My Turn To Cry by EXO

Open Arms

Author's Note:

Hi, long time no see. I decided to update today in light of the release off our Zhang Yixing's teaser for EXO's new album. Doesn't he look so amazing in the teaser video? :-)




   "What do you know about martial arts, Yixing?" Sharissa's father asked him as they sat together on the floor of the training room at Gyeonggi-Do.

Yixing smiled as he answered the elder's question, "I don't know much, but I often see Baekhyun showing off his Hapkido skills and Tao with his Wushu skills. And I think it is amazing to possess it."

   "Well, I just realized that I didn't tell you some basic facts about Silat yet. And I just mindlessly teached you its movements. I'm sorry, son," Mr. Sazali shook his head while patting Yixing's shoulder as he was feeling guilty to the young man in front of him.

Yixing just giggled looking at Sharissa's father cute action and said, "It's okay, Mr. Sazali."

   "As you might know, every martial arts has its own symbol, right?" and Yixing nodded understandingly.

   "This is Hapkido's symbol, and this is Wushu's symbol and others," he showed Yixing those symbols on his tablet's screen while the latter smiled.

   "Also, there are at least 150 known Malay Silat in Malaysia. Most popular ones are Silat Gayong, Silat Cekak, Silat Sendeng and others. Different silat have different way on how they protect themselves. The one you are learning now is known as Silat Check," he explained to Yixing slowly.

   "And this is it. The symbol of Silat Cekak," Mr. Sazali showed him with a proud look on his face. 

Yixing watched in awe, feeling amazed at the unique design of the symbol.

   "As you can see here, there are 21 stars around the symbol, which means that Silat Cekak has 21 subjects on how we protect ourselves. Second, a bunch of paddy means that this silat comes from farmer community, from my family's origin state, Kedah. You know, farmer is a humble occupation. So, this silat is not suitable to a person who has a feeling of arrogant, sabotage and conceited," Mr. Sazali eyed Yixing suddenly, making the younger feeling uncomfortable.

   "You're not an arrogant kind of people right?" the elder man asked before he chuckled after seeing Yixing's flustered reaction.

   "Don't worry, I know you are not. I used to see the video of you bowing 90-degrees to the fans from 50 meters distance," he told Yixing about the video Shahila used to show him and Sharissa before.

Yixing scratched the back of his neck, feeling shy. 

   "Okay, next, these two are 'lading', the main weapon of this martial arts and this is named as 'Keris' that shows-" but before he could finish, Yixing raised his hands, "Wait! What is its name? Kris?"

   "Not that Kris, but K-E-R-I-S," Mr. Sazali emphasized the pronouncation of Keris and slightly snickered while Lay already burst out into laughter.

Mr. Sazali shook his head looking at Lay who looked like he was dying from laughing too much.

Then, he heard his Skype ringtone from his tablet and saw that it was a video call from Sharissa.

He glanced at Lay and said, "I have to answer this call."

Lay nodded and asked, "But where is the toilet here? I think I need to pee."

Mr. Sazali laughed back at him and pointed his eyes at the direction of the toilet before the Chinese left him there. 



Sharissa flipped through pages of the Literature books boringly. She really wasn't in a mood to study at that time. 

She was thinking to call her father, because she missed him so much. She reached for her laptop and opened Skype  and grinned after finding out that her father was indeed online. She adjusted her look before making a video call to her father's Skype account.

But it took quite a long time before her father answered the video call. She cheered in ecstacy after seeing her father's face after so long but her father's reaction was... not so good?

   "What's wrong, Abah? What's with the long face?" she asked, somehow feeling scared and worried.

Mr. Sazali awkwardly said, "Wear your hijab now, please? You look horrible~"

   "Abah!" she whined, before her father started dissing her again, "Your hair is so messy. And what is this? You gain weight again?!"

   "Abah, stop," she frowned and looked down at her stomach. "It is just 3 kg~"

Her father rolled his eyes, "3 kg?!" he inhaled deeply, "Why didn't you gain weight when you're here, with your mother's cooks, but when you are far away from us, you get fat?"

