Finally, Happy


.. So this is it folks ..

.. The product of my imagination ..

.. Enjoy reading ..

.. Thank you ..





Kyungsoo's thoughts

Kyungsoo's past


“Hey Kyungsoo! There’s customer on table 7, please attend to it.” Minseok said as he kept pushing past the people running around the café.


“Got it!” Kyungsoo replied as he prepared his paper and pen and made his way to table 7.


It was the usual morning at XOXO Café at Gangnam Street where Kyungsoo was working as a waiter and also a barista. The café was owned by one of his bestfriends Wu Yifan a.k.a. Kris together with his boyfriend Huang Zitao a.k.a. Tao, they were business partners became lovers. And Kyungsoo was one of those ordinary people around Seoul who has an ordinary apartment, ordinary work, ordinary salary, and a completely ordinary life.


“Kyungieee~ here! here!” a familiar voice shouted amidst the voices of the people talking inside the café.


Kyungsoo sighed and went to the table where the owner of the voice is sitting.


“Yes, may I take your order sirs?” Kyungsoo lazily replied.


“Where’s the manager? I am complaining about your rude attitude! You’re suppose to be nice to me!” the customer replied.


“Ugh, Chanyeol, can you tell your boyfriend to shut the hell up?” Kyungsoo said annoyed as he talk to the guy named Chanyeol.


“And you…” he pointed to the other guy, “…if you’re not going to make an order, please leave, because there are many people who needs me.” Kyungsoo said while tapping his foot on the floor.


“I am here to invite you! But you’re being so mean and I--”


“Baekhyun!” Kyungsoo said emphasizing every word.


“Sorry Kyung, we’ll order one Americano, and one hot chocolate.” Chanyeol said.


“Ok. One Americano and one hot chocolate coming right up.” Kyungsoo said and started to walk away.


“Oh! And please add marshmallows on my hot choco!” Baekhyun shouted and received thumbs up from Kyungsoo.


After a few hours it was already noontime and people around the café slowly dispersed although there are still many customers, it’s not as chaotic in the noon than in the morning.


Kyungsoo and the others were now having their lunch break while the others just arrived for the afternoon shift. Kyungsoo works a whole shift during Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, while he takes a job of a music instructor during Tuesday and Thursday. Kyungsoo loves music and he dreamed of being a singer when he was young but it all changed after some events happened, Kyungsoo regretted the fact that he could’ve had the chance to fulfill his dreams, but he chose not to because of a certain person. He regretted it big time, that he chose that person instead of choosing his dream, but he didn’t regret where he was today, because he still feels great, having to know these people he call ‘bestfriends’.


Kyungsoo looked around the café and saw Kris and Tao being all happy with each other and Minseok talking to Chen on the phone, and Baekh—


“What’re you thinkin`?” Baekhyun appeared out of nowhere and it shocked Kyungsoo.


“Jesus! Baekhyun! Can you be more considerate? What if I have a heart problem? I could’ve died!” Kyungsoo said while holding his chest and breathing heavily.


“But you don’t…” Baekhyun said in a teasing tone.


“Uhhhh….what do you want now?” Kyungsoo asked annoyed.


Baekhyun pulled out a ticket and waved it in front of Kyungsoo’s face.


“Look what I’ve got hereee….” Baekhyun said while waving the ticket in front of Kyungsoo’s face.


Kyungsoo couldn’t look properly at the piece of paper so he held Baekhyun’s hand to stare at the ticket. Kyungsoo’s eyes squinted a bit and looked at Baekhyun shaking his head.


“Ohh, no,no,no,no,no, and NO…” Kyungsoo said forming an ‘X’ sign with his arms.


“But why??? Please Kyungie….You need to get out there! Have some fun! And besides this is free! Chanyeol got this for me, for my birthday!” Baekhyun said.


“You know I don’t like those kinds of things Baekhyun…And besides I am not really fond of the idol.” Kyungsoo said.


“I don’t get you! Kai is one of the most amazing dancer in whole Korea…” Baekhyun started.


I know…


“And he’s really gorgeous, and handsome…”


Please don’t describe him like that…


“He’s the kindest…”


No, he’s not, he’s the worst…


“And everyone loves Kai!” Baekhyun finished.


“But I don’t.” Lies.Lies.Lies. Kyungsoo said looking at the ticket Baekhyun is holding.


“Plus, I’m sure there would be a lot of people, considering how popular he is, and I don’t really like to blend with those people.” Kyungsoo said explaining his point carefully avoiding upsetting Baekhyun, because an upset Baekhyun is a sight to see.


“But, even if I beg you won’t come? I mean this is the best birthday present you can give me!” Baekhyun said looking at Kyungsoo with those puppy eyes.


Don’t fall.Don’t fall.Don’t fall. Kyungsoo said in his mind like a mantra.


