[The Protector 2]

[The protector]

"Please leave me alone" you reply. He doesn't answer and you can feel that he is just looking down at you. After about a minute staring down at you, he drags out the seat and sits next to you making a loud noise. He grabs your hands, making you feel warm but you feel your hearting pounding loudly. 

You dont know if it us because of him or you sadness huff and puffs.

He was waiting for you to say something so you took a breath out and revealed you swollen face. He startled at your face seeing that you cried for days and he gave you a warm hug. This made your tears fall down more and your heart hurt. "I'll protect you, I'll be here for you." He melts down your heart and you ask " w-what-s my pro-tecto-r's na-name?" You couldn't speak properly becuase you couldn't control your tears.

He giggles giving you a tighter hug. "I am...."

(To be continued ;))

Please read my first chapter and comment anything you want ;)



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luhan420 #1
Chapter 1: *foreword sorry
luhan420 #2
Chapter 1: The first chaoter says it is forward. Just ignore. Thats chapter one ;)
luhan420 #3
Hey chingus. Please comment if you like it or not. Who u want out of exo to be in the story ,)
Thanks. Btw follow @luhan__ on instagram. Love u all