   "I'm not fat, Abah. Plus, I just gained 3kg, not 30 kg. I still look fabulous either way," she rolled her tongue playfully at him. "Double plus, I didn't gain weight there because I always practised Silat with you but here...  I have no one to practise with..."

   "This kid. What a sad life you have there," he smiled reluctantly. It has been long since they last argued like that. He missed his youngest daughter so much.

   "Abah, I miss you sooooooooo much," she made cute action at her father, to appeal him.

Mr. Sazali chuckled and said, "Yeah, I know but firstly, you have to wear your hijab first."

She furrowed her eyebrows, was about to protest, when she finally noticed that her father was wearing a Silat uniform.

   "Please. I'm asking you a favor, Sharissa," her father made a begging face.

   "Are you having a Silat class now? At this time?" she asked curiously because she knew, it was just afternoon at Korea.

   "Why? It's not like this is your first time seeing I teach people during this time," he replied mockingly, reminding her the fact that he taught Lay during afternoon.

Sharissa knew what her father meant by that, making her blushing madly. She looked at the surrounding of the place her father was at on the screen of her laptop. The father smirked as he saw how her eyes moving.

   "Don't try to find him, he's not here," he giggled.

Sharissa blushed even more after her father said that. "Who says I'm looking for him?"

Then, she heard the sound of the door slided open from the other line and saw her father's panicked expression.

   "Oh, you're here," her father said awkwardly to the other person.

She wrinkled her forehead, wondering who was her father talking to. She thought her father said Yixing wasn't there. But, her father was speaking in Mandarin.

Could it really be-

   "I get lost for awhile before finally finding the toilet," and Sharissa gasped as she recognized that sweet voice of Yixing.

She quickly ran away from the screen of her laptop, as if Yixing was going to see her. She reached for her Palestin shawl and wore it as soon as possible.

After going back to her laptop, she saw her father was laughing at her. "Told you to do so from before," he laughed again.

She pouted, feeling embarassed before her father lifted up his tablet to the air so that Yixing could also see the video call. She felt her cheeks reddened after her eyesight caught Lay's figure there beside her father.

   "Do you see who is this, Yixing?" her father asked the latter.

Yixing smiled shyly and waved his hands timidly at her. Nothing could describe the sparkling feeling in his heart at that moment after seeing her face in the video. Honestly, it was the first time since they last met before she went back to Malaysia.

The both of them were losing for words. Instead, they locked their eyes together and were absorbed into the longing feelings between one another.

Sharissa quickly lowered her head as she realized what she did was wrong. The both of them were not tied by a halal way yet. What she did just now was the same as 'zina ain' (zina mata). She immediately istighfar.

   "How are you doing, Sharissa?" Yixing asked her calmly after Mr. Sazali put the tablet on a table near there, resting his hands from holding the tablet.

She remembered that he didn't even answer his messages on Whatsapp Messenger last night. Therefore, she frowned at him and didn't answer his question.

She also didn't look at him and just directed her eyes at her father.

   "Abah, can you get the man beside you out of my sight?" she said with a pout.

Mr. Sazali shifted his attention at Yixing, feeling weird with the sudden situation. So did Yixing. He was oblivious to the fact of what happened last night.

Of course he didn't know about the 'ignored' messages because the phone was Kris's, not with his. And of course, Kris didn't tell him. Because today was 15th May 2014. T^T. You guys know what happened that day.

   "What did I do wrong, Sharissa?" he asked, feeling unfair with her abrupt treatment to him.

   "Ask yourself," she replied without looking at him.

Mr. Sazali looked at Sharissa, and then at Yixing. And at his daughter back before releasing his giggle. "Are you sulking right now, Ija?" the father said in Malay.

   "How can I not sulk? I sent him few messages last night. He did see the messages but he didn't even reply at all. So irritating!" she answered her father's question in Malay too, making Yixing dumbfounded and getting puzzled.

Mr. Sazali giggled again, "She is angry at you because you didn't reply her messages last night when you already read them~" he simply told Yixing, and Sharissa barked, "Abah~"

Yixing went to the table to take his phone and tried to find any text messages from her but he found nothing. "I don't get any messages from you?"