“Why do you want me to go anyways? I mean, it’s your alone time with Chanyeol.” Kyungsoo said trying to think of some more excuses.


“We already arranged this, we will go out on the day of my birthday and you and me will have an alone time on our own.” Baekhyun said teary eyed.


“I really want to spend this day with you…because you’re my bestfriend and such, but I guess you don’t want to be with me…I’m sorry…” Baekhyun said sniffling.


Kyungsoo ran a hand through his hair and sighed in frustration. He can’t just say no to this guy.


“Ok, fine fine…I’ll go. Happy?” Kyungsoo said stretching his arms to Baekhyun.


Baekhyun happily jumped and hug Kyungsoo. He went to Chanyeol excitedly telling him the good news then both of them left the shop saying goodbye to Kyungsoo.


“Bye Kyungie!!! I’ll see you at you’re apartment at 6, be ready! And dress up!” Baekhyun said.


“Thank you Kyung, I really appreciate it, it makes Baekhyun happy.” Chanyeol said while patting Kyungsoo’s back.


“No problem, as long as he is happy.” Kyungsoo said.


Baekhyun is one of his bestfriend he cares the most because Baekhyun was once a cutter. His parents disown him after knowing that he is gay and his previous boyfriends before Chanyeol left him. Baekhyun and Kyungsoo met 2 years ago, they were apartment neighbors until Baekhyun moved in with Chanyeol. Kyungsoo tried hard to get really close with Baekhyun because he thought that Baekhyun was really nice, until that one incident that made the two closer than ever.


Kyungsoo was about to ask Baekhyun to taste his kimchi spaghetti when he saw Baekhyun lying in a pool of blood inside his bathroom. Kyungsoo panicked and called Kris who immediately came to the rescue and they brought Baekhyun to the hospital. That’s where they met Chanyeol, he was an intern at the hospital and Kyungsoo made the effort to make Chanyeol and Baekhyun close with each other and he succeeded. And after that Baekhyun always confides with Kyungsoo whenever he felt the need to cut himself again. And Kyungsoo always and never fails to give Baekhyun the right advices. That’s the reason why Baekhyun is so attached with Kyungsoo up until now and Chanyeol is so grateful that Kyungsoo is there for Baekhyun.


“So, you’ll go to the concert.” Kris said.


“Ohh, uh, yea.” Kyungsoo replied coldly.


“Are you sure Kyungie? You’re going to see him…” Tao said giving Kyungsoo a back hug.


“What’s the difference? I see him everywhere, the billboards, televisions, posters, everywhere…” Kyungsoo said trying to laugh his frustration.


“But this is seeing him in person after 3 years.” Kris said.


Kris and Tao, they were there when the whole incident that changed Kyungsoo’s life happened. They were the one who helped Kyungsoo find light once again.


“Maybe, I need this…I need to see him in person to prove to myself that I’ve moved on.” Kyungsoo said convincing Tao and Kris in the process.


“Whatever you say Kyungie, you know that we’re with you all the way.” Tao said kissing Kyungsoo’s cheek.


Kyungsoo chuckled when he heard Kris saying that Tao can’t just kiss anybody like that even if it’s Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo looked at the sky and smiled.


Yea, I am happy with my life now. I just need this one time to prove to them and to myself that I have moved on.


And Saturday came. Kyungsoo heard a knock on the door and when he opened it he saw an excited looking Baekhyun, but soon the smile at Baekhyun’s face turn into a frown when he saw what Kyungsoo was wearing.


“What?” Kyungsoo asked.


“What are you wearing????” Baekhyun exclaimed.


“I thought that this is the best to wear since there would be many people and it will be easier to move around with these.” Kyungsoo said.


He was wearing a black long sleeved shirt and skintight black jeans with a black converse with a cream coat in his hands. While Baekhyun was wearing a black Ramones tank top inside his dark blue leather coat, skintight black pants, and leather boots.


“Well, you have a point, uhh, anyway, let’s just go.” Baekhyun said while he watched Kyungsoo lock up.


“Hurry! Hurry!” Baekhyun said when they arrived at the concert hall.


“Uhh, alright alright…it’s not like the concert hall will disappear.” Kyungsoo said.


“Yea, but the freebies will!” Baekhyun said.


Kyungsoo convinced Baekhyun that he would just wait on the side while he went to get some freebies.


There really are a lot of people on the hall; he still can’t believe that this guy’s really popular right now. He can still remember those times when he used to watch this guy dance inside the public dance studios. His graceful movements continuously captivating Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo closed his eyes letting all the blurry memories of this guy comeback to him once again.


“Kyungsoo?” someone called and Kyungsoo whipped his head side to side to look for the voice.


“It’s really you! Kyungsoo, hey I’m here!” Kyungsoo looked at the back and saw a familiar face.


“Oh, Luhan.” Kyungsoo said.


