… It might have been one of the best dates that I’ve ever been on. And all we did was eat dinner at some family-style barbecue place and did some carnival games - stuff I did in grade-”


“Eh… So you took Myungsoo on a date that you would have done when you were eleven-twelve… Um, don’t you usually like to do something fancy like going to those upscale European restaurants on fifth? One time, you had even did one of those resort packages that we always get in the mail? Like… I don’t mean to be sound weird here, but how did you even think of that? Like how do you go from what you normally do to something that I’d do with Yein…”

Knowing that his date had been something a bit different than what he’d usually do, at least if you had went by what those he had dated in the past, Sungyeol couldn’t fault Daeyeol at finding it odd. Because as much as the date was something that he’d see Daeyeol do and had been something he’d probably do when he was pre-teen, he knew Myungsoo wouldn’t have felt comfortable with it. He was sure Myungsoo would have appreciated it, but deep down, he knew that a fancy restaurant was way too soon for the other boy. Even if Myungsoo would look good in some fancier clothes, because as much as his outfit was cute, it did lead Sungyeol to believe that if he had ever taken Myungsoo out to some place nice, Myungsoo would look incredible. 


Seeing his brother close the door to lean against it, essentially telling him that whatever he said wouldn’t leave this room, Sungyeol found himself eventually replying, “I don’t know why, but it just felt like the right thing to do and I don’t think what I’d normally do would have been right for Myungsoo…”

Because despite the amount of fun the two had had, Sungyeol was positive that Myungsoo would have been an anxious mess if he had taken the two of them to some upscale place, especially one that had more than three courses or had extra forks and spoons. Seeing how anxious and nervous Myungsoo had been at first had been more than enough to tell him that their date could have easily gone differently. And while he was sure that he still would have liked Myungsoo and would have found him just as precious as he had on their date, he also felt that Myungsoo would have been a lot more careful with his words and actions. Something he definitely didn’t need.


“Myungsoo’s a bit more low-key than some of the previous people that I have dated in the past and he’s never really gotten out much - doesn’t help that he actually has a curfew either, but that’s beside the point… What I’m trying to get at, I guess, is that if I had done what I would have usually done, I don’t think Myungsoo would have appreciated it… He’d never show that though because I know Myungsoo would just like being with me, but it’s obvious that something like that is not his scene and even then… Those types of dates were never about the dating… Never really have been and as much as it was anyone else, I don’t think Myungsoo deserves a date like that… He deserves something special and not something that would make him uncomfortable or make him think he needs to do something with me to please me, you know? He’s not like others.”

Hearing his brother’s voice go a little bit soft at the end, almost as if his words had held some actual meaning to them, Daeyeol couldn’t help but like hearing that difference. Because as much as his brother had believed in obtaining a soulmate someday, he had also been a lot more practical about it as well. And while he hadn’t been completely promiscuous or anything like that, Sungyeol still had two boyfriends before Myungsoo and even then, Daeyeol was absolutely positive that Sungyeol had fooled around with a few others when he hadn’t been dating as well. 


So for his brother to be home this early, to speak like this, and actually look happy, despite everything still being in place: hair still straight and clean looking, the two most likely not having had or at the very least a heavy makeout session on their date, Sungyeol had to be quite serious about him to not do something more than light kissing. And as much as Sungyeol claimed the other had a curfew, Daeyeol knew that Sungyeol would have found a way to incorporate some time to do something ual, so the only explanation that Daeyeol could come up with was that Sungyeol was in love. And with his brother smiling as if he had just won a million won, kind of similar to how he had smiled when he was with Yein, there was no other explanation for it. And if he wasn’t in love, then he was falling in love. 

Giving the other a small smile, Daeyeol can only find himself asking, “You really like him don’t you,” only to smirk a little and tease a second later, not wanting to pass the chance at getting some details since that’s what Sungyeol usually did to him, “How’s the kisses? Any good?” 


While Sungyeol could only give him a slightly embarrassed look since the answer would completely throw Daeyeol off, especially since Sungyeol usually found himself going a bit farther than what one would expect on most first dates. Sungyeol having always been a bit of a physical guy, he can’t help but softly admit, cheeks pink, “We actually haven’t kissed yet.” 

Only for Daeyeol’s eyes to widen in surprise,“WHAT? You’ve never even kissed? I know it’s your first date and all, but you’ve been kind of seeing him for the past couple of weeks now… I know you two have been trying to get to know each other and this date was to really solidify things, but what have you guys been doing? You’ve never done something like this… Like even Yein and I’ve kissed already and you usually call me a slowpoke for that type of stuff… Like… I don’t know what to say, except that’s not normal for you?”  


