Sent To Protect
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Yonghee sighed to herself. It was yet another day on this dull planet called Earth. She used to love being here, But after so many year's she came to realize how boring human's really were. Groaning, She walked out her bathroom, drying herself with a towel before getting dressed and styling her hair.

After putting on the sunglasses she smiled slightly before heading out of her appartment. Today she was going to face them again. She was going to show them who she really was. After all, She needed the company. She needed excitment. Something to bring her back to life again.

Walking down the dark street. Yonghee sighed when she found the group she had been looking for. Only, They weren't exactly free at the moment. Taking a seat on the park bench. She watched as Block B kicked the out of another group of boy's. When they were done she clapped her hand's, Making the 7 boy's whip their head's around to look at her.

"I knew I could count on Block B to entertain me." She chuckled as she walked over to the stunned boy's. "Don't Recognise me? I'm Offended. But I'll let it slid. It has been almost 4 year's since you last saw me and then? I was all girly and helped the inoccent." Yonghee waved her hand about.

"Who....?" Zico raised an eyebrow.

"Yonghee. Park Yonghee. Though I go as Dark Knight now. The number 1 Solo Gangster."

Yonghee chuckled as she watched the boy's put on their thinking face's. And how they all brightened up when they realized who they were talking to.

"Wow... You look..."

"Like a dude? Have a Dark Aura? No more light to me? Yeah, I get that alot." The boy's chuckled.

"So, Why are you here?" U-Kwon muttered as he rolled his shoulder's.

"I am rather Bored. I hoped you could... I don't know. Have a use for me?" Y

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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 2: Chapter 2 : please update... HwAiting !! I love the story
ReenRieX #2
Chapter 2: Chapter 2 : please update... HwAiting !! I love tge story
YWDA7204 #3
Chapter 2: Fighting! I will support you!