
It’s been 5 years since then.

Her 4 year old little angel has start talking and walk with his own two little feet.

“Jordan slow down angel, Mama is tired,” Hyeji said as she follow the boy. The boy giggle looking at his mother.”Mama, ice cream,”

Hyeji smiled,”Of course baby, you want vanilla ice cream,” as she picked Jordan up.

“Tell uncle Jose what you want,”

“Uncle Jose, vanilla,”

“Jordan..” he warned him.

“Uncle Jose,  vanilla ice cream please,” Hyeji smiled, so does the man. Since Jordan could talk, she as her mom always teach him how to respect people. She want him grow up as a respectful man just like his father. Hyeji smiled looking at her little angel. Day by day, he has grew up look a lot like his father. He has that piercing charismatic eyes just like his father. He also has his father’s nose, and he has his mom skin.

“Thank you uncle Jose,” he said as the man gave him the cone.

“Alright honey, let’s go home. We have clothes to pack,”

Hyeji decided that it’s time to go back to her homeland. She already miss her family and bestfriend. That will include Kris,too. But she has to think twice to introduce Jordan to his father. She afraid that it will effect Kris’s marriage. Maybe right now he already has two children with Nana. A tear almost escape from her eyes. But she doesn’t want Jordan to see it. She has to be strong for her little angel.



“PAPA !!!” Lauren’s voice was heard from outside of his bedroom. He knew that Lauren is already woke up and asking for her breakfast. “I wish you were here Na,” he thought.

Unfortunately, Nana has died after give birth to Lauren. And leave him as a single parent. He took care his daughter from the help of his mother. It’s a relief his parents accepted Lauren as their grandchild. He still remember how they dispised Nana before, and they never want to see his face. They’re too angry to him for letting Hyeji go.

“PAPA !!! your child is hungry outside this door,”

Kris chuckled and get out of his bed. He opened his bedroom door and pick his daughter up. “You become so michievious these days,”

“Not mivous but wise,” she grinned.

“Michievous honey,”

“Yes that, Papa now I want my chocochip pancake with strawberry sauce,”

“Yes princess, I’ll make it for you right away,”

They went to the kitchen and have their lovely father daughter breakfast.




“Welcome back Miss Jung,” their old butler Mr.Han greete her as they met at the airport. Hyeji smiled and hugged him. He has been with the family for a really long time and Hyeji consider him as a part of the family.

“Jordan, what mommy told you when we meet someone here ?” Jordan eyes wavered in the airport and then look at the old man in front of him.

“An..An..Annyeonghaseyo je ireumeun Jordan ibnida,”

“Omo, I remember him really small the last time you gave us a photo,”

“Ahjussi that was 2 years ago, he was still 2 years old of course this baby still little, right honey ?”

“Yes !!”

They laughed and went to the car.


Luhan was in the airport to pick his mom . His mom just arrived from China. When he was in front of a coffee shop, he heard Hyeji’s voice. Maybe he just having some halucinating because he miss Hyeji so bad. Hyeji and Luhan was also bestfriends. Sometimes Hyeji think sheis closer to Luhan than she is to Kris. But she love Kris more than just a bestfriend.

His head wander looking for the source of the voice but he didn’t hear the voice anymore. He decided that he is halucinating. He decided that she’s just missed her so mush, and he leave to the gate but he was late because his fiance already in front of him, scowling.



“I already put Laura in the kindergarten, I’d meet you at the usual restaurant okay Mom,” he hung up on his mother, and continue driving.

At the same time Hyeji was taking brunch in the restaurant. She was chit chatting with Yera, her bestfriend when she heard the chimes of the door. Jordan was so immersed on his new toy, thanks to Yera.

“Hyeji ?” an old woman suddenly called her name. when she turn around, she was surprised that the woman who called her was Kris’s mother, Anna Wu.

“Mama Wu,” Yera  gasped when she heard the name. So this is Kris’s mother, she thought.

