Are we one?

Beautiful Stranger


AN: Thank you TaquitosNonNom and IAMBlackBunny for the ideas (on the title). I liked both and did a combination of the two^^

Enjoy Chapter 2! I hope there are no mistakes^^




It was Sunday in the afternoon. Sa-rang had just finished helping her mom and was studying.

At that moment her phone vibrates.

Luhan:“Hi, I’m trying to order delivery, but I can’t understand this word: ____ ?

I already used a translator, but it didn’t work.”

She responds.

“Oh it means this ____.”

He answers.

“Oh ok thanks. How about this _____?”

She responds.

“Can you talk on the phone?”

A few seconds later Luhan responds.

“I can talk.”

She starts calling his phone and he answers.


“Hi, sorry its because it’s difficult to explain through text.” She explains. “Ok so that word is a combination of _____ and _____ which means ______.”

“Oh ok I understand now.” He says.

“Just like _____ and _____ create _____. Does it make sense?”

“It does. Thanks again.” He says.

“Happy to help.” Sa-rang responds back.

The line gets quiet for a few seconds.

“So,” Sa-rang asks, “how’s your weekend going?”

“It’s good. I’m still really busy with the move and everything. How about you?” he asks.

“I don’t have too much free time since I help my mom with her work on the weekends. I’m studying right now actually.”

“Oh I didn’t mean to interrupt your studying.” He says.

“No it’s ok. I wanted a break.”

“Oh” is all he said.

“The weekends always go by so fast. I don’t want to go back.” Sa-rang says in a whiny tone.

“Why? Is it too stressful?”

“Yes~” she says with a sigh.

“Yeah school is stressful for me too. Sometimes the workload is too much.”

“I can handle the workload. That’s not what stresses me out,” she continues, “but there’s this guy that won’t leave me alone. I already told him several times that I don’t like him, but he doesn’t listen!”

“Oh, well just ignore him.”

“I’ve tried.” She says, “Nothing seems to work. Sometimes he tries to follow me home, but I manage to loose him.”

“Why don’t you report it to the school.” He says.

“No~, school will be over in a few months. I don’t want to create a problem on my last year.”

“What school do you go to?”

“I go to ______. Oh! And this week we get Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off! So I’m happy about that.” Sa-rang says excitedly.

“That’s good.”

It gets quiet again.

“I should let you go.” She says, “You’re probably hungry.”

“Oh I almost forgot I was going to order delivery. Thanks again for your help. Really.”

“No problem.”




Monday comes around and it’s finally the end of the school day. Sa-rang gathers her things and starts walking down the hallways of her school. She knows that her admirer is following behind. She spotted him a while ago.

“Why does he keep doing this!?” Sa-rang thinks to herself.

She reaches the front gates and spots a familiar face.

“Luhan? What are you doing here?” she asks a little excited.

“I came to walk you home.” He says. “You said you had a certain problem.” He whispers in her ear.

“You remembered.” Sa-rang says in a hushed tone. She was impressed because one, he was paying attention and remembered, and two, because he took the time to help her.

“Huh? What did you say?” he asks.

“Oh ah I was just saying that I was kind of nervous because I had to walk alone today. Do you remember my friend Ju-ah from the food stand?”


“I usually walk with her, but since she’s not doing so well in school she has to stay after school.”

“It’s a good thing I came then.” He says with an innocent smile.

“Do you see him he’s right there.” She says without turning around. “The one with the red shoes.”

Luhan turns around and spots him.

“Is he the one with the red Converse?”

“Yes that’s him. Don’t stare.” She says a little nervous.

“Don’t worry if he says anything I’m here. Lets go.”

They start walking and Luhan rests his arm on her shoulder, Sa-rang is a little surprised, but doesn’t mind it too much. Her admirer notices and leaves on the opposite direction.

After a couple of minutes Luhan turns around and says, “I don’t think he’s following us.”

“Really?” Sa-rang turns around a little hesitant. “You’re right he’s not. Phew I fell better now.”

Luhan removes his arm from her shoulder. She’s a little disappointed, but it was nice while it lasted.

“I think he got the message haha.” Luhan says with a laugh.

“Thanks for your help.”

“You’re welcome.” He says.

“I mean xie xie.”

“Hey! You are learning.” He turns towards her and gives her a smile.

“Haha yes.”

“That’s good. Now I’ll have someone to talk to in Mandarin while I’m in Seoul.” He says with a smile.