Unable to stop himself from giving a small laugh at his brother’s reaction, especially since he couldn’t really believe it himself, Sungyeol can’t help but think back to Myungsoo and everything that had happened so far. Even if he feels as if he’s been doing that a lot, revisiting things to find answers and somehow make mature choices to benefit him and Myungsoo, even if it doesn’t really feel that way, Sungyeol finds himself telling his brother with a shrug, “I’ve just been going with the flow so far and there hasn’t really been a time to do such things or even the right moment… Sometimes it just doesn’t feel right either. Myungsoo’s a lot more naive and sensitive and a bit of a romantic - he may not have told me much about that, but it’s something that I can just feel, and I can’t bring myself to do what I’ve always done. It doesn’t feel right. Even if I thought about doing it a few times, because how can I not, he’s completely adorable and I’ve never been much of a monk or had the self control that other people have. But despite that, I don’t feel odd about waiting at all. So no, we haven’t kissed just yet… 

“And bro, if you haven’t realized that I’ve been bullting you by now, I think that’s the bigger problem, you’ve always been good about knowing when to do things… Makes me a little jealous sometimes since I’m older and all and should be better at that, but then you wouldn’t be you, yeah?”


Seeing his brother give him a bit of a soft, yet almost sobering smile at his words, especially since it’s not often that Sungyeol spouts such stuff,  the other can only give him a small thanks. Because as much as Daeyeol could have mentioned something good about Sungyeol, he doesn’t need to, because Sungyeol knows that Daeyeol appreciates him and looks up to him like any brother. And as stupid as Sungyeol could be at times, Sungyeol would always be there for the other, always willing to listen, and give him advice whenever he needed it. Even if some of that advice was disguised in jokes and teasing, Sungyeol always having been the bigger joker of the two. 

Giving a soft sigh, suddenly feeling a bit tired from the many epiphanies he had and putting new things on his mental list that he had needed to do, Sungyeol softly asked, “Anything else you want to know Daeyeol? Maybe bring the conversation to talk about you and Yein, we haven’t talked about her in a while. I take it things have been going quite okay since you admitted kissing her, how was that like? Everything you thought it would be?”


Only for his younger brother to completely light up as he quickly thought about his soulmate and how perfect she seemed, “Yeah… She’s completely wonderful, and she’s not like a lot of girls that I’ve known and it feels as if I’ve known her forever. We never run out of things to talk about and she just knows me and I can’t help but want to know everything about her and it’s really great. She’s great and the kissing… That was great too and while I don’t really have much to base it on, but it was fun and it just felt right to do, like we were destiny or fated. I’m just glad to have met her, I know it sounds completely stupid, but I really don’t think I could live without her… She’s amazing, really. And you’d like her a lot… In fact, you’ll get to meet her soon, mom and dad want her to come over for dinner.” 

Smiling at everything his brother had to say, Sungyeol knowing Yein had to be someone great - nothing less for his brother after all, Sungyeol wasn’t expecting his brother to continue his train of thought with the words, “Oh yeah, before I forget, mom and dad want Myungsoo to come over too. Mom’s actually a little miffed that you didn’t tell her about Myungsoo as soon as you figured things out - she doesn’t know what happened, so if you want to keep that to yourself, so be it, but she wants to meet him. Dad as well… He seemed oddly excited about it too. It was a little weird, but that’s dad for you.” 


Feeling a small frown bloom across his face, especially since he thought he’d have a little more time before having Myungsoo meet his parents, Sungyeol can’t help but ask, “Do you have a time for when they want to meet him?” 

“They didn’t really say, but I think they expect to meet him soon… Maybe he can come when Yein comes, maybe take a little bit of stress off of him since their attention will be divided. But I think you have maybe two weeks max to do something because mom’s already thinking about the possible dishes she can cook.”


Unsatisfied with his brother’s answer, Sungyeol could only groan, “When’s Yein coming?”

While his brother averts his eyes, knowing that Sungyeol won’t like the answer, “Wednesday.”


Bloody hell.  

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chapter nineteen is up!


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nataliawong #1
Chapter 20: Update pleases.
TinaLeeM #2
Chapter 20: Just thought of this story again today and how much I adore it! Hope you’re well!
TinaLeeM #3
Chapter 20: I just thought of this story today and how much I adore it. I really hope you update soon. I miss it :)
nataliawong #4
Authornim please don't give up on this amazing story. Update please.
hansichul #5
Chapter 20: I have read this story so many times. I keep waiting for an update please don't take much longer I really want to know what's going to happen next.
nana0415 #6
Chapter 20: I keep repeating read your story..i really love this story..i hope you will keep updating it..please update soon..i want more^^
nana0415 #7
Chapter 20: I keep repeating read your story..i really love this story..i hope you will keep updating it..please update soon..i want more^^
Chapter 20: WOW! can't believe it has been 3 years since I started reading this. it's really beautiful, I can't help but find myself wanting more of it
nana0415 #9
Chapter 20: I like your story very much..please update soon :)
Chapter 20: Definitely one of my most favorite stories!
So, thank you very much.
This has made me cry so many times... Poor Myungsoo... the boy doesn't deserve any of this.
Sungyeol you need to get him out of his house!