“Hi. How have you been?” Kyungsoo asked trying to open a conversation.


“Hey, Uhm, I’m good, me and Sehun, uhm we’re good.” Luhan said looking that floor as soon as he got near Kyungsoo.


“That’s great.” Kyungsoo said.


There was a long silence between the two. Kyungsoo can feel the tension and he can feel that Luhan was nervous, so he held Luhan’s hands on his and when Luhan looked up, Kyungsoo gave him a sincere smile.


“Hey there, it’s ok. We’re good right?” Kyungsoo asked.


“O-of course. OH MY GOD!” Luhan cried and jumped to hug Kyungsoo.


“You don’t know how much I missed you! Sehun too! Jongin even more!” Luhan said through the sobbing.


“Y-yea, I missed you too guys…” Kyungsoo said.


“Ohh! Jongin would be ecstatic to hear that you’re here to watch his concert!” Luhan said.


“NO!” Kyungsoo shouted startling Luhan.


“I-I just came here by the request of a friend, he’s an avid fan and I can’t say no, j-just don’t tell anyone you saw me. Not even Sehun. Please promise me Lu, it’s one thing I can ask of you after everything that happened.” Kyungsoo said pleading desperately.


He figured. He already figured even before coming here. Even before saying yes to Baekhyun. He was not yet ready to see him. He’s not moved on just yet. But he has to face this he needs to face this.


“Ok…for you Kyungie…just stay in contact for me.” Luhan said holding the trembling Kyungsoo in his arms.


“I’m sorry for bringing him up.” Luhan said rubbing circles on Kyungsoo’s back.


“No, it’s alright, I just over react.” Kyungsoo said smiling at Luhan.


Luhan left after they exchange cellphone numbers and just a moment after that Baekhyun came with overwhelming freebies on his hands.


After waiting for an hour both Kyungsoo and Baekhyun was now settled on their seats. The whole arena is roaring in cheer because their long awaited idol will now appear on stage. Baekhyun roared in happiness when the lights turned off.


Suddenly a small light appeared on the stage and there he was doing his famous pose and sway when the music started. It’s as if the whole world for Kyungsoo stopped. It was quiet for Kyungsoo. All he can hear is his heartbeat doubling it’s beats every second and it’s almost funny on how Kyungsoo can seem to hear the squeaking of the dancer’s shoe on the floor and his slow and calm breathing. It was addicting for Kyungsoo, all the blurred memories he kept on blocking on his mind kept rushing back, all clear.


But everything stopped when Baekhyun hugged him telling him how amazing Kai is as a dancer. It was until that time that Kyungsoo realized that it was almost the end of the show and Kai was in the middle of talking answering the questions of the fans.


“Ok, so seat number L105! You can ask one question.” the mc said.


And with that Kyungsoo has this spot light on him. To say that Kyungsoo was petrified on his seat is an understatement because he won’t even bat an eyelash until Baekhyun pulled him up and gave him the microphone.


“Uhh, ok, I think he’s to stunned to react. So sir, what is your name?” the mc asked.


When Jongin saw the person who stood up, he felt his heart do triple backflips and double somersaults. There he was, the person he longed for. The person who took his heart away. The person he loves the most and the person whom heart he broke.


“Uhh, Kyungsoo.” Kyungsoo answered the mc.


Kyungsoo still can’t believe what was happening, neither do Jongin. But Jongin kept staring at Kyungsoo while Kyungsoo looked at the floor.


“So Kyungsoo…you have the privilege to ask our Kai here a question. What is the question?” the mc asked.


Kyungsoo couldn’t think right at the moment so Baekhyun whispered to him something and he had no choice but to say it.


“Uhm, if you’re given a chance to go back to the past, where is it and why?” Kyungsoo said not understanding a bit of the question he asked Kai.


Kai on the other hand smiled and confidently grabbed the microphone to answer.


“I don’t want to take that chance Kyungsoo…” Kai started.


Kyungsoo’s heart jumped a bit when he heard his name coming out from his mouth.


“I want to make the most of the present and claim back what was mine in the past because I want to make a future together with that person.” Kai said not even considering that what he said can make a 180-degree turn on his career.


After the concert was finished Kyungsoo excused himself from Baekhyun saying that he needs to go to the bathroom.


When Kyungsoo arrived at the bathroom he splashed water on his face waking him up from his supposed to be dream.


“I am going insane.” Kyungsoo whispered to himself.


“This is nothing. That meant nothing Do Kyungsoo. Nothing.” Kyungsoo tried to convince himself.


He looked at himself at the mirror and noticed that he’s not alone. He was there looking at him. Kim Jongin was looking at him through the mirror. Kyungsoo straightened his body and faced Jongin.


Jongin on the other hand was teary eyed. He missed Kyungsoo. He missed his Kyungie and he hoped Kyungsoo missed him too, but the other’s eyes tell him otherwise.