They continue walking, but now in silence. She doesn’t mind it though.

“I didn’t think guys like you existed.” She finally says.

“What do you mean ‘Guys like me?’” he asks.

“Guys at my school are always teasing me and act so immature. I find it annoying. I hate being teased.” She says, “You’re different.”

“Mmm” is all that came out of him.

“Have you always been like this?” she asks.

“Mmm I don’t know what you mean...My mom always told me to be nice to girls. And I don’t particularly like teasing.” He asks, “Does that answer your question?”

“Oh sorry I tend to over analyze things. I want to go into psychology, but yes it does.”

“Good.” He says.

They both laugh.

They continue walking and Sa-rang asks Luhan if he wants to stop at her favorite pastry shop. He agrees.

“Ju-ah and I always come here after school.”

“I love pastries.” He says.

“You do? Me too! I can eat pastries all day.” Sa-rang says excitedly.

She orders a cinnamon roll and Luhan orders a red velvet cupcake with cream cheese flavored whip cream.

She starts peeling the outside and eats the middle. Luhan notices and finds it a little odd, but he figures that she will eat it later.

They continue on their way.

“So you never said why you moved here.” Sa-rang tells him.

“Oh I moved here for school.”

“That’s it?” she asks.

“Yeah.. and I want to experience and see new things. That’s why I chose Seoul.”

“One of my dreams is to travel the world!” Sa-rang says excitedly, “I want to go to Greece, Peru, Italy..”

“That’s a lot a places.” Luhan interrupts.

“Don’t you think it would be fun to see all those places?”

“Yes,” he chuckles, “I like traveling too. I haven’t traveled too much, but I’ve been to California, Spain, and Italy.”

Sa-rang finishes her cinnamon roll and throws away the extra that she peeled earlier. Luhan was a little confused. He didn’t know why she would throw it away.

“Wow! That’s really cool!” she says.

“Yeah they were really nice.”

“That’s nice that your parents took you to so many places.” She says, “You must be rich.”

“Well..they were making a lot of money at one point...” he says quietly.

“At one point?” she asks, “Are they not making enough money now?”

“They died a few years ago.”

“Oh I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked.” She says feeling a little embarrassed.

“It’s ok don’t worry.”

“How long have they been gone?”

“Six years.” He responds.

“Six years!” she says surprised, “Sorry I don’t mean to sound nosy or insensitive, but does that mean that you are living on your own?”

“Yes. I’ve been living off my inheritance since then.”

Sa-rang doesn’t say anything. What could she say? Although she felt comfortable, but after hearing this story she was reminded that Luhan was a stranger. She knew nothing about him.

“Do you have any siblings or other family?” she asks.

“No I was the only one. I have a couple of uncles, but they never wanted me around."

“Oh..” she felt sad for him. All she wanted to do at that moment was give him a long hug.

“That’s why I like to travel.” He continues, “I don’t like staying in one place for too long.”

She notices that he starts getting quieter and decides to change the subject. Even though she was really curious and wanted to know more about his life, but decides to leave it for another time.

“I’m sorry, you probably think I talk too much.” She says, “Sorry for all the questions.”

“I don’t mind it.” He says, “I guess I feel comfortable around you. I never tell anyone about my life.”

“I swear I hardly ever talk this much. You are just so easy to talk to.” Sa-rang continues, “I gave up on having guy friends because they never took me serious. They always joked around and teased me. They never knew when to stop so I grew annoyed with them. But you’re not like them.”


"You're different Luhan." she thinks to herself.


AN: Don't be shy let me know what you think of the story!!^^



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Chapter 6: It's so beautiful~ just like the title~ :')
Chapter 6: OMG!Can't wait!! God damn this story is awfully cute! Keep up the good work :)
Anonymousreader00 #3
Chapter 6: ugh. mooore please T^T it ended too soon .
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 6: Kyaaa~!! Yes~~~~~
TaquitosNOMNOM #5
Chapter 5: =OO I knew it!!!!!!!!!
OMG OMG OMG I want more!!
Please make a sequel.. I love it!!! :)
pinkypn #7
Chapter 5: I feel like the story ended too soon
nina3132 #8
Chapter 5: continue it!CONTINUE IT!!!!!!! :-)
nina3132 #9
Chapter 5: continue it!CONTINUE IT!!!!!!! :-)
nina3132 #10
Chapter 5: continue it!CONTINUE IT!!!!!!! :-)