She Had the World


In which you are unable to show your bare face to your boyfriend.

Thank you for the comments :) I will consider a sequel. In the meantime a new Luhan scenario has been posted. Enjoy~


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Chapter 1: I like how every oneshot of yours have something for us reader to learn
Chapter 1: I know the feeling of not being satisfied with your appearance, especially when the rest of your family look like royals, and there you are, looking like a pauper.
I have to admit, I still haven't found the confidence to go out without any make up on. I don't know when I'll ever feel like that.
But, just like what Luhan said here, I know I'll never be able to let anyone accept me for who I am, not at least until I accept myself- all my flaws, scars and shortcomings.
Life's too short to live in misery.
I'm still learning. I know I'm not there yet, but I KNOW I'll get there someday.
Thanks for such a touching story.
Looking forward for more.
Chapter 1: ah my luhan feels. nicely written~
ReinaPark #4
Chapter 1: nice story.. love it
Chapter 1: Ooh please do continue with the story. . I really like it up until now.. and I also can relate. . ;) I'm awaiting the next chapters.. :)
Chapter 1: aghhh this was good~ i could relate to it.