Sharissa sighed, "Not that, I sent them to your Whatsapp Messenger, you forgetful blank man!"

Her father snickered, "As if you are not forgetful too..." 

   "Abah~~~" she wailed again, feeling like her father was taking Yixing's side, not his daughter's side.

   "Ahhh, Whatsapp Messenger.. Actually, all this time, I use Kris's phone to interact with you, not with mine. And Kris is at China last night. He will only come back today. So, maybe he is the one who read the messages."   But why didn't he tell me?

Sharissa felt so embarassed to the maximum, after knowing that Kris was the one who read her messages.    How can I forget this? Shahila already told me before.

   "So, the problem solved?" her father asked the both of them.

   "I'm so embarassed now I feel like dying. I have to end this video call, Abah," she said firmly while still looking down the floor.

Her father and Yixing chuckled with her cute behaviour before she abruptly ended the video call.

She facepalmed herself. "Why are you so dumb, Sharissa?"


Later that evening, after finished the training, Lay bid Mr. Sazali farewell. But when he arrived in front of the entrance door, he saw Shahila there.

   "Hi, Shahil-" he didn't get to end his greeting because he saw Shahila's teary eyes. "Why are you crying?" he asked, out of concern.

Shahila felt a sting in her heart after seeing Lay there. She just stood there, looking at him emotionless before walking away from him, dashing towards her own bedroom.

Lay was flabbergasted with her action. He wondered what happened to her. Mr. Sazali also saw it so he went to Lay and said, "It's okay. I'll take care of her. Don't worry."

Lay smiled but he felt like he couldn't calm down at all because of how her eyes looking at him just now. He somehow could figure it out. Her eyes were filled with disappointment, agony and sadness that couldn't be expressed by words.

After leaving the house, Lay went back into his dormitory. He remembered about that Kris thingy and was so eager to tell the elder about what he discovered today.

He pulled the doorknob opened, with anticipation and hope. But all he could see was Luhan and Minseok on the couch, looking so gloomy. And he could only hear crying, sobbing sound from Tao's bedroom.

       What's wrong with all these people? Was this crying day?

He approached the two oldest hyung, wanting to ask them what happened. But on his way to them, he saw Chen at the kitchen, staring motionlessly to the sink.

   "What's going on?" he asked Luhan and Minseok, but neither of them answered his curiousity.

Feeling anxious, he went to Chen and tried to change the topic, as he knew he wouldn't get any answer if he asked the same question.

   "Where's Kris?" he asked, trying to sound brighter, wanting to lift up the mood. "He will come back today, right? I have something funny to tell him, you know..."

But to his dismay, his question was ignored by Chen too. In return, Chen only looked at him with wretched eyes.

   "Kris hyung will not come back today," Chen muttered in a low tone.

Lay was very surprised with the unexpected tone coming from the cheerful and bright boy, Chen but he still asked, "Why? Then, when will he come back?"

There was a saying, Curiousity killed the cat.

And that's what happened to Lay. His own curiousity killed his inner self after knowing the real thing that happened.

   "He will never come back. He...   He wants to leave EXO."

And Yixing was sure. It was his turn to cry.


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_nxbila #1
Chapter 22: authornimm where have you been :((((
Author-nim update soon please. Awww your story so cute♡♡♡
Sharissa #3
Chapter 21: I have a feeling to sign up for silat cekak at my university
Sharissa #4
Hey thats my real name g
_nxbila #5
Chapter 22: omg omggggg
Chapter 4: Haha omg this is sooo cute!!
Kris xP
Chapter 14: OMG... i wonder how will EXO react when they see real Sharissa in this real world...Hehehehe.. she is really pretty :D
CNSD90 #8
sorry for burden you author-nim but please update soooonnnn~~~~ i really 2.6B x love this storyy!! fighting!! love you ;*
Chapter 21: Thank you for the update authornimm
CNSD90 #10
Chapter 21: Sooo sadd!! Poor shahila :°( .. Btw thanks for the update author-nim