“Hi. Long time no see.” Kyungsoo said.


“Y-yea, long time.” Jongin said trying to hide the tears.


“What are you doing here? This is the public bathroom, you’re supposed to b--”


“I missed you!” Jongin exclaimed while he run to hug Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo was shocked at the confession and Jongin hugging him but recovered nonetheless. He tried to push Jongin away when Jongin grabbed both of his arms and made Kyungsoo look at him.


Jongin was about to say something more when the bathroom door opened.


Both of them looked at the door to find a shocked Baekhyun looking at the both of them shock written all over his face.


“What is going on?” Baekhyun asked.


Kyungsoo took this chance to wiggle out of Jongin’s hold and pull Baekhyun out with him at the bathroom.


When they arrived at Kyungsoo’s apartment Baekhyun jumped on Kyungsoo.


“Ouch Baek!” Kyungsoo whined when Baekhyun sat on his back.


“You know him, and why, may I ask?” Baekhyun asked.


“No you can’t ask.” Kyungsoo said lying lifelessly on his carpeted floor.


“Oh! Oh! I know! You’re the one he’s telling! The one that he wants to claim back from his past! I am right? Right?” Baekhyun asked.


“Wrong, he just mistaken me as somebody else.” Kyungsoo explained.


“Really?” Baekhyun asked suspiciously.


“Yeap.” Kyungsoo said letting his head fall on the floor while Baekhyun suspiciously looked at him.


“Fine. Let me sleep over tonight.” Baekhyun said.


“Huh? Why?” Kyungsoo asked.


“Just so you know mister, it’s raining outside and there are thunderstorms.” Baekhyun said pointing out the window.


Kyungsoo looked at the window and noticed that it was raining outside heavily.


When did it even start raining? Kyungsoo thought.


He didn’t even notice the change of weather.


“Chanyeol texted me, he’s asking if we’re alright. And he told me that the news was telling that a storm has entered the country. He also told me to stay here with you for the time being because he’ll be needed in the hospital for a week.hehehe…” Baekhyun said.


“What about your things?” Kyungsoo asked Baekhyun still looking at the window.


“Chanyeol will bring those to me later before he goes to work.” Baekhyun explained while he makes his way to Kyungsoo’s kitchen.


Kyungsoo stood up and follow Baekhyun.



It’s been a week now since the concert and since Baekhyun stayed at his apartment. Kyungsoo was doing his usual routine during Saturdays and that is watering his beautiful roses on the veranda.


“Heyy…Kyungieee, let’s go visit Chanyeol at the hospital while it’s still sunny outside…” Baekhyun whined as he rolled over the floor.


“Aishh, why do I need to go? Just go by yourself, you’ll be fine, just remember to bring an umbrella.” Kyungsoo said while putting his sprayer on the side and arranging the pots properly.


“Aishh, fine. I’ll be back at night.” Baekhyun said as he made his way to Kyungsoo’s spare room maybe to get prepared.


After a few minutes while Kyungsoo was folding the newly washed clothes Baekhyun came out of the room fully dressed.


“Alright! Umbrella check! Bye Kyungie! Remember to cook dinner for me too! Bye!” Baekhyun said and Kyungsoo nodded and ushered him to hurry before it rains.


It was already past 9 and Baekhyun was still not home and Kyungsoo kept calling him until 8 and that was when he found out that Baekhyun left his phone on his bed. He tried calling Chanyeol either but the other isn’t answering his phone. It was raining hard outside and he was worried that something bad happened to his friend.


“Aishh! Stupid Kyungsoo.” Kyungsoo muttered to himself when thought that he could just call the hospital where Chanyeol was working.


He searched the number on the Internet and when he was about to press the call button, a furious knocking on the door can be heard.


Kyungsoo looked confused, but he thought that it was Baekhyun so he got up to open the door.


“Coming!” Kyungsoo shouted when the banging didn’t stop.


When he reached to the turn the doorknob open he didn’t expect that someone to be out on his apartment at that time of the night, looking wet with his black hoodie, jeans, and converse.


Kyungsoo’s eyes widened, double in size if that’s completely possible. There on his door was the same man whom he saw a few days ago looking completely out of breath at the moment.


“Kyungsoo.” was all the man could say before he collapsed on the cold hard floor.


“Jongin!” Kyungsoo panicked.


He didn’t know what to do, so first things first, he literally dragged Jongin inside his apartment and tried his best to place Jongin on his sofa. He didn’t know what to do, but his motherly instincts came over and he placed his hand on Jongin’s forehead only to feel a burning sensation.


“ …” Kyungsoo muttered as he ran to the sink to wash a towel.


He got some oversize shirt and baggy pants on his drawer and changed Jongin to it. He tried his best to warm Jongin up and to lower his temperature a little bit. He looked inside his fridge to find some medicine for flu and colds and made Jongin drink it.


