
Blue Rose

Chapter One


He tried to calm his palpitating heart, and steady his harsh breathing. He raised the armed long gun quietly, watching the area with every movement. A bead of sweat trickled down from the side of his temple.

Then suddenly he heard a click, he let out a faint gasp as he turned around quickly, raising his shotgun at the intruder.

But he was faced front with the barrel of a automatic revolver and the winning smirk of the owner.

"Looks like I win." he said.

The owner of the shotgun eyed the man warily and held his firearm steady, exhaling out slowly and calmly.

Then he smirked, confusing the one who still held the revolver in front of the man's face.

"Think again." a deep, husky voice rang out from behind.

The man with the revolver let out a silent curse as he turned around, raising the gun face to face with the unexpected guest.

"Man, again?!"

The third person who was behind the other man held a black, self loading pistol in hand.

His eyes were steady and sharp like a hawk and his stance unwavering.

The first one let out a laugh. "Looks like TOP's the winner... again."

The man with the revolver let out a frustrated noise and  dropped the gun at the same time with the pistol.

"Yeah.." he agreed, placing his gun in the holster.

"But I was close!" he exclaimed.

Another light-hearted laugh was heard.

"Computer, simulation ended." the man with the rifle said aloud.

An automatic, female voice responded in return.

"Simulation ending. Winner: TOP."

The second man patted the rifler on the shoulder.

"You weren't bad this time, GD. But you still ."

The lanky, medium built man gave the man a boyish grin.

"I told you, I can't handle well when it comes to weapons. I'm a lover, not a fighter, Chen." he answered.

Chen snorted and raised his tanned arm away from his shoulder to his head ruffled the young man's light brown, choppy hair with his hand.

"Yeah, yeah! Shut it, lover boy."

The two laughed.

Chen grinned over to the silent winner.

"Nice one, TOP. I didn't even hear you sneak behind me."

TOP, the third person accepted the comment and nodded his head.

"Thanks. You weren't bad either." he complimented back.

The three of them left the simulation room altogether and walked in the hallway.

Chen ruffled his dark russet colored hair.

"Man, I'm gonna hit the showers. See ya guys there!" he saluted the other two and went off ahead.

GD waved and smiled at the lively character.

"Alright, Chen."

"Yeah."TOP gave him a nod.  

They watched their friend stride ahead.

GD and TOP walked slowly at their own pace beside each other.

"Good work today, TOP." GD spoke first.


TOP glanced at the shorter man and noticed his sweaty face.

"Chen's right. You're not good at this stuff." he commented.

GD chuckled. "So I've heard. I don't mind though. I was never really into weapon combat, but at least I pass the test with an average."

TOP gave him a small grin.

"That's true."

They both went to the the showers and began to clean themselves from the long hours of training.

TOP headed into a shower stall and the warm water. He stood still, letting the beads of water hit his muscled body and relax.

On the other side he heard Chen sing loudly with GD and heard them laugh.

He took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly and started to wash his hair first, using the shampoo and conditioner and rinse his ebony colored hair, after that he started to wash his sweaty body with soap.

TOP then turned the left handle to control the water temperature and raised the water to a cooler level.

He washed his face and turned off the water. He stepped out of the shower and started drying himself with a towel, he dried off his back where a dark intense tattoo was engraved into his skin.

When he was done putting on the layer of clothes on his lower side of his body, he saw Chen and GD goofing around and chatting at the lockers. They too only hand their pants on so he could see a clear of the identical tattoo marked on their bodies.

Chen's black tattoo was on his upper arm while GD's was also located at the back of his shoulder blade.

"Hey, TOP. GD and I are heading out to a club for the night. Wanna come?" Chen offered as he put on a black tee shirt along with a chain necklace, watch and silver ring.

GD was already wearing a white shirt, casual jacket with a few of silver acsessories decorating his hands and neck.

"No, it's fine. Maybe another time. There's something I have planned today." he gently refused the offer, wearing a black buttoned shirt, black slacks, shoes and jacket.

Chen shrugged and nodded.

"Alright, next time. See ya, man."

