Putting the plan into action

Errors, accidents and friendship lines



So, hi? I mean, I don't know how to not be awkward with my comeback. I guess you might not have expected an update this quick or something like that? Well, I'm not entirely back, how do I even call this stage? A semi-hiatus? An I'm here but I'm still somewhere else?

Okay, anyways, I'm on meds and my therapist said that I should have gotten used to them already. Don't you all just ing love pills that make you drowsy and numb? Please note the sarcasm. 
And yeah, I'm still in a pretty dark place but I guess I can never fully go away from writing and really, I love my stories too much to abandon them. 




           The redhead could almost hear the mission impossible theme song playing in his head as he looked around the hallway of the school and made sure that the coast was clear.



            Mark had been trying to avoid the Hong Kong native at any costs and yes, skipping economics class was in the list right under hide in the boy’s bathroom during lunch and try to not make any sounds while doing so.



            The male had been trying to sneak around the school and avoid Jackson for a few weeks right now but whenever he thought that he was lucky enough to finally lose him the Hong Kong native would show up out of nowhere and would cling on the redhead, telling him cheesy pick-up lines and trying to make him blush as much as possible.



            And really, Mark had been contemplating if he maybe should just transfer schools but knowing Jackson the guy would probably follow after him either way just for fun’s sake.



            The redhead ducked his head a little bit when he heard one of his classmate’s talking on the phone. He knew that Jackson had a good relationship with everyone in their class, and grade, and basically everyone in this school, so it was better for him to avoid everyone.



            He clutched his books to his chest as he looked around and tried to find a quick way out of the hallway. Mark could see Namjoon, their classmate by the doors of the biology class, talking to Jin and he crossed them out of the list because they were actually good friends with Jackson.



            The redhead saw Hoseok walking past him and he hurriedly speed walked to him so that no one would notice that he was being suspiciously cautious. Mark grabbed onto Hoseok’s hand and made it look like he was showing him something n his phone while in reality he was basically tugging him down the hall and forcing him to stare into the black screen of his locked phone.



            But they didn’t make it far when Mark heard the oh so familiar loud laughter of the Hong Kong native. The redhead froze in the spot and turned his head a little bit so that he would be looking at Hoseok in fright.



            The Korean male bit down into his cheek in order to stifle his own laughter and he shook his head in amusement.



            ‘Seriously, Mark? Are you avoiding Jackson because he is giving you most of his attention?’ Mark’s eyes widened because how the hell did Hoseok know about this matter?



            ‘How did you find out about this?’ Hoseok laughed loudly and patted the redhead’s shoulder in disbelief.



            ‘Did you forget that I am his friend also? Plus, he can’t keep a secret to save his life.’ The redhead was way past the point of caring about what Jackson told and didn’t tell to his friends so he simply shook his head and tugged at Hoseok’s arm.



            ‘Whatever, just help me get out of this situation.’ Hoseok was about to agree to help him out when they heard a loud Mark going throughout all of the hallway and the redhead cursed his luck because seriously, they were right next to the library’s doors, Mark could have slipped into the room and he would have been save.



            A strong hand wound itself around his shoulder and the redhead could feel hot puffs of air ghosting over the exposed skin of his neck and it took him everything not to rip the Hong Kong native’s arm away from his body.



            Mark looked at Hoseok with pleading eyes but the Korean male rose his arms up in mock surrender and gave the redhead a pitiful look.



            ‘I ain’t going to fight Jackson, he fights dirty.’ Mark glared at Hoseok and imagined how it would feel like to strangle him when the younger male ran away from the two of them. The redhead involuntary turned his head a little bit to look at Jackson and he regretted that when he noticed that the Hong Kong native was grinning widely while looking at him.



            ‘What were you doing with Hoseok?’ The redhead raised one of his eyebrows in question because why would Jackson even care? It’s not like they were making out in the middle of the hallway and groping each other.



            ‘Nothing, I just wanted some help with my math homework.’ Now, Jackson might not be the sharpest pencil but he definitely knew his things and Mark was one of them. So he knew when the redhead was blatantly lying to his face.



            ‘Mark, you excel everyone in math.’ The redhead tried to not think about the fact that Jackson actually knew something about him and he put on a fake smile.



            ‘Yeah, but it doesn’t hurt to be even better.’ Jackson chuckled because really, Mark was so cute when he was trying to be tough and stand up for himself.



            ‘Hoseok doesn’t know when it comes to math. Even Jaebum’s better in it.’ The redhead nudged Jackson’s side with his elbow and the Hong Kong native finally let go of him.



            ‘At least Jaebum’s better than you are.’ With that said Mark stomped down the hallway and over to the cafeteria with Jackson trailing behind him. The redhead was too afraid to turn around and to look if the Hong Kong native was actually following him. While Jackson was enjoying the view of the male’s firm behind and he wondered if Mark would punch him if he actually tried to him right now.



            But just as Jackson was about to reach his hand out Mark stopped in front of a table in the cafeteria and sat down in between of Jaebum and Yugyeom. Jackson grumbled under his nose and sat down in front of the redhead.



            Jinyoung rose an eyebrow in question when he saw that Jackson was joining them for lunch.



            ‘Dude, you never eat lunch with us, did someone die?’ Jackson simply glared at the other male and showed him the bird. Jinyoung who was used to this side of the Hong Kong native laughed loudly and turned to resume talking to Youngjae again.



