+ / INTIMATE TWITTER RP. REOPENED. looking for the old luhan and suzy.

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iLHAFY3XIQJh1.gif (280×289)intimate twitter rp


Est. 2014


MAY 13

a new pleasure based roleplay
where making love is cherished.
get a taste of intimacy today here

About Us

A based roleplay on twitter- looking for new
members. this is not just some cheap roleplay.
here- you can find intimacy and the love of your
life, not just a pleasure partner. so come if you are prepared for what is about to happen, hot,
sweaty messes of hair and love all over. don't say we didn't warn you before!
remember to follow the rules because activity and rules do exist here surprisingly. check them out and comment with the password being your
continent (asia, europe, america, etc) and timezone along with the other
password, which will be given in the rules. oh also, we are a LITERATE roleplay. literate doesn't mean good grammar exactly- it means to act serious instead of goofing off 24/7 like people do on twitter. be active, literate, and most of all accepting. WE ENCOURAGE RELATIONSHIPS, , PREGNANCY, MARRIAGES. do not cheat on your partner if you are
with a significant other. be polite and fun.




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sonofabich #1
Karma needed
Chapter 2: reserving kris.

fauxheart #3
may i reserve exo's sehun?

+ kaistal
Chapter 1: reserving exo's jongin.
