Chapter One

Winter Break Vacation? More Like Winter Break Hell!
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Gabriella steps into the crowded hallway, making her way to the Starbucks inside the school’s campus.

“Gabriella!” she turns her head around upon hearing her name.

She smiles as she sees her friend, “Ciao Dina.”

“How was your criminal justice class?” asks Dina.

She shrugs at her friend’s question, “it was okay, just the usual, note taking and listening to what the professor had to say.”

“Did you take all your finals yet?”

Gabby shakes her head, “no, I just need the criminal justice and the speech final, how about you?”

Dina lets out a long sigh, “I still need to take the chemistry test.”

Gabby turns to look at her friend, “oh…” and gently pats Dina’s back, “good luck, you’ll need it.”

“I know…” lets out a sigh, “that’s why I keep sighing…” Dina lets out another long sigh.

Gabby smiles at her friend, “Cheer up, we only got tomorrow left and we’re done with classes. Instead of stressing out, how about you just think about how we’re going to spend the whole month of winter break in Seoul.”

Dina smiles widely at the thought of leaving to Seoul tomorrow night, “I know, I can’t wait!”

At Starbucks

Gabriella and Dina meet up with the rest of their friends at Starbucks as planned the night before.

A tall, fair-skin girl with long, wavy black hair approached the girls table.

The girl starts handing each girl their order, “A Grande vanilla bean Frappe for Jess and Dina, one Venti Caramel Frappe for Gabby, one Grande Iced Americano for Jihyun, one  Caramel macchiato for Zoe, and one Grande Ice Vanilla coffee for me.”

The girls say in union, “Thanks Krystal”

Krystal eye smiles at them as she takes the empty seat between Gabriella and Zoe, “no problem.”

The girls catch up with each other as they sip from their drinks.

“Did you girls finish packing?” asked Zoe as she eyed her friends, only to get nods from all of the girls, except for one, Gabriella.

Jihyun turns to glare at Gabby, “Yah! Why haven’t you finished packing?”

Gabby looks up at her friends, “about that…” gives them a guilty loo

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Soyu_Kang #1
Wow! Her house's huge! D:
Can't wait until chapter two xD