

Call her whatever you want, delusional, misled even. But Kim Soojung will always believe in one thing, fairytales do exist. Maybe not in reality, but it is somewhere out there.

You might think this is a bit off for someone her age who has already experienced the bitterness of heartbreak first hand, but I guess she is what you would call an optimist. No matter how badly a person has hurt her, Soojung will always find the good in her heart to forgive them. Besides, isn’t life all about sniffing out the bed of roses in the field of dead flowers?

It comes to no surprise that people around her find her peculiar, almost alien-like. Her cheerful nature and optimism is one thing, but her outer appearance is another thing. Truthfully, she doesn’t see what all the big fuss is about. So what if she likes to wear poofy frilly dresses most of the time and plait her oddly-coloured hair with daises every Tuesday? There was nothing written anywhere about that being banned or illegal. Anyway, she dresses this way for a reason and not just for fun. Okay, sometimes she does do it out of boredom but that wasn’t the point. The point is that she wants to match her outside to her inside. And if her inside was covered in rainbows and sprinkled in glitter, so will her outside.

Based on this description, you are probably assuming that she’s just another one of those airheaded, ditzy and one-dimensional female characters some people insert into their stories. Oh no, she was more than that. She holds a Master’s degree in Psychology and a black belt in Taekwondo. Not only can she kick and still look cute, she can also psychologically analyse someone, with their permission of course.

With that covered, what about her love life? As mentioned before, Soojung’s had heart broken by quite a handful of people in the past. Funny thing you should know, when one of her ex-boyfriends was caught cheating red-handed in bed with another woman, she left both of them a little present, a one-way trip to the hospital all expenses covered. Of course afterwards, she drowned herself in tubs of chocolate ice cream and cried her little pink heart out.Her entire apartment was practically covered in used tear-soaked tissues for three weeks.

Away from the scary ex-stories, what’s she actually like when she’s in love? The answer is, in her own little world. Since she had read far too many princess stories since she was young, her mind did somehow end up twisted like that. Of course, her past experiences have taught her to handle love more maturely but that does not stop her from openly confessing her feelings whether or not they are returned back. So far, she’s been rejected a total of 23 times but that doesn’t matter, because an intense training session is only a phone call away. And anyway, there are always more daisies to pick from the field.

Like any other person, she too has some very annoying habits that drive the people around her up the wall. Like the fact she grinds her teeth and sleep talk in her sleep is just really frustrating. The amount of sound energy she produces at night is too damn high. Besides, how does someone even produce that much noise with their mouth, while they’re unconscious? Or that she cracks her knuckles whenever she’s bored. It definitely makes for good sudden karaoke but if there’s nothing, it’s just downright annoying.

It’s those times where the reminder of her actually strong personality comes up. You see all of these things about her that you forget how strong this girl actually is. Aside from the fact that she has been turned down 23 times and that she has placed a few of her ex-boyfriends in the hospital, she can also be surprisingly mature and knows when to put her foot down. The countless late-night conversations about the theories of existence with the girl who dyes half her hair cotton candy pink can linger for quite some time before they fade away. That’s just the effect Soojung has on people, she’s hard to forget. Even when she’s just a face you see, you will always remember her as the girl wearing the medium-length frilly blue dress and matching blue mary janes down the street. He couldn't comprehend how or even why her ex-boyfriends would want to do her over, once you meet her, she stays pretty solid in yor memory.

Maybe that’s why he fell for her, who knows? Till this day, he still can’t put his finger on which one of her zany qualities was the one that reeled him in. But whatever it is, he’s thankful she’s got that in her, because he wouldn’t want her any other way. They both had personailites that were strikingly similar but complimented each other nicely like the fact that although they were both childish, they could still balance it out with their maturity. Being her best friend was one thing, but being her boyfriend was another. As her best friend, he enjoyed movie night every Thrusday at his place before they debuted where he would cry over the amount of gore in the movie while she laughed at his misery. As her boyfriend, he was the one who got to wipe the tears away from her face and kiss her wounds till they healed. 

Their relationship was rather different, to say the least. Since the both of them had busy schedules daily, a day together was rare but it was cherished. They would do everything and by everything, I mean EVERYTHING that could be done in a single day. You name it, amusement parks, grocery shopping, even method acting, if it could be done they probably did it. Obviously when they got back in the wee hours of the morning, they would be exhausted as hell but they’d still get drunk on soju anyway. Then the next morning, they will both get yelled at by their managers for coming in late but they couldn't care less.  They had managed to spend time together and that’s all that mattered. 

Truthfully, he couldn’t wait until the both of them hit their mid-30s when they’d both get kicked out of the entertainment industry for being useless at raking in money, just so he could finally get down on one knee and ask for her hand in marriage. His biggest dream after being an idol, is to settle down and have a family which is pretty basic now that he realised. Anyway, they'd be great parents in his opinion. Thinking about all the things he could do with her as a family keeps him hopeful abou their future together.

‘’Jihoon-ah, whatcha doing?’’she asked in a sing-song voice as she wrapped her arms around him from behind.

‘’Nothing jagi, just staring at the intersection down there,’’he replied.

‘’Then stop staring and let’s go watch Saw 3, I’ve been dying to watch that for ages! Now I finally have the dvd!’’she excitedly exclaimed, tugging at his arm.



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Dontworrybehappy #1
Amazing~ :D
messi10 #2
thanks for this story