After a few minutes Kyungsoo was tired and he fell asleep sitting on Jongin’s side still worried.


It was now past 12 midnight and Baekhyun was making his prayers as he neared Kyungsoo’s apartment. He knew that Kyungsoo would be mad because he arrived so late and after he saw all the missed calls on Chanyeol’s phone he even got more worried and Chanyeol just gave him a goodluck. What a kind boyfriend he is after all the pleasure he’s given him, he didn’t even accompany the poor Baekhyun home.


Baekhyun decided not to knock and used the spare key Kyungsoo gave him the other day hoping that Kyungsoo was already asleep. When he opened the door he really did found Kyungsoo asleep but someone was caressing his head. Baekhyun was shocked, really really shocked, but somewhat he is feeling excited and is fangirling inside.


Jongin noticed Baekhyun and signaled him to keep quiet and close the door. Baekhyun did what he was told still staring at the two. Jongin continues to caress Kyungsoo’s head oblivious to the stare of Baekhyun. It was when Kyungsoo started to stir a little and Jongin got back to his original position and pretended to sleep secretly hoping that Baekhyun wouldn’t blow his secret.


Kyungsoo rubbed his eyes and looked around. He noticed Baekhyun staring and he looked at the person whom Baekhyun is staring and he remembered that Jongin was still here, and he was sick.


Kyungsoo quickly stood up.


“You’re late.” Kyungsoo said.


Baekhyun looked at him then back at Jongin.


“Yea, but I can see that you have company.” Baekhyun said smiling.


“Wait, I can explain…you see, he has a really high fever and he’s at my door, and I can’t just leave him there to die!” Kyungsoo said in a whispering tone and it made Baekhyun chuckle.


“Alright, alright, I’ll head to bed now.” Baekhyun said leaving Kyungsoo with a sick Jongin.


Baekhyun looked back at the two and saw Kyungsoo checking Jongin’s temperature and putting another blanket to cover Jongin.


Baekhyun smiled.


So it’s true, what Tao and Kris said, Kyungie still loves him. Baekhyun thought.


I just hope it doesn’t break him again. Baekhyun sighed.


Morning came and Kyungsoo found himself laying on the sofa where a sick Jongin should be laying. Kyungsoo bolted up and looked around to found Jongin preparing breakfast for him. He walked to the kitchen and watched Jongin.


“Baekhyun said that he will go out with his boyfriend today. You like your eggs scrambled right?” Jongin asked.


“Scrambled.” Kyungsoo said.


“Still scrambled, I see.” Jongin smiled placing the scrambled egg on the table.


“C’mon, let’s eat.” Jongin said while presenting a chair for Kyungsoo to sit on.


There on his table were all his favorites for breakfast. Scrambled egg, bacons, bread, and strawberry juice.


“Where did you get the juice and bacons?” Kyungsoo asked grabbing a piece of bread.


“Oh, I bought it.” Jongin said.


Kyungsoo looked at him suspiciously.


“Ohh, I borrowed one of your hoodies and sneaked out really fast. I’ll just wash it and hand it back to you.” Jongin said smiling at Kyungsoo.


“Nevermind that, just leave it here and I’ll wash it, and you better head out after you eat, your manager must be really worried and just don’t forget to drink the medicine on the counter just in case, but I guess your fever has gone down already.” Kyungsoo said in one go and it made Jongin giggle.


“What’s so funny?” Kyungsoo asked.


“Ohh, nothing, it’s just you’re still the same, talking straight about so many things without stopping.” Jongin said biting his bacon.


“Oh, sorry of it annoys you. And by the way, how did you know where I live?” Kyungsoo asked and started to take a bite on his egg.


“Oh no! I really find it very cute. And I’ve been pestering Sehun and Luhan to help look for you that’s how.” Jongin said while sipping his juice.


Kyungsoo didn’t reply and just keep on eating. What does this man need with him anyway? After his food are gone Kyungsoo stood up and head to the sink to place the dishes.


“After you eat just place the dishes here and I’ll attend to them later and your clothes last night, I think they’re already dry, just get them.” Kyungsoo said pointing at the veranda where he hangs the clothes.


“Oh, and just leave my clothes on the basket, then you can leave.” Kyungsoo said.


“It’s my day-off.” Jongin said looking at Kyungsoo’s back.


There was a long pause until Kyungsoo spoke again looking at Jongin coldly.


“So? What does it have to do with me? Why are you even here anyway?” Kyungsoo said coldly.


Jongin felt a tug on his heart. It hurts so much; to know that the person he only loved and still loves doesn’t care about him anymore.


“I just thought I could spend it with you. I missed you.” Jongin said still hoping that Kyungsoo would agree to his idea.


