the mastermind's queen


“I want to see the destruction of that world.”



“People in this world, Su Ji, they don’t treat other as human. All those greed, maliciousness, evilness, serving blood and lives for their desire. There is no such thing as good in this world. There is just evil; a never ending circle of evil. We are doomed. We are all doomed.”

He wants to see the destruction of that world, and he's bringing her along to that destruction.


for, ☁ThrowingUPrainbows| Writing Contest

and special thanks for the first place of the contest.


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heartwilldrive #1
Chapter 5: ;; i didn't predict it to end up this way. Su ji character kinda shocked me.
heartwilldrive #2
Chapter 4: This is great, really. The plot and the way the story goes from her point of view.
Would love to read next chapter soon!
zara2pm #3
This is amazing...I cant wait to read even more
I can't wait. I know it'll be amazing since you wrote it.