It was good until it ended.

Reality or Imagination?



Who knows someone's dream could be true someday? Yes. I'm a fangirl. And where I am right now is where every fangirl's dream to go to. South Korea. Yep, you read it right. So what the heck am I doing here when many years had already passed? It's 2021 for goodness' sake! And I was still in high school when i'm fangirling with the groups that I like, specifically the one which i'm very obssessed with ▬ EXO. It's been 9 years since they debuted, and they're still performing until now. But not that kind of performance that you watched years ago, some produced their solo albums, some debuted with a sub-group, and some went for military services. They ain't the usual-hyper-talkative-not-so-serious EXO we knew before, they matured, A LOT. And what I mean by that was, this is heart breaking but some of them found their Wendy. Bash all you want, but sorry, they're in love. No one can stop them, as for Overdose's lyrics. 


Here I am enjoying the view of the famous Jeju Island. Everything doesn't come out as what I imagined it to be. I never meet my bias, and that . Every fangirl's dream is to go to South Korea and see their bias personally, right? But luck isn't with me right now. I still have 1 more week to find him though, hope it's enough to make him fall in love with me. Ack! What the hell am I even thinking?! He won't even fall for me even if I meet him in the streets. *pout mentally* And yes, if you're asking me if I still do like them.. you're definitely right. I do, I always do. I mean i'm busy with studying and working but I still managed to spazz so. A Kpop fan is a very, very, very loyal fan. No matter how many years they'll be counting, as long as their idols are still performing, they will still fangirl over them. That's what they WE are. No doubt with that. The inspiring message in my head was cut by a thought that..


It'll be better if Luhan is here beside me though..


"I am here." A voice seems so familiar. I'm not dreaming right now, am I?

The voice seems to came from...


"Luhan-ssi? Why are you here? I mean, how? There's no news about you being here. I mean▬" He cut my interview though.

"You mean, you're my fan and no one informs you that i'm here? Exactly. It's because we had a two days vacation and I decided to spend the second day here. No one should know that." Luhan explains briefly.

"Oh I see. But why did you respond to my thought? How did you hear that? Perhaps I..."

"Yes, you said your thoughts out loud dear." He cut me again that time. I blushed from embarassment.


Dumb mouth! Why do you need to say it aloud?! Aish.


"Ahh, i'm sorry. I didn't know about that. I'm Seoji by the way. And you're Luhan." An awkward introduction, isn't it?

"If that so.. does that means that i'm your bias?" Why do you even need to ask that Luhan? Aigoo.

"Ah.. um.. yes."

"You're a fan then, you're not gonna squeal? Fans do that a lot." 

"I'm not. I'm not a crazy person to do so." Honestly.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not dumb enough to squeal, and lose the moment i've been dreaming of. Call me selfish oppa, but I won't risk this peaceful-ness with you just by screaming the hell out of me." Am I too straight-forward?

"Quite smart. You know what? I.." His phone suddenly rangs.

"Yeoboseyo? Yes. I will. I'll be going now." Is that a goodbye?

"You going oppa?"

"Hm.. yes. Manager hyung is calling each and everyone of us so I should go."

I'm not the clingy type and that's embarrassing to do. So...

"Thanks for this moment anyway, at least I managed to say a word to you. Bye oppa~"

He nodded and smiled at me as he started to get into his car. He suddenly closes it again and walked near me.

"Give me your phone."

"Why should I?" I asked but hand it anyway.

Luhan typed something in there and who-knows-what he's doing and handed me back my phone.

"I'll call you sometime. Please do answer my call. I guess it's.. uh.. I kinda.. 



like you at first sight? or first talk? Whatever that is. Bye~" I stood there rooted to the ground. I never expected he would like me THAT fast. I haven't even doing anything yet. I stared at his car who's going away and saw a hand waving so I do waved back. Just punch me in the face if i'm dreaming. Because if you don't, i'll be sure to find my self smiling on the way home and then waking up feeling stupid for believing this thing.


Oh crap. Who the hell punched me?! I thank you so much because it hurts!!!! IT HURTS!!! Call me crazy but everything's real, i'm not dreaming, everything's real.







"Yeobo, ireona~" Heard Luhan's voice. He sounded so sweet as ever.














Hi! It's boring isn't it? Well I got this crappy idea earlier and forgotten some that I should write. It's a mess. Sorry.

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Chapter 1: "Yeobo, ireona~" lol. great. like it