“I don’t want to. And I don’t miss you.” Kyungsoo said leaving Jongin alone and went in his room.


Kyungsoo’s feelings are now jumbled. Jongin came back; he came back with more power in his life. Kyungsoo doesn’t want Jongin in his life right now, he doesn’t need him to shatter the walls Kyungsoo built for three years. He doesn’t want to feel those knots in his stomach again whenever he’s near Jongin. He doesn’t want to remember those memories he had with Jongin.


It was raining that day; Kyungsoo ran and ran until he reached the airport. Luhan and Sehun saw him running and ran to Kyungsoo and held him in place.


“What are you doing? Let me go!” Kyungsoo struggled.


Kyungsoo looked at Luhan with his pleading eyes.


“Please, I need to stop him!” Kyungsoo cried out.


“Kyungsoo! Jongin’s already decided.” Sehun said making Kyungsoo look at him.


“What about me? Why? Why didn’t he tell me?!” Kyungsoo shouted.


“Stop making a scene Kyungsoo.” Sehun hissed as he motioned Luhan to bring Kyungsoo inside his car.


“No! Sehun! Luhan! Stop! Let me go! I have to see him!” Kyungsoo struggled but the two didn’t budge.


Luhan avoided eye contact with him while Sehun kept staring straight.


“Sehun please!” Kyungsoo cried and cried.


“Kyungsoo! Please, I told you! Jongin’s already decided! He wants to go! No one forced him to! Just let him be! Let him choose what he want to choose!” Sehun said.


“Sehun! Stop it!” Luhan interrupted.


“Kyungie, let’s just go ok, Jongin will cal--”


Luhan was cut off when Kyungsoo stood up suddenly. Sehun and Luhan stared at Kyungsoo.


“Fine.” Kyungsoo said and walked away.


Sehun and Luhan thought that Kyungsoo finally gave up, until Kyungsoo ran past them. And before they turn around to grab Kyungsoo they heard a loud screech and two objects crashing with each other. And before they know it Kyungsoo’s body was lying lifelessly on the floor.



Kyungsoo stayed in his room the whole morning and he was so sure that Jongin had left already. He knows that the taller don’t have much patience in him to wait for him that long. Kyungsoo confidently walks out of his bedroom to prepare lunch for himself when a voice startled him.


“Kyungsoo! Lunch’s ready!” Jongin shouted while waving at Kyungsoo from the kitchen.


Jongin was still dressed with Kyungsoo’s baggy shirt and pants, meaning the taller didn’t do what he said earlier.


“Why are you still here?” Kyungsoo asked annoyed.


Jongin went to Kyungsoo and grabbed Kyungsoo’s hand.


“C’mon, the ric--”


Jongin got cut off when Kyungsoo peeled his hands off him.


“Don’t touch me and didn’t I tell you to go?” Kyungsoo said hinting the venom in his voice.


“Oh, I just thought that you might want me to pre--”


“I don’t want anything from you.” Kyungsoo said as he went to the kitchen and he opened the cabinet to get a plastic bag from it.


He stuffed all the food Jongin cooked for him inside the plastic bag.


“W-what are you doing?” Jongin said trying to choke his tears.


Kyungsoo threw the plastic bag on Jongin’s chest while he proceeded to the veranda to get Jongin’s clothes.


“K-kyungsoo…hyung…” Jongin called out.


Kyungsoo stopped for a second. Jongin calling him ‘hyung’ is really nostalgic, but that didn’t stop Kyungsoo from doing what he was supposed to do earlier that morning.


“Hyung, p-please stop.” Jongin cried out begging Kyungsoo to stop.


Kyungsoo threw the clothes at Jongin’s face and pointed his finger at the bathroom.


“There’s the bathroom, go change and please, please just get the out of my house.” Kyungsoo said.


He went out and left Jongin crying inside his apartment.


Kyungsoo went to the café to find Kris and Tao at the storage room storing some of the brewed coffee.


“Hey.” Kyungsoo called.


“Kyungie!” Tao noticed him first and ran to hug him.


Kyungsoo nuzzled his head against Tao’s chest.


“What’s the matter Kyungsoo?” Kris said worry evident on his voice.


“He’s there and the memories, it keeps coming back.” Kyungsoo said calming himself down.


“Who Kyungie?” Tao asked.


“J-jongin, he’s in my apartment right now.” Kyungsoo said.


Kris looked at Tao who was smiling. Tao noticed Kris staring and smiled at Kris.


“So, what’s the matter now?” Tao asked.


“I thought I’ve moved on, but I didn’t and I can’t, it’s just, so hard, seeing him like that.” Kyungsoo said trying to fight the tears.


“And, I’ve been so mean, I didn’t mean it, but he’s so stubborn, I told him to leave but he didn’t leave and I have no choice.” Kyungsoo explained.


“Are you still in love with him?” Kris asked and Kyungsoo froze.


