Skater Girl and Manga Dude

Open Your Heart To Love

2 years ago…




"I am so done with you, Luhan!!" I yelled with all my strength. Damn, I hate my boyfriend so much. Wait, no. EX-boyfriend.

"Jihan, I can explain. It's not what you think it is." the kept holding my arms thinking I would punch him again. I don't have the strength to do so anymore. I am fed up with all the bull he keeps telling me. Look at this wuss crying along with me.

"Explain it to my . Luhan, I trusted you. I loved you. Why would you just... why did you ing replace me with that ?! Is it because she has gigantic s and I don't? Is that what you want? Huh?" I yelled again. Can't really tell how many times I've yelled right now. We've been fighting for an hour already.

Luhan was also crying and it hurts me seeing him like this. But he cheated on me. I swear… I saw him kissing this big-ed girl at the hallway today.

"Or is it because I can't give you what you want and she can? God, you boys are such pathetic losers!" That wasn't the best I could come up with but... I'm tired.

"I'm sorry, Jihan. I'm really sorry." Luhan continued to cry and apologize. If this was just a small mistake, I could've hugged him right now and we would be laughing again like the old times. I can't believe my boyfriend of two years would do something like this. Guess my love wasn't enough for him.

I breathed heavily, "Luhan, get out of my sight. We're through." I dropped my skateboard and was about to leave when he hugged me from behind.

He buried his face on my shoulders and I could tell he was still crying because the back of my shirt started to get wet from his tears, "Jihan, we can start over again. I can break up with her. I just played with her, okay? You're the one I really love, Jihan. Please forgive me. I promise you, we'll have a happier relationship this ti--"

There goes my slap to his face, "And you actually two-timed me. That's cool. Thanks for admitting that." , why wouldn't he let go of me?! I flung his hands off, "Let go of me, you ."

I stepped on my skateboard and pushed myself away from him.

Goodbye, my love.



Today I turned 18 and as usual, I am all by myself. All by myself because ever since I went to college, I never get to celebrate my birthday at home anymore. Well, my roommates would probably bring me to a bar again like how it was on my last birthday.

I'm on my way back to my dorm with my newly bought mangas. It's like a birthday gift for myself. Nobody gives me these kinds of things. Well, Krystal gave me an action figure of Yatogami Kuroh though. Which is nice, except that I have nothing to do but stare at it.

I am still waiting for an actual birthday gift though. Something that would really change my life or at least something that would keep me busy this school year. It's been school-library-dorm for me everyday. But then I realized, I'm already happy with my life. Yeah, I probably don't need that actual birthday gi--


I found myself sitting on the ground with my mangas scattered beside me. This is why I hate passing here. So many skateboarders everywhere, they should watch where they’re going.

"Oh God, I am so sorry. Oh my God, here let me help you."

So it was a girl who crashed into me. She held her hand out for me to hold so I did as she pulled me up. I'm gonna call her 'skater girl' for now since I don't know her name and she's carrying a skateboard, so...

She looks familiar though. Like, we’ve been classmates in my past classes. I don’t know.

Anyway, she took my mangas and read the titles before she handed them to me. She smiled, "K: Memory of Red, K: Stray Dog Story... hmm, these are cool."

Aha! Now I remember. She was my classmate in Physics class last year who also likes anime.

I was about to say 'none of your business' when I noticed something on her face as she looked at me.

"Your eyes are puffy."

"You're welcome. See you around." Skater girl gave me a half-smile and left with her skateboard.


“Yixiiiinnnnggg!” Now that comes from the person closest to me. The only one who calls me by my real name.

“Krystal.” I said as I walked towards her. She eyed the plastic bag I was holding.

“Yah, you could’ve told me you went manga-shopping.” Krystal pouted.

I shrugged, “Sorry. Let’s just eat somewhere so I could make it up to you.” I smiled as I ruffled her hair.

“Aigooo, Yixing! Don’t ruin my hair!” Krystal whined. Jeez, she just became a sophomore yet she still acts like a little girl.

“We will make the most out of this day since classes start tomorrow and we won’t get to have fun anymore.”

“And it’s your birthday, don’t forget.”

I smiled, “Of course.”

Krystal took my arm and draped it around her shoulders as we went to our favorite restaurant.

I’m sorry, I think you’re confused right now. I, uh, I’m Zhang Yixing. Everyone calls me Lay though. I don’t know how it started but all I know is my roommates began calling me that one day. I’m thinking it was because I was holding a bag of chips when we were introduced to each other. Anyway, I’m a third year college student right now. You’re probably wondering who Krystal is in my life. She is my bestfriend. We’ve been bestfriends since were little kids. She’s younger than me so I guess you’re thinking our friendship is odd but nah, it’s not. I see her as my little sister.

Wait, what? What do you mean friendzoned? Hell no, we don’t love each other that way.



Finally, classes have started today. Now I have something to get busy with and stop thinking about that of an ex-boyfriend.

Actually, I cried again last night. What? Okay, this will be the last time. I just can’t believe it’s all over now. He’s my first boyfriend for Pete’s sake. But today’s a good day. I must move on and get over it. Yes, get over it.

Oh God, I can’t.

I entered my second class for the day which is Analytical Geometry which I completely have no idea about. And here’s to not knowing anyone in this class.

Wait, is that… the guy with the purple headphones I crashed into yesterday?

I walked closer to clarify if it was really him and when I confirmed that it was indeed him, I immediately grabbed the chair next to him. At least I know someone with a familiar face. Nice one, Choi Jihan. I mentally gave myself a congratulatory hug.

“Hey there, manga dude!” I greeted him happily as he looked at me with a puzzled expression, “It’s the girl that bumped into you yesterday.”

“More like crashed.” Manga dude replied and I had to look at him with a ‘haha-I’m-not-amazed’ look on my face.

“I see your eyes aren’t that puffy anymore.” He added as he continued watching what seemed like an anime on his phone. Cool, we have the same interests.

“Really? Is that all you can remember from me?” I replied, feeling pissed already.

“Seems like it,” he chuckled as he paused the video and looked at me, “Actually, no. It’s your skateboard that stubbed my toe.”

He was about to continue watching his anime again when his phone slipped from his hand and luckily, I had quick reflexes and caught it immediately before it landed on the floor.

I returned it to him and I could tell he was slightly embarrassed. I smirked and looked at the board.

Seems like this class is going to get interesting for me.

Author's Note: Hiiii. Here's the first chapter. How is it? Sorry if it's a bit short. (._. ) Anyway, the poster will be available very soon. :) 


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