sehun / /

english literature / /

  English Literature
                                tutor x student ft. exo's sehun. written for a friend of mine.

        "I completely and fully aware at this point that I do not and never will understand Shakespeare," a young looking, chocolate eyed brunette began as she sat on the opposite end of a worn out, doodled over wooden desk, her fingers tapping against her thigh impatiently as she avoided making eye contact with the older woman across from her. "You can fail me now. I would rather fail everything to due with his playwrights than try to understand what he's saying and make a fool of myself," she continued, her hand lingering from her thigh to push up the rectangular glasses that framed her eyes awkwardly, and she sniffled, her fingers finding their way back to her thigh. "I give up, plain and simple."

         "Now Miru, you know I'm not allowed to do that. Shakespeare isn't that difficult to understand, and you've got to understand whether you like it or not you must participate in the discussions and lectures in this class. What period do you have me?" the older woman spoke gently, crossing her legs, holding a pen, scribbling down thoughts onto a piece of paper. "I'm going to assign one of your classmates as your tutor, someone who has a particularly high grade in both my class and in their other classes. I'll also check with them to see if they are available three out of five days of the week to help you understand both the play I have assigned as homework to read and annotate, as well as the homework I will give out during the time span we are reading Shakespeare. Now, if you do not work with the tutor I assign, and continue to miss work in this class, I'll unfortunately have to involve both your parents and the principal. Is this understandable?" The brunette just simply nodded her head, and the older woman let out a sigh and cleared . "Now, what period do you have?"

        "I have seventh period," Miru mumbled softly, shifting in her highly uncomfortable seat. She watched at her teacher shuffled through papers on a clipboard and looked at a seating chart, her pen scanning across the pictures on the paper, until she stopped at one picture. She placed her pen lightly on it, and circled it.

        "I'll be asking Sehun if he can tutor you and what hours he is available on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I'll tell you tomorrow what times he is available tomorrow and I'll expect you to follow along with him if you cannot follow along with the rest of the class. I'll sit you two together in a separate group in class for discussions. I'll also be available for help on Thursdays if you'd like to come in. Understood?" Miru simply nodded her head again as her teacher dismissed her, and she stood up, walking out of the classroom into a hallway filled with other students. She passed by plenty of other people who were failing the same teacher's class, yet it felt as though only she was being picked on. Only she was told what to do. Only she was the one who had to be tutored by someone whose name she hadn't been familiar with, and she was sure he hadn't been familiar with her's. All she had to do was hope he wasn't stuck up because of his grades and would help her.

        "Hi, I'm Sehun," the male who was sitting in the seat next to her newly assigned spot for the rest of the semester spoke, whose hair almost matched the color of her eyes, who had a subtle yet noticeable lisp, who seemed to be much friendlier than she had expected. "I'll be your tutor for the rest of Romeo and Juliet. I hope I don't get too annoying while we get more into the play," he chuckled, smiling brightly at her. Her cheeks shifted to a pale pink color, and she gave a soft smile back, and nodded at him. She couldn't get any words out - she couldn't form her words into a sentence or even a phrase. "Well, take a seat, we have a lot to catch up with!" 

        Miru took the seat next to him, the only seat available in the class, and Sehun leaned in close to her, shifting the paper that sat on his desk to her's, and was pointing out sections he highlighted, beginning to explain the general plot of Romeo and Juliet, and about Shakespeare's background, and about the time period he lived in. She wasn't paying any attention though, she just nodded her head when he looked over at her, and he would smile, and she would feel his arm rub against her's, and her heart would start beating faster and she had to tell herself mentally that she just met him, and he would continue. She couldn't help but notice how nice he smelled; he smelled like a mixture of vanilla and cinnamon, no matter how odd it was for a guy to smell that way (or for a guy to smell like anything besides sweat or overly strong cologne they sprayed way too much on.) Pretty soon she felt herself dozing off, her eyes fluttering closed and opening up quickly over and over, and before she knew it she had fallen asleep. She was woken up by the bell, and Sehun humming to himself as he sat there, waiting for everyone to filter out of the classroom before beginning to shuffle through his bag. Miru yawned, and stretched, rubbing her eyes. "How long have I been asleep lord I'm surprised I didn't wake up earlier - oh, Sehun, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep I'm really sorry," Miru spoke quickly as she remembered he was trying to talk to her, but she ignored him. He laughed, and looked over at her, flashing a grin.

        "It's fine, Miru. It's the first day of this, you'll think it's boring for a while. Eventually something will spark your interest and you'll start listening. I was like you in middle school. You'll get out of it," he said calmly and gently, his words floating around in her thoughts for a second before drifting away to be hidden away somewhere in her brain. "I wrote my number on your hand while you were sleeping, and wrote down the times you can get into contact with me and the times I'll be available to help you if you need me to come over or if you want to come to my house. It's in your pocket," he added before he stood up out of his desk, and walked out of the classroom, leaving Miru and the teacher and a few other students to sit in silence. Did I just get a boy's number? A cute and really smart boy, on top of everything? This isn't real, unbelievable,  she thought, letting out a chuckle, her eyes gazing at the wall, her brain trying to play out the events that led up to this. She looked at the wall, her facial expression showing her disbelief in what happened, and her teacher snicked before going back to her work.