Kris’ words kept repeating in his mind and he didn’t notice that he already reached his apartment door. He entered the door and find Baekhyun preparing dinner. He was glad Jongin was gone; he didn’t want to deal with anyone right now. He ate lunch with Baekhyun blabbing about how sweet Chanyeol was taking him out to a sweet romantic dinner with all these flowers and stuff. Kyungsoo was jealous, he was jealous at the couple because they’re always happy, because no matter how he deny it to himself, no one has ever made him happy exept for Jongin and it hurts.


Kyungsoo didn’t sleep that night.


He went to the café earlier than usual the next day only to find Jongin sitting in front of the café’s door. His eyes narrowed but he decided not to pay attention to the guy. Jongin’s eyes light up when he saw the smaller coming his way. He waved his hands and smiled.


“Hyung!” Jongin greeted but Kyungsoo didn’t even looked at him.


Kyungsoo continued unlocking the door and when he noticed Jongin slipping inside together with him he stopped.


“Sorry, but the café won’t open until 7 in the morning.” Kyungsoo said.


“Oh, sorry, I’ll wait then.” Jongin said and stood outside.


It was 6:30 when Kris and Tao arrived at the café and they noticed the guy standing outside the café.


“Hey, it’s cold, why don’t you come in uhm…” Tao said eyeing the guy.


“Wait, what? Jongin!!! Why do yo—mmhhppp…” Kris’ hands blocked Tao’s blabbing.


They noticed that people started looking at them weirdly.


“Shh, Tao, remember he’s a celebrity now, but what are you doing here?” Kris asked looking at Jongin.


Jongin didn’t answer but looked at Kyungsoo cleaning inside through the glass. Kris and Tao followed Jongin’s eyes and they saw Kyungsoo. The couple looked at each other and sighed.


“Ohh, but why are you here outside? You could just go inside.” Tao asked.


Jongin looked down at his feet.


“C’mon now, we’ll give you some hot chocolate, on the house!” Kris said as he led Jongin inside.


Kyungsoo heard the door being opened.


“Sorry, but the ca--”


“You can’t let a customer freeze outside!” Tao scolded Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo looked at the two and saw Jongin with them. Kyungsoo scoffed and continued cleaning the tables.


“You’re early.” Kris said.


“Can’t sleep.” Kyungsoo said.


Kyungsoo continued cleaning until the café was filled with busy business people that usually go there. He was busy scanning the area for more customers to take orders until his eyes landed on Jongin. Jongin smiled brightly at him and waved cutely. Kyungsoo forced himself not to grin because Jongin was being so adorably cute at the moment. But the staring moment of the two was cut off when someone screamed.


“Oh My!!! It’s KAI!!!”


And so the battle began between the fangirls who wants to take pictures with him. Kyungsoo got worried that Kai might get squished by the number of people lunging at him. It was when Kris shouted that everyone stopped moving. Well, it was Kris, he was scary when he’s angry, and no one wants an angry Kris. He caught the people’s attention and it’s Jongin’s cue to go. Kyungsoo saw that there was a car waiting for him outside the café and he immediately closed the doors of the car but opened the window and shot a one last look to Kyungsoo waving him a goodbye. Kyungsoo tried not to wave back so he just looked away.


“Dude, you nearly got killed.” Sehun said sitting at the driver seat.


“It was worth it.” Jongin said while looking at the window.


Sehun looked at him through the mirror and sighed.


And that’s the start of Jongin’s daily visit to XOXO café. Kris and Tao didn’t mind it but to Kyungsoo it was really bothering. Everytime Jongin was inside the café all he did was to stare at Kyungsoo for the three hours he spent there.


It was the third Wednesday that Jongin went to the café, he was drinking the usual hot chocolate and he wore a black pants and hoodie. Jongin was currently talking to Tao about stuff while he drank his hot chocolate. Unfortunately a woman bumped into him that made the hot chocolate spill on his shirt.


“Ow,oww, ouch…” Jongin hissed in pain.


“Ohh, I’m sorry mister, I--”


“It’s ok, it’s ok, we can handle it.” Tao said not wanting the woman to see Jongin’s face.


Tao took Jongin inside the storage room and he goes ahead to go pick a shirt for Jongin. He told Jongin to wait inside while he gets the shirt. Jongin on the other hand removed his shirt to ease the feeling of the hot chocolate.


“Where’s Jongin?” Kris asked Tao.


“Oh, someone spilled the hot choco on him and he needs an extra shirt.” Tao explained.


“Ohh, I see, Kyungsoo! Get some coffee beans at the storage room!” Kris shouted.


“What are you doing?” Tao asked.


“Getting him to face his feelings.” Kris smiled.


Tao giggled and kiss his boyfriend on the lips.


“Ok, stop the PDA, how much do you need Kris?” Kyungsoo asked.


