
The Edge Of Infinity


The classroom buzzed with the sound of children giggling and talking while they worked. A nicely dressed man quietly walked around to each table, checking on students and making sure that they were okay.

"Mr. Myungsoo!" a little girl wailed as she held her hand up, looking in the teacher's direction. "I need help! I don't know how to do this!" she cried, a pout on her face.

"I'll be right there, Bo-Ah." Myungsoo looked to her before smiling, turning to walk over to her.

"What's wrong?" he asked, looking to her. It looked like Bo-Ah was on the verge of tears. She was in first grade, though, so it wasn't anything strange.

"I can't color in the lines!" Bo-Ah's bottom lip trembled as she looked at Myungsoo. "My drawing looks bad!" 

Myungsoo softly smiled before looking to her drawing. It was a picture of her home. The sun was in the corner of the paper and the little stick people represented her family, he was assuming. 

Myungsoo laughed.

"That is a great picture!" Myungsoo put a gentle hand on her head, patting her a few times before taking a seat next to her. He picked up a crayon before sliding the paper over to him.

"It's missing one thing, though." he said, looking to Bo-Ah. "Can you guess what it is?

Bo-Ah stared at her teacher before quickly looking down to her drawing, a smile replacing the pitiful pout that had been on her face. She shook her head. 

"What is it missing?" she asked curiously, eyes moving back to Myungsoo with mild interest.

Without a word, Myungsoo took hold of the purple crayon in his hand before writing Bo-Ah's name on the paper neatly.

"It was missing your name, silly!" Myungsoo laughed, putting the crayon down. "Always remember to write your name on your papers. You don't want to lose them, do you? Especially a pretty drawing like this?"

Bo-Ah erupted into happy giggles, looking at her name that Myungsoo wrote for her.

"Thank you!" she moved over before hugging him. The hug lasted only a moment until she let go and quickly resumed drawing.

Myungsoo stood after he was hugged before smoothing out his suit, glancing around the classroom to see if anyone else needed help. At hearing a shriek, he quickly turned around.

"That's my toy!" a little boy with short black hair whined as he stood in front of a shorter boy. "Give it back!" 

"But I want to play with it.." the smaller boy whimpered, toy car in his hand. "Can I play with it?" 

The bigger boy shook his head before pushing him down, then crossing his arms across his chest, upset.

Myungsoo hurried over, kneeling down to the boy who was pushed and now crying.

"Seunghyun, why did you push Chanhee down?" Myungsoo held the crying boy close to his chest, rubbing his back to try and calm him down. 

"He took my car!" Seunghyun pointed to the toy car that was now sitting on the floor. "It's mine!" 

"Seunghyun." Myungsoo looked to him, sighing quietly. "Can you both share?

Seunghyun quickly shook his head. 


Myungsoo frowned lightly, looking down at Chanhee.

"I might have a toy car that you can play with since Seunghyun doesn't want to share." he spoke lightly, gently wiping away Chanhee's tears. "Would you like that?"

Chanhee sniffled and looked up at Myungsoo with reddened eyes, nodding shyly to his question.


Myungsoo stood and reached down, taking Chanhee's hand.

"Come to my desk, I'll let you pick which car you want to play with.

The two walked over to the desk. Myungsoo opened a drawer in his desk and Chanhee's eyes lit up, seeing three or four cool toy cars. He reached in the drawer, picking up a purple car.

"Can I play with this one?" 

Myungsoo smiled and nodded.

"Of course you can!" Myungsoo happily chirped. "It's all yours!" after closing the drawer, he watched Chanhee run off.



"Wake up, Woohyun. It's time for school." a gentle hand moved the covers from the small boy warmly cuddled in the bed. He stirred.

"Good morning." slurred from Woohyun's lips sleepily. His eyes fluttered open, landing on his mother. 

"Hello, little love bug." his mother giggled before patting his head. "Get dressed and wake up your brother, school starts soon." She smiled warmly. "I'll make breakfast!"

