No Need for Parachutes

Intrepidus: A Collection of EXO One-Shots
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We stood just inside the front gates of Everland Amusement Park, and started to break up into small groups depending on what activities we wanted to do. I waited for everyone to make their choices before joining a group. I already had an Idea of who I would be in a group with.

“I want food!” Tao yelled to the group.

“Didn’t you just eat a whole bag of snacks on the ride here?” Baekhyun questioned, knowing full well that he had.

“I’ll come with you Tao,” Luhan said, going to stand by him. That meant that I was following along too.

Lay came along with us. He and Tao were the only ones that got something to eat, some kind of greasy fried potato wound in a spiral down a stick and fried dough. It was typical amusement park food that they couldn’t resist. Luhan and I just provided more company. I was excited to be at Everland. I wanted to ride all the thrill rides, especially the rollercoasters, but I couldn’t just go off with one of the other groups headed in their direction. I had to say with Luhan. Well, I didn't have to, but I wanted to. He was the one that invited me to come in the first place.

Luhan broke the news to me that he and his group of friends were headed to Everland Amusement Park for the day. It was hard for me to mask my disappointment that he was getting to go again and I wasn't. I had always wanted to visit, and that was something he was aware of. When the smirk appeared on his face, I knew something was up. He’d invited me to come along, but warned me about the rowdy boys that would be coming with us. I ensured him that I would be fine, and that it was the rowdy boys who needed to be warmed about me.

We walked through the park, after Tao and Lay finished eating. I led the way with the map in my hands. I scanned it and my surroundings, trying to find the most exciting rides. The boys had considerately given me first pick because it was my first time at the park.I stopped in front of the Double Rock spin. The ride was already in motion. We watched the ride and listened to all the people screaming on board. It was not enough to deter me from going on.

“Do you guys want to go on this?” I asked.

“I think Tao and I are going to sit this one out. Our food has to settle first before we can do all that spinning,” Lay said.

I looked to Luhan, waiting for his answer. “You could not pay me to go on that,” he said animatedly. I knew there was no convincing him otherwise. They were going to make me go on alone, which I didn’t really want to do.

“Are you guys going on?” a familiar voice yelled. I turned around to see Kai and Sehun coming towards us.

“I want to go, but no one else wants to go on with me,” I explained

“We’ll go with you. Come on!” Kai says. I handed Luhan my bag and rushed after the other two headed for the line.

“Tao and Lay just got done eating, so they don’t want to go on,” I started explaining to Kai and Sehun when I caught up to them, “and Luhan just doesn’t want to go on.”

The two shareed a look and nod, leaving me thinking that there was something I missed or something I didn’t know about.

“Kai, make her sit between the two of you!” Luhan shouted from outside of the ride gate, just as our line started to move. Kai waved in acknowledgement.

We picked seats on the front of the ride, so we could see our friends. The harnesses came down over our heads, and I could feel my heartbeat quicken with anticipation. The others seemed to be just as tense as I was. I could see Tao pull out his phone to take our picture, so we waved happily. “He’ll never know how nervous I am,” Sehun added through the clenched teeth of his smile.

The ride operator came over the loud speaker, welcoming everyone and explaining the safety rules. A loud horn sounded and the ride started to move backwards like a swing. Instead of it stopping and swinging forward, it continued into the air, making a full 360-degree motion. On the next trip around, the entire row of seats started to flip, sending everyone spinning. I let out an excited shriek. Kai and Sehun hollered on either side of me, causing me to go into a fix of laughter. The ride continued on like this for another two minutes. A few times we were even help upside down. It was heart stopping.

The ride ended and the harnesses released. All I could do was sit in the seat. I had to wait for my head to stop whirling. Sehun pulled me up and we both staggered after Kai towards the exit.

“Are you alright?” A concerned Luhan asked me, as I reclaimed my bag.

“Yeah. Maybe that was just a bit too much for the first ride. I’ll survive though.”

“Do you guys want to go on some other rides with us?” Kai invited.

I waited for Luhan to make a decision, but he said nothing. I took initiative. “Maybe something with a little less spinning this time,” I joked.

We settled on going to the Columbus Adventure ship ride. Once again Luhan didn’t want to go on. I begged, but he said he wasn’t fond of that particular ride. He took my bag and went to find a place to sit. Kai, Sehun, Tao, Lay, and I all joined the line.  I could see the top of Luhan’s head from the park bench he was on. I could tell that he wasn’t looking around, but instead had his focus on the ride we were about to board.

“I feel bad for leaving Luhan alone. He was the one that invited me to come, after all. I’ll just have to ask him if there is anything that he wants to ride when we are done here,” I spilled to the group.

“Well, good luck with that. Luhan doesn’t usually go on the rides. He doesn’t do well with heights and sometimes just the motion bothers him,” Lay informed me.

“We struggled to get him on the carousel the last time we were here,” Tao added.

Gaining all of this new information, I started to wonder why Luhan had invited me to come in the first place. Was he just going to send me off to play with his friends while he sat somewhere?

We took our places on the ride. Tao and I sat in the very back of the ship on the left, and the other three took the back on the right. Tao clung to my arm. I could tell that he was nervous, but the smile on his face gave away his excitement. The ride slowly started to swing. As it reached its maximum height in the swing, I leaned over and whispered to Tao.

“Yeah! We’ll do it on the count of three!” he shouted excitedly. “One, two, three!” We both unleashed the loudest screams that we could muster as we hit the highest point and experienced a few seconds of weightlessness.  The ship swung to the other side and back. Again, we let out screams. The other three finally caught on, screaming at us in return.

It turned into a screaming contest for the rest of the ride, each side trying to be as loud as possible. Other riders started to join in on our fun. Practically the entire ship was screaming. We were probably the loudest ride in the park.

“Your girl started all of th

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ChocoCaramel #1
Chapter 2: ahahaha chensing machine
ChocoCaramel #2
Chapter 1: cute sehun afraid of spider XD
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Baekhyun is afraid of white people:3
Chapter 4: Xiumin so cute~
ur oneshots are CUOL~!