“One sack would be fine.” Kris said.


When Kyungsoo entered the storage room he was shocked to find a shirtless Jongin standing in front of him shocked. The two shared a moment of silence staring at each other until both of them heard the door shut. Kyungsoo turned around and immediately grabbed the handle of the door to find it locked.


“What the, Kris! Tao! I know you planned this ! Open this door!” Kyungsoo shouted while he pounded on the door.


“Not until you talk to Jongin.” he heard Kris said.


“Toodles hyung! Jongin goodluck!” Tao cheered.


Kyungsoo sighed for he realized that he has no hopes for the two opening the door for him. Instead he sat on the floor with his back against the wall. He did not see this scenario coming. He and Jongin inside a room locked up together. He didn’t know what to do.


Jongin on the other hand, kept fidgeting on his feet. He didn’t know what to do, he wants to go near Kyungsoo and sit with him, but he’s afraid that Kyungsoo might not want that to happen so he just stood there waiting for something to happen.


Kyungsoo notice Jongin’s uneasiness and he found it amusing, because he realized that he caused this, he has this kind of effect on Jongin, just like Jongin in him. So when he finally had enough of the silence he sighed and closed his eyes.


“u-uhm, hyung?” Jongin called.


Kyungsoo looked up and eyed Jongin.


“Uhm, do you have an extra shirt? It’s kind of chilling here.” Jongin asked.


“Do I look like I have an extra shirt with me?” Kyungsoo spat bitterly and looked at Jongin.


Jongin did nothing but shook his head and looked down. Kyungsoo hates this situation, he hates it when Jongin looked so broken, it’s as if he’s the innocent one and Kyungsoo’s the bad guy. The past kept of repeating on his head, on how Jongin left him, on how Jongin selfishly went to New York to fulfill his dream without even telling him, so when Jongin said that two words Kyungsoo finally snapped.


“I’m sorry.” Jongin said.


“For what? For leaving me three years ago? or for breaking my heart?” Kyungsoo said not able to contain his feelings anymore.


“H-hyung, I-I don—I’m sorry.” Jongin was silent.


“Sorry? Sorry isn’t going to change anything Jongin.” Kyungsoo said anger evident on his voice.


“I wanted to tell you hyung, but, i-it’s just, I don’t want to hurt you.” Jongin said tears forming on the bottom of his eyes.


“The fact that you hide it from me already hurts me. A car ran me off when I was trying to chase you at the airport! And I was at the hospital for eight ing months because I needed to go therapy so that I can walk again! And where were you?! You ing left and didn’t comeback until you’re all popular and what !” Kyungsoo can’t contain his feelings anymore.


Kyungsoo’s face was red from all the anger and hurt he contained for three years. Kyungsoo was already breaking down and Jongin could see it. It hurts him the most to see Kyungsoo like this and he knew it was his fault.


“I loved you.” Kyungsoo muttered.


“Don’t say that hyung, don’t say that you loved me, because I still love you.” Jongin said inching himself to Kyungsoo and hugging him.


“No!” Kyungsoo struggled to push Jongin but Jongin was stronger.


“You were my everything Jongin! You’re my world! You’re the only person I have ever loved and you threw it all away!” Kyungsoo said throwing small punched against Jongin’s chest.


“Don’t say that in past tense hyung, I still love you and we can make this work.” Jongin said trying to ease Kyungsoo’s breakdown.


But Kyungsoo wasn’t having it; he didn’t want to be hurt like that again. Not especially by Jongin. He pushed Jongin with all his might and that made Jongin stumbled a bit and released his grip on him.


“I don’t want us to work this out.” Kyungsoo said glaring at Jongin.


Kyungsoo turned around and kicked the door hard.


“I know you’re listening so open the ing door!” Kyungsoo shouted.


And immediately the door was opened and revealed a wary looking Tao outside. Before Kyungsoo left he looked at Jongin one last time.


“And one last thing, I am begging you, please stop whatever it is you’re doing, please stop.” Kyungsoo said and walked away.


Tao walked inside and hugged a crying Jongin telling him to wear the shirt he brought for him or else he’ll be sick.


“He’s so angry, he-he, I still love him Tao. I’ve never seen him so angry like that. It’s my f-fault.” Jongin cried on Tao’s shoulders.


“I know, but you have to wait, and you also have to convince him that from his past, you’re the one that’s worth coming back with.” Tao said.


Meanwhile while Kyungsoo was grabbing his things to go home already.


“Going home already?” Kris asked.


Kyungsoo glared at Kris before looking at his bag again.


“I just need to get this off my head, and please don’t say anything more.” Kyungsoo said.


Kris just went and hugged Kyungsoo like the big brother he is.


“You need to figure your s out Kyung, or else you’ll going to lose everything before you figured out the things that are worth saving.” Kris said caressing