            Mark glared in front of himself and tried to not focus his attention onto Jackson who was trying to get him to talk.



            The redhead looked around the cafeteria and he frowned when he noticed Hoseok sitting by one of the tables near the windows, pigging out with one of his friends, Taehyung. Sometimes the Californian male questioned if the two of them weren’t a couple in real life. Hoseok always took care of the younger male and Taehyung always supported Hoseok.



            Mark frowned when he noticed that Hoseok was making a mess of himself while eating. How could Taehyung stand that? And the redhead noticed that the male in question smacked Hoseok on the back of his pal m and told him to calm down. And as if he was seeing a new light, Mark came up with a plan.



            If he won’t be able to get rid of Jackson in a nice way, he is going to be the nastiest, iest jerk the Hong Kong native had ever met. Mark jumped up from his seat and startled Yugyeom by doing that.



            ‘Hyung, what’s wrong?’ The redhead grinned at the clueless maknae and ruffled his hair in excitement.



            ‘Nothing, I’m just going to go and grab some food.’ Jackson perked up at the mention of food and he turned to look at the redhead. Not that he wasn’t looking before, he just tried to be discreet about it. And if someone would have asked Mark about it, the Hong Kong native was doing a horrible job at that.



            ‘Can you grab some food for me?’ Mark glared at the younger male and furrowed his eyebrows.



            ‘What am I, a maid?’ Jackson pretended to think about it and a smirk made its way over his face after a few seconds.



            ‘You’d look hot in a French maid costume.’ Mark face palmed mentally and fought back the urge to slam his chemistry book into the Hong Kong native’s face.



            ‘I give up.’



            The variety of food was marvelous and for once Mark didn’t even know where to start from. He picked everything he could lift up. From pizza and French fries to cupcakes and steamed buns. The redhead almost tripped over his own feet when he made his way back over to the table.



            As he settled down he could feel the eyes of the occupants of the table staring at him.



            ‘When you said that you were going for food I didn’t think that you were going to buy all of the cafeteria’s food.’ Mark stuck his tongue out at Jaebum and the light haired male chuckled in response.



            ‘Well I am hungry.’



            ‘I can see that.’ The redhead threw a french fry at the light haired male and Jaebum caught it with his mouth.



            The redhead hesitantly turned his face so that he would be looking in front of himself and he made sure that Jackson was looking straight at him.



            Mark raised a fistful of french fries to his mouth and shoved them in. He made sure to make loud chewing sounds and to get his fingers as greasy as possible so that he would look disgusting. The redhead even smeared a bit of ketchup onto his cheek just so he would be able to get Jackson away from him.



            By the time the oldest occupant of the table was eating pizza he could swear that his stomach couldn’t take much more of this. He had stuffed himself with everything he found edible and he was sure that all the attraction Jackson felt to him surely disappeared into thin air.



            Mark could feel his fingers being sticky and he desperately wanted to wipe at his dirty chin but the moment he looked up and met Jackson’s eyes he froze up again. The Hong Kong native was grinning widely and following all of his movements.



            The redhead uttered out a what with his mouth still full of food and he could hear a not so distant eww coming from his side.



            ‘Nothing, I just like my men with an appetite.’ Mark choked on his food and Yugyeom gave him his can of soda in order to swallow everything. But Jackson wasn’t done.



            ‘Makes me wonder what else you could fit in that mouth of yours.’ Mark could feel his cheeks being the color of a tomato and another Ew and a Jackson what the hell came from around him.



            The redhead banged his head onto the table and groaned because why wasn’t the plan working even one bit? But whatever, Mark had other tricks under his sleeves. 

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I'm going on a trip for two days, so I will update this story when I will be back in my home country


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andie41225 #1
Chapter 18: It's May 1st HappyBirthday!! ^^ I'm Thankful you are feeling better now. ual harrasment also happened to me when I'm still elementary and It's just It kind of feels like a nightmare now. So with your roomate tsk2, The most important now is you are ok and updating soon ^^
PrettyNoona101 #2
Chapter 18: We have the same birthday!

And I'm truly sorry you had to endure so much. Have you tried reporting this person (i.e telling the officials?) I hope you're life turns for the better, and that person is out of your life forever!
Chapter 18: I'm happy reading you're better :) I'm sure I need to read this story again hahahhahaha but fighting! I'll be waiting :D
thelillcat #4
Chapter 18: wtf! that roommate needs a serious beat down treating you that way. grrr~~ but on a happy note. happy early birthday :) and looking forward to your updates.
Chapter 18: Happy early birthday :)

But I'm so sorry that happened to you :| if I was in London I would have found him and beat him up. ual harassment ain't funny. And his confidence in It irks the out of me. He would be catching hands- my hands.

You update when you're ready okay
Cisne18 #7
Chapter 18: Congratulation o(*^▽^*)o !! And can't wait for you to update!(⌒_⌒)
Chapter 18: Jackson really act like a psycho hahhahhahaha I want to know what he's planning this time. Poor Mark, he wouldn't be able to scape, I'm sure: of his plans and of Jackson's charms (I love Jackson*_* even his way to be so annoying kkkkkkk~) I'm waiting for your update^^
0800mundo #9
Chapter 18: Yay Congratulaions!!!