Woohyun watched as his mother left the room to head to the kitchen. He yawned, smiling afterwards, before hopping out of bed. He stretched for only a moment, stopping to run out of his room, heading to his little brother's.

"Sungjong!" Woohyun trotted into the room before jumping onto Sungjong's bed, giggling. "Wake up!

"Woohyun?" Sungjong muttered, still half asleep, even as Woohyun shook him. "Mmm, hi." Sungjong's eyes opened and a small smile came to his face as he looked at his brother.

"It's almost time for school, get dressed!" Woohyun leaned down and placed a loving kiss to Sungjong's head before getting off of his bed. He smiled at Sungjong, waved, and then ran from the room so he could get ready as well.

When he went back to his room, Woohyun went straight to his dresser, opening a few drawers. Woohyun rummaged through the dresser before picking out a shirt he liked - a grey sweater. He then picked out a pair of blue jeans, and he proceeded to change.

After getting dressed, Woohyun skipped into the kitchen, seeing his mom making breakfast. He ran over to her, hugging her. He was short, all he could hug were her legs.

"Why don't you go sit down, I'll get you a plate in a second." 

With a nod, Woohyun smiled and went over to his chair, sitting down at the table. Just then, Sungjong trudged in. Sungjong was dressed in his favorite Ninja Turtle t-shirt with a normal pair of tan shorts and orange croc shoes. He was a cutie. 

"Mom, I'm sleepy." Sungjong yawned, rubbing his eyes. He went over and sat next to Woohyun, giving him a smile.

"Hey, Sungjongie." Woohyun leaned over and ruffled Sungjong's hair with his hand before grinning. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes I did." Sungjong smiled back at Woohyun, giggling as his hair was ruffled. he playfully slapped away Woohyun's hands. "My hair is messy now." Sungjong pouted before looking to his plate when his mother came and placed them on the table.

"Make sure to eat up, you have a long day of school ahead of you!" she chirped. 

Just then, their father walked in.

"Hi dad!" Woohyun waved with a happy laugh.

"Daddy!" Sungjong wiggled around in his chair, waving as well as he continued to eat his breakfast.

"Hey boys." the low voice of their father said as he waved to them back. 

Suddenly, there was a bang at the door of their apartment. Woohyun glanced over, watching their dad going to answer the door. He didn't think much of it until he heard yelling. His mom gasped and moved back, eyes wide. 

"Mom?" Woohyun bit his lip lightly, not sure what was going on.

Sungjong looked at her with worry before his head whipped to the door, seeing a man walking in with a gun to their father's head. He stared, eyes instantly filling with tears as he became frightened.

"Boys, run!" 

Woohyun saw a few more men run in the building, running at his mother and then to them. Woohyun jumped from his chair, letting out a noise of fear and surprise. He dodged the man who lunged at him before hearing Sungjong scream.


Woohyun turned to see a man trying to grab Sungjong. He ran forward, reaching out to pry the man's hands off his brother. When he wouldn't budge, Woohyun leaned down and bit the man's arm. The strange intruder let out a cry of pain, letting go of Sungjong, who was already a mess of tears and snot. 

"Let's go!" Woohyun grabbed Sungjong's hand, ripping him from his chair. He pulled Sungjong along, running straight for the door. He dodged a few more men, making sure they didn't touch Sungjong, before they got to the door.

Woohyun stopped abruptly, looking back at his parents.

"Mom! Dad!

His mother let out a scream.

"Woohyun, go! Protect Sungjong! Hurry!" 

With eyes wide, Woohyun quickly nodded, tightening his grip on Sungjong's hand before whipping back around, running full speed down the hall with his crying brother.

"Mommy!" Sungjong wailed as he let Woohyun pull him down the hall. He looked back to their apartment room, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Daddy!

Woohyun didn't have time to wait at the elevator. He opened the door to the stairwell, running down the stairs with Sungjong, trying his best not to miss a stair and fall.