The two bumped their fist with TOP and said their goodbyes.

"Night, man!"

TOP headed off in the opposite direction of his friends, riding a sleek, black Mercedes-Benz.

He held on the steering wheel tightly with a stern expression, deeply consumed in his thoughts.

He stopped at a quaint flower shop and bought a bouquet of white Easter lillies.

"Oh, these are lovely." the cashier girl commented.

He gave her a fixed gaze as she took the flowers in his hands and smelled them, smiling lightly.

"You chose well." she added, giving him a serene smile.

She began to arrange the flower prettily and started talking again.

"Did you know that white lillies in the flower language means purity?" she asked.

TOP blinked and stared at her making the flower bouquet in an elegant manner.

"No.." he confessed truthfully as he waited patiently.

Personally he wasn't knowledgeable when it comes to flowers or the language.

She smiled at him.

"Well, now you do!" She handed him the flowers gently.

He took the flowers from her with the unchanged expression on his face, not knowing how to respond to the young woman's gentle and friendly personality.

"That will be $12.50."

TOP furrowed his eyebrows.

"The price on the white lillies are at least $40,00." he said as he took out a wallet to hand her a fifty bill.

She gave him a sweet smile and shook her head.

"Don't worry about it. I can tell buying these flowers are important to you today."

He blinked as he stared at the fifty in his hand silently and was inwardly startled when she touched his hands and pushed away the fifty.

"Please," she pressed on firmly. "That will be $12.50."

He quickly withdrew his hand back from her touch and placed away the bill in his leather wallet and handed her a twenty, telling her to keep the change.

Then quickly taking the bouquet from the register he strode towards the enterance.

"Thank you! Please take care!"

TOP left the shop without a word, he got into his car, placed the flowers on the passengar's seat, but not before looking back at the flower shop to see the young woman spraying the flowers in a mist of water and attending them with great care. He then looked away and drove off.

The young man dressed in black entered a lonely cemetary with a bouquet of white lillies in his hands.

He stared blankly at the two tombstones in front of him, both engraved names of husband and wife.

"Mother.. Father.." he whispered hoarsely with emotion.

His eyes on the verge of welling up with tears.

He kneeled and placed the flowers on his mother's grave.

TOP kneeled there for a while, his head down covering his eyes.

"I promise you.." he whispered.

He looked back at the tombstones of his parents.

"I promise you, I will find your murderer. I will hunt him down.." he pledged in front of them.

"I will make him suffer, torture him slowly," he continued darkly, his eyes burned with pain and hatred.

"And I will end him." he finished, he then stood and stared down, on the left side of his hip he felt the weight of the metal gun inside it's holster.

"Once and for all."

A/N: Hey guys! (This chapter is short.. I know.) Sorry for the extremely late response and update to my stories. I've been dealing with a lot of writer's block. But seeing how patient you are to wait for my stories and moved by your comments, I've decided to try my best and continue writing my stories and update as soon as possible! I feel terrible for making you all wait. Thank you again and please remember to review! Enjoy!

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racheliaputri #2
Chapter 2: whhhyyyyyyy
why all the good story on hiatus right nooow X(

please update soooon
racheliaputri #3
Chapter 2: whhhyyyyyyy
why all the good story hiatus right nooow X(

please update soooon
Please update i so want to know what is going to happen and i want TopYoon!!
Interesting and it has TopYoon so i'll patiently wait.<br />
update fast!!
1380MC #6
oh damn, just read this then found out its on hold.<br />
aaanyway, will be waiting for updatessss....
hanabobo #7
aww~is this on hiatus??plez.........................update soon~hhoho.
Mary517 #8
Awww...hiatus for this fic toooooO! <br />
i've been so anxiously waiting....=/<br />
Please update soon! <3<br />
And I wanna see this new fic with the havent posted it yet....
omg! this sound interesting!! update soon!!<br />
Yoona♥Top ^^
Mary517 #10
Me is still waiting....hoping you'll update soon! ^___^ <br />
I have such high expectations for this....i don't even know why.....prob cuz you're just soooo awesome! haha*<br />