
you who came from the sea.

She tucked her dark brown hair to her ear while taking and pushing her breath in nervous. Sometimes, she would bit her inside cheek, wishing that she'll be okay, and there will be no water – or she'll turn to in to something that you never expected to come a life. Go back before 6 o'clock or you'll turn into mermaid no matter what, her grandma told her while her hair that night. 

"Naeun, are you sure you want to do this?" Eunji cut her long thought with her busan accent. Naeun nodded her head without replying or even looking at the other one. 

The destination is getting closer and Naeun's heart feels like about to burst in any minute, but then, being a human is her dream, even it's just for a while at least she could feel walking with human feets, she could feel human touch, she could feel the wind breeze, and she could taste human food that she always dying to try. – Eunji grips her shoulder with a focus eyes she said, "becareful, okay?" with a big sigh, she slides the door to the right.

"Good morning class" Eunji chirped, making the students rushed to their seat. Eunji, with her sharp look, waiting for the class leader to lead the others to bow at her in respect. "We have a new student today and I want everyone of you treat her well, you get it? And you may introduce yourself now." 

Right, introduce myself. Should I say i'm from the sea and i'm actually a mermaid? She thought silently, before she started to making a big lie that everyone believed. "I'm Son Naeun, i'm from seoul. U-uh, yeah, nice to meet you." She bowed to her new friends.

"Now, you can take a seat behind- Kim Jongin!" Naeun and the other students were pretty much shocked with a sudden shout by Eunji, their classroom teacher. She threw a marker to the sleeping guy, and it hit him right on his head. "You can take a seat behind him now and take out your notes now, kids. Chop! Chop!" 

Naeun chuckled at how Eunji and how strict she is to her students - maybe the gossip was true, that Jung uncle is really strict when it comes to rules or life or everything, so that's probably one of the reason why Eunji is really strict. She walked to her seat as the sleeping boy strecthed his arms in the air, making the girl suddenly stop in her track because of his arms.

"Excuse me-" and she couldn't continued her words. 

It feels like the time is stop when they looked at each other eyes in shocked. Jongin, on the other hand, had his jaw dropping as he saw her, standing with human legs in front of him. He rubbed his eyes, but she's still there, standing in front of him with a wide eyes. "Son Naeun, can you take a seat now? And Kim Jongin can you stop staring at her?" Eunji broke their moment with her busan accent that shocked both of them.

Naeun hurriedly take a seat behind him, feeling nervous as she remembered what happened with him a few nights ago. She bit her lips while covering her burned cheek that she keeps wondering why her cheeks feel like it burning. She never feel like this, she never feel like there's a butterflies in her tummy. Just by seeing his back, she could feel her heart is about to burst. 

Jongin couldn't focus with everything around him. Sometimes he would peek her from her shoulder. His brain is about to burst with a lot of questions coming in to her head. — the bell rang, undirectly telling the students that it's already time to take their brunch. Naeun was confused by the sudden rang, well there's no school under the sea or something like that though. She looked at Jongin, who's already stood up from his seat, and she felt hopeless. She knew no one except Eunji, but then again Eunji is a teacher. There's no way teacher eats with student. 

"Want to get brunch together?" A husky voice asked her, she lifted her chin and finding an awkward Jongin, rubbing his nape in awkward. 


"Naeun-ah!" a bunch of girls come to her direction with a big smile on their face. They looked at Jongin and Namjoo, the talkactive one, raising her eyebrow to the guy. "Aye, aye, aye, Kim Jongin, are you trying to flirt with the new student?" 

Jongin rolled his eyes before he waved a little to Naeun, "I'll see you later." He said quietly, making the girls cringed before they give their full attention to Naeun. 

"Hi, i'm Yoon Bomi, and this is Oh Hayoung, Kim Namjoo, and the last but not least Park Chorong!" The girl with a blonde hair at the end of her hair said, showing her an eyesmile. "Oh and that guy is Kim Jongin, one of the hottest guy in this small school. Actually there are five more boy that everygirls would pleased them. We'll tell you later! So let's go to the canteen together!" 

Naeun smiled awkwardly to the girls, before following them behind. Maybe human wasn't that bad, maybe I could befriend with these human without them knowing about myself. The canteen wasn't that far from their class and everytime they walked pass the others, boys would looking at them and some would calling their name. So these girls must be the prettiest girls here, Naeun conclude in silent.

"It's EXO!" And the girls started to squealing behind Naeun's back. She looked at her back as the girls keep squealing like there's no tomorrow. Whoa, that was the first word that popped out in Naeun's head as she saw a bunch of handsome boys and Kim Jongin at the back. She stopped her track for a while before Hayoung has to pull her hand to get her attention back. 

"Why the girls keep squealing like that?" Naeun asked Hayoung since she's the closest from her. 

"Because they are the most handsome ones and like us, we are the prettiest here, and you should be lucky," she paused.

"because we are the same." 





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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 2: Please continue... Author nim
Chapter 1: Wow! I'm just here and I can't wait to read more! c: I'm already excited for this!
koala_panda #3
Chapter 2: what is hayoung mean in "same"?is same because their pretty or about mermaid thing?is eunji mermaid too?please update soon..
mingkhoo #4
Chapter 2: ayayaii... naeun could be a human too after all.. but author, how does naeun knows eunji? and eunji seems like she knows naeun is a mermaid. is she a mermaid too?

hehe i cant wait for the next kaieun interactiong. please update soon.. :)
moonlevine #5
Chapter 1: Oh, it's so good and unique
koala_panda #6
Chapter 1: i love it...i love mermaid..and it's kaieun..oh my gosh!! please update soon author
yeoshin1002 #7
Chapter 1: huwaaaa it's so cool.
Chapter 1: Awwwww it's soo sweeeeettt, but it's quite short author-nim T^T please update soonnnn
mingkhoo #9
Chapter 1: Aww they are already in love.. But this is not as easy... Keep updating please.. You are great!