“Where have you been ? We’ve been looking for you for like years,” Anna shed tears and hug Hyeji tighter.

“I’m sorry Mama, I didn’t mean to. I had something just that,”

“But why I can’t call your mom and Jihoon ? when I met them they didn’t tell me where you are,”

Hyeji can’t say anything. This is not good if Mama saw Jordan she would know that he is Kris’s.

“Mama this is Yera and her son Daehyun, they’ll leave,” Year got the message immidiately and taking Jordan with her. She make sure Mama Wu doesn’t see his face.

When Yera already outside the restaurant that’s when Hyeji can breath a sigh of relief.

“Let’s talk Hyeji, Kris is going to be here in a minute,”

“WHAT ????”

“What’s wrong ?”

“Mama it’s all in the past, there’s nothing to do. Kris is happy with Nana and I’m happy as a single woman,”

“Nana ? that woman has already dead honey,”

Hyej’s eyes widened, “When ?”

“the time she gave birth to their daughter, she had some complication,”

Hyeji gasped and already feel sad. No matter how hurt she is when Kris left her because of Nana, she didn’t hate Nana. Nana was a good person.

Just then someone come to their table, “Hyeji ?”

The man that she has been miss for those 5 years finally in front of her. She smiled widely and hugged him tight. He still has that smell she always love.

“Hi Kris, it’s been a while isn’t it ?”

Kris smiled, she stil is his most dear friend.

“How have you been ?”

“I’m fine, so does my daughter,” Kris took out his phone and show her his phone wallpaper. His daughter is a really pretty one.

“I’m sorry about Nana,”

“Nah it’s okay, I’ve get it through. Mama has you order yet ?,”

“I’m sorry kids, but my assistant said that an important client just called and want to meet me. You two have lunch okay,”

They nodded and bid her goodbye.

“I really want to meet Lauren,”

“How about we take her out from the school,”

“It’s a school Kris not a day care,”

“Oh it’s just a day, come on”

“The same old Kris, the Kris that doesn’t care about school. I sometime think how you get the CEO position then I remember Papa is the owner,”

Kris snickered,”I am smart you know,”

“Well Joonmyeon always be the smartest,”
“Joonmyeon was a nerd,”

“Handsome nerd,”

“So you think Joonmyun was handsome ?”

“Yeah, well he was kind of my type,”

“Well sorry for you today, now he is a married man with 2 kids,”

“Really ? How come I don’t know,”

“You’re gone for 5 years, that’s why”

“Oh come on now I’m here you don’t have to sulk, by the way who is the lucky girl who married my handsome nerd,”

“You remember Soojung ?”

“Soojung ?”

“Jung Soojung? Jessica Jung’s sister?”

“Ah the princess’s sweet little sister ? Sulli’s bestfriend ?”

“Yeah, oh Sulli also already married with Minho,”

“Assa, I know they will end up together in the end,”

“Yeah she is pregnant now, as I heard”

“How about the rest of the exo ?”

“Well as you know Joonmyeon already married and have kids, Xiumin, Luhan, Lay and Kyungsoo are engaged, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Tao and Sehun are have girlfriends and they are serious about it. I think Sehun is already proposing, Chen and Kai are still going around one after another,”

“Oh my god, my baby Sehun is already proposing ? I feel old,”

“You are old, and so am I,”

They’re laughing together when Hyeji’s phone ring. From Yera.

“Yes Yera?”


“Okay I’ll be there in…half hour ? Okay thanks before,”

She hung up and look at the man.”I have to leave, there’s an emergency,”

“I’ll drive you there,”

Hyeji gasped, she’s not ready to show Jordan yet,”No it’s okay, I’ll just take a cab. I have to go to somewhere first,”

“Are you hiding something from me Ji ? I can see it clearly in your eyes that you hide something from me,” Yeah, our son.

