
For You


            “Been hard days to be passed?”

            He looked at where the voice came. He recognized it was a girl with long brown hair though his eyes were blury from the tears. She was smiling at him waiting for his answer. But Junhong kept himself quiet and put his attention back to his ramyeon.

            “It’s okay to not answering my question. Not so many people like to answer my question these days though, “ she paused, “ahjumma, one ramyeon juseyo.”

            “But I think it’s better for you to stop crying. People start to stare,” she continued.

            Junhong started to wipe his tears with his palm. But then the girl handed him her handkerchief. “Use this, it’s better to use this.”

            Junhong was about to refuse but he didn’t do it. He didn’t do it because the girl insisted. And that he was glad there was someone who cared enough to lend her handkerchief to some stranger who strangely crying when eating a bowl of ramyeon. He took the handkerchief from her hands. The girl smiled at his reaction then sitting straightly beside the boys waiting for her ramyeon.

            “So been though days for you?” she asked.

            “Well,” he paused, “Never been tougher.”

            “It will past. Don’t worry.” she smiled.

            “Yeah, I believe so.”

            “I’m Hayi by the way,” she offered a handshake, “I live in this neighborhood. You?”

            Junhong was a bit hesitate but then he took her offer to handshake. “ Junhong. Choi Junhong. I also live in this neighborhood.”


            She grinned at his awkward introduction. They both went to silent again. Each enjoying their ramyeon, drowning themselves in their thoughts. These two kids yet knew the idea how their life would cross each other’s. That day for him, she was just another people who came to pass by. He was used to it, watching people came by just to leave him behind at the end. So, it never crossed to his mind someone like her would touch his path.

            “Hmm,” she paused, “if I may know, what was you crying for?”

            He looked at her with a disbelief look. Why a stranger like her wanted to know about his problem. He wasn’t intented to be rude but he just didn’t want to answer, so he kept quiet. Hayi still looking at him with her curious look but then realized it might be not very comfortable enough for him to speak something maybe-personal matters to a stranger. She threw away her curious look and apologized, “I’m sorry. It’s not my bussines I guess. Sorry.”

            “No, that’s.... okay.” not really, he said to himself, “I guess I’ll get going.”

            He stood up. “Ahjumma,” while handing the money, “thank you.”

            When he was about to go outside Hayi grabbed his hand. He was surprised by her sudden skinship and jerked away from her. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be rude. But I guess I’ll see you around.”

            He smiled. ‘She sure is weird’ he thought. “No, I’m sorry. I was surprised. Yup, guess I’ll see you around.”

            She smiled. Dump.. Dump... His heart skipped a bit. Sure she had been smilling like an angel since she first greeted him. But he just realized how heartwarming it was. He couldn’t help but forming his lips to a smile.

            He turned his back. He had to go home. He had to face the reality now. He had to, once again, be reminded that he was alone. That he had nobody waiting him back in his flat. The cold chilly air made him shivered. He fastened his pace so he could reach his flat soon. Less that he knew, someone wearing all black had tailed him since he gone out from the ramyeon stall.


            With him being alone in his room again, he felt just like an outsider again. A stranger who has nobody but himself. He grabbed his phone and checked some notifications. Some of them were expressing about their condolances for his lost, which he doubted they meaned it, but they never asked him why he hadn’t come to school. It seemed like they were totally okay with his disappearance. But there was one message that made Junhong eyes glued on it. He was hesitating to open the message and read it. The sender id was Moon Jongup. It had been a while since the last time they contacted each other. It was because one incident in the past that he didn’t want to be reminded about, ever again. They used to be such good friends. Jongup danced, he rapped. They also used to skateboarding together in the park near his uncle’s house. But now they didn’t even say hi to each other when they met at school’s hallway. Didn’t even dare to exchange look. They both pretended like strangers. And now he sent a message for him was just weird.

            There was ego inside Junhong that told to never read his message and just delete it but he was also curious what was inside his message. Was he begging for forgiveness? Did he want to apoligize? Did he want to be his friend again like the old days? So he opened the message.

            From : Moon Jongup

Hi. I know it’s still awkward between us but I’m sincerely sorry for your lost. I know how much your uncle means to you.

It’s been two years since we hang out together. We even went to the same highschool. I know why you are mad at me. And I’m sorry for that. I was selfish. I chose popularity more than a friend like you. I was wrong. I hope we can catch up later. I hope you still save my number. This is Moon Jongup in case you had deleted my number.

            Hate it or not Junhong had to admit that he couldn’t be totally mad at Jongup because he stopped hanging out with him. He had changed back then too. He wasn’t as fun as the old Junhong. He couldn’t put the blame on him. No matter how he felt betrayed he also realized he was lacking a lot. He thought that Jongup had hanged out with the wrong kids. He thought it would be just for a while. He thought Jongup just wanted to rebel from his parents. Ofcourse hanging out with those kids would piss his parents. He used to be the first in class before when he still, literally, Junhong's friend. But no, Junhong was wrong.


He wasn’t sure this message was the sign Jongup wanted to be his friend again like when they used to be best friends in the past or not. It could probably just a fake comfort, meaning he would be there for him when he didn’t intend to. The thoughts of possibilities about Jongup’s one message piled up in his mind. He didn’t reply. He wouldn’t, ofcourse. Replaying Jongup’s message never even crossed his mind. He put his phone back where it belonged, on his desk.

            Junhong layed himself on his bed. He wanted to sleep early. Besides, he wanted to come to school tomorrow morning. It had been a while since he skipped school. He couldn’t loose his schoolarship. He had nobody to support him financially now. He couldn’t be kicked out from school.

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Chapter 5: aah.. he likes her...
and who is Le hi cousin?
Chapter 5: Waiting for next chapter. Update soon ^•^
Gzbz21 #3
Chapter 4: Update soon please ^^
Waiting for next chapter~
Chapter 4: Update soon ^_^
lauvly #5
Chapter 3: can't wait for an update!
Chapter 3: I'm so excited when you updated your story! Great chapter by the way;)
Chapter 2: update it soon ~~
leciBlackJack #8
Chapter 2: another zelo x leehi fanfic..! tq authornim.. ^__^