        Days turned into weeks, and weeks eventually turned into months, and by the end of the second week she was getting the hang of understanding how Shakespeare wrote, and after the end of the first month, she had caught up to the class, and even finished things before the class. She had gotten closer to Sehun (his parents had deemed her a "friend of the family," and Sehun let her know that he hasn't had that happen with any of his other friends), and her teacher had allowed her to only get help from him once a week, but by this point, they hung out almost every day. They were almost inseparable, besides having six other classes apart from each other. Miru had learned Sehun was extremely smart for his age, and he was in the school's concert band (to which she also learned he played tenor sax, the flute, and the clarinet, on top of other instruments that were a part of the string category of instruments), and he was in the school's national honor society. She started noticing his lisp more and more, and with every day she spent with him, she grew more and more fond of him.

        "Mom, I'm going to go to Sehun's. His parents invited me to go to dinner with them, and Sehun seemed like he wanted me to go. I'll be home in a couple hours, okay?" Miru hollered from the front door, knowing her mom wasn't going to hear her. She could hear her mom singing something she didn't understand upstairs with the vacuum running, and she chuckled to herself, leaving the house. It wasn't even the early evening before it had gotten dark, and she was walking alone in almost pitch black darkness, if it wasn't for the street lights being for her to see the street. The street lights at the beginning of his street had been blown out, meaning that she had to walk all the way down to his house with little to no light to see where she was going. She felt uneasy in her stomach, and she could hear someone else walking about, but couldn't see anyone around. She took a deep breath, and almost screamed when she felt someone's arms around her.

        "It's me, it's me. You're okay, I'm not going to murder you, maybe flirt with you, but I'm not going to murder you," a familiar voice chuckled, with the familiar lisp, and she could smell the same vanilla mixed with cinnamon scent she smelled weeks before, but she couldn't see him. "My parents left, I wanted to be alone with you tonight," he spoke softly into her ear, and he rested his chin on her shoulder. "There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while... I never really got the chance to, though. Someone was always around listening," he mumbled quietly, turning her around and wrapping his arms around her again. 

        "I'm standing in the dark with your arms around me, and I know it's you but I can't see you, and now you have something to tell me. I feel like I'm blind like this," Miru spoke as if she was irritated, but in reality she wanted him to hurry and tell her what he wanted to say.

        "I feel more comfortable telling you in the dark. You won't be able to see my face turn red. All I have to worry about is my lisp messing up what I want to say," Sehun sighed, and he cleared his throat, looking into the darkness, pulling Miru closer to him. He could smell the strawberry shampoo she used, and the floral perfume she liked to wear when she felt like she was supposed to smell like a girl. He could hear her breathing, he could feel her chest moving very slightly as she breathed in and out, in and out. He took a deep breath, and tried to form something to say, but nothing would come out.

        "Well um, I guess I should start talking now. I don't want you to feel like you're blind for too long," Sehun chuckled. "So, um... I don't know how to put the words together... I've liked you since the beginning of the school year, Miru. I like the way your hair falls into your face while you're looking down, I like the way the sun hits your glasses, I like the way you tap on your thighs when you're nervous, I like the way your eyes glitter when you're happy. I'm fond of you and everything about you. When I got assigned to be your tutor I was so nervous... you have no clue. I was so scared you were going to not care. You didn't care at first, but you got into it like I said you would. It made me happy when I saw how into Romeo and Juliet you were. I liked you before, I like you now. Miru, I don't want to say something stupid, but I have a deep infatuation with you. If I could write out my feelings with the stars, I would. If I could explain it any better, I would. If I could show you, I would." Miru could hear his voice tremble as he continued, she could hear his embarrassment, his fear of rejection. She let out a soft laugh, her arms wrapping around him.

        "Are you scared I'm not going to feel the same way?" Miru asked softly.

        "W-What?" Sehun stuttered. "Well... A little..." He heard her laugh again.

        "The first day we met. The day I fell asleep. I had thought you were really cute. I really liked how you smelled, I liked your lisp, I liked how deeply moved you were by Shakespeare and his weird way of writing. You could of told me sooner, I would of told you the same thing then as I am now," Miru whispered to him. 

        "Does this mean you...?" he began.

        "Does this mean I what?" she questioned.

        "Does this mean if I asked you to be mine, you wouldn't say no?" Sehun asked.

        "This means if you asked me to be your's, I would say yes," Miru responded.

        "Would you be mine?" 

        "I would love to be your's. On one condition."

        "What would that condition be?"

        "That we don't end up like Romeo and Juliet."

        "That condition can be met."

        "Then yes, I'll be your's."



        "Did you just...?"

        "Did I just what?"

        "Did you just kiss me?"

        "My lisp is going to make me mess up what I'm going to say."

        "Then don't speak. Talk with actions, not words."

        "I found another thing to like."

        "And what is that?"

        "The way your lips feel, and the way I can feel how hot your cheeks are when I kiss you."

        "Another condition. Be quiet and kiss me."

        "That condition can be met."

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