“No Kris, it’s just that I have to be somewhere first. I don’t want to wait for me,”

“Oh c’mon Jung Hyeji, you were always make me wait. It’s not going to be new for me,”

“But Kris—“

“Just walk, I’m going to take you no matter what,”

Heji sighed. No one can beat him for being to pushy. She just hope that Jordan isn’t going to be in front of the doorstep. She still didn’t want to explain to him.

“Where do you wanna go first?”
“I have to get something from a kids boutique,”

Hyeji told him the way and they’re arrived. She went out alone, saying that she won’t be long. Kris thinking in the car, did she have a kid?why she went to a kids shop?

“Hyeji, do you have a husband?”

Hyeji chuckled,”No, I don’t even have a boyfriend, why?do you want to introduce some of your friend?”

“NO! they have their own family yikes,”

“I mean the other friend,”

“You mean Bang Yongguk and the gang ? NO, they are just a bunch of a hoe,”

“Yongguk is not that bad you know, he just looked hard,”

“Still, he’s always flirting with you ono matter what. You’re my wife back then,”

She smile, always the protective Kris.

They arrive at the shop. Heji went out the car and so does he. “You come ?”

“Yeah, maybe there’s something cute for Lauren. Oh let’s take her out from her school, it’s near.”

She look around the shop and buy some clothes for Jordan. She also buy a few dresses for Lauren, a little present for her. Kris smile when she asked his daughter size. So this is the feeling of buying a dress for your daughter with a woman, she have a really good taste, he thougt.

“let’s go”

They went to Lauren’s school and go to her classroom. The little squealing when she saw her father.

“PAPA !!!!!!” the whole people in the hall can hear her.

“Lauren honey,” he pick her up and kiss her cheek. The little girl wrapped her arms on his neck. She turn around to look at a really beautiful woman with her father. It’s weird Papa is never with a woman, is she Papa’s girlfriend. Her eyes went wide happily with the thought. She always want a mother, maybe this woman is going to be her new mother. She wriggled herself from her dad.”Put me down Papa,”

When she’s put down by Kris. Sheran to Hyeji’s legs and tug her dress. Hyeji went down and looking at her.

“Hi Lauren, I’m Hyeji Imo,”

The little girl smiled wider, She’s beatiful,have a beautiful voice and she look really nice.

“Hi my name is Lauren, can I call you Mama ?” Hyeji gasped, and she chucled nervously. But I’m not your mother,”

“But I want you to be my mother, let me call you Mama,”

“Lauren you should call her Imo, Hyeji Imo,” Kris speak. He’s also shocked.

She fold her arms, now she’s angry.”But I want to call her Mama,”

“Lauren…” Kris scold his daughter.

The little girl suddenly crying,”B-B-But I want t-to call her Mama, I w-want to have M-M-Mama,”

Hyeji panicked, she picked her up and wiped her tears.”Yes yes yes you can call me Mama, okay Lauren please don’t cry,” Lauren hug her neck. Kris chuckled with the sight. It’s funny, his daughter never do something like this. She never be a crybaby. He went to the classroom and did some talk with the teacher, who also did some flirt with him.

“Kris, can we go now,” the teacher suddenly stop talking well flirt with him went she saw Hyeji. Wow total beauty. “She must be thought Hyeji is my girlfriend,” he said in his heart. Why don’t act it out.

“Honey come here,” he said. Hyeji raised her eyebrow but then know what he’s mean. Well who cannot know that the teacher flirt with him. Even Lauren know.

“Miss Kim, this is my girlfriend Hyeji. She just arrived from Paris,”

Hyeji smiled sweetly, play along. They talk a little, with Miss Kim being a lot intimidated. Kris grabbed Lauren’s bag and they leave the school.

“Where is your house ?”, then she remembered. Well it’s now or never then, finally her secret is out.

“Just go, I’ll tell you where,” she said as she played with Lauren’s hair as Lauren sat on her lap.

Jordan, I hope you’re Appa doesn’t dissapoint you.

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