Once they were out of the apartment building, Woohyun noticed a few beat up black cars parked near the sidewalk. Two or three men were standing around, smoking cigarettes. When they noticed them, they all stared trotting to them. Woohyun's eyes widened, they were coming straight for them! 

Woohyun thought fast, running the opposite direction down the sidewalk. He flinched, hearing two piercing gunshots sound off in the area, running faster, forcing back his own tears of fear.

"Sungjong, this way!" he called with a shaky voice, glancing back to make sure Sungjong was following him. He was. 



The doors to the school burst open as Woohyun and Sungjong ran inside. Both of their faces were now stained with tears and sweat from running. They were breathing hard, having run all the way to the school. 

"Woohyun? Sungjong?" a female teacher who had been walking down the hall glanced to him, eyes widening. "Are you two okay?"

The two small boys ran past her, causing her to panic.

"Boys?" she called, hurrying after them. 

The commotion in the hallway made Principal Lee step out of his office.

"What's going on?" 

Before he got an answer, two little boys ran to him and clung onto his legs. 

"Principal Lee!" Woohyun cried out, sobbing while trying to catch his breath. He choked on his tears. 

"What's wrong?" Principal Lee quickly asked, eyes growing wide. He looked to Woohyun and then to Sungjong. "Did something happen?" 

Sungjong was trembling. He wiped his runny nose before sniffling, looking up at Principal Lee with tears rolling down his face. 

"Come in." Principal Lee took both boy's hands before leading them into his office. Once inside, he looked to his assistant. 

"Go get Mr. Myungsoo, he knows these boys well." he said before closing the door quickly behind him once his assistant nodded and scurried out.

The assistant's high heels clicked on the tile as she ran down the hall, heading to Mr. Myungsoo's room. Once she got there, she threw the door open, out of breath.

"Mr. Myungsoo, two boys are in the office. Principal Lee wants you to come urgently. It's an emergency!"

Myungsoo's head whipped around to look to the woman who burst in the room, eyes widening. He stood, looking to his class. 

"Will you stay in here and watch them?" when he saw her nod, Myungsoo quickly moved around her, trotting down the hall.

When he ran into the principal's office, Myungsoo's eyes darted to the two boys sitting next to each other on the couch, both crying and shaking, hugging onto each other. He knew who they were.

Woohyun and Sungjong!

Myungsoo rushed to their side, crouching down in front of them. He reached out and took each of their hands in his own, looking at them with deep worry.

"Woohyun, Sungjong, what's wrong?" Myungsoo quickly asked, giving their hands a gentle squeeze. "Shh, take deep breaths, it's okay.

When Sungjong began loudly crying, Myungsoo rushed up from his crouched position, sitting on the couch with them. Once he did, the two boys moved and hugged onto him, burying their crying faces into his shirt. Myungsoo put his arm around both of them protectively, holding them close. 

"Everything is okay, you're safe." Myungsoo cooed softly, holding Woohyun and Sungjong close, rubbing each boy on the back gently. 

"I'm right here."



So the prologue to The Edge Of Infinity is up! I hope to get out the official first chapter soon, but it will most likely be after school lets out for the summer.

- How do you like it so far?
- Did I kick the story off well?
- Who is your favorite character at the moment, if you have one?

I feel like this is going to be a really fun fanfic for me to write. It's extremely different from what I usually write, which is idol life with romance and all that jazz. This one will be more character driven, I want you to connect with the characters and just love them like I love them.
There will be ups, downs, twists, and turns, so I hope you stick around and go through the motions with me!

If you like the story, please subscribe, upvote, or even add me as a friend. I love reading comments too, so feel free to leave comments!

xxx- TrueLover

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Have I mentioned how proud of you I am with this? You took it from an idea with so little structure and lackluster characterization into something I actually want to see more of! We should find away to finagle more time into our days so you can write more of this. I demand it of you. Give me more! Swiftly forthwith!
Chapter 1: Wow, so far i liked Myungsoo here...but its just te start so i'll probably change it...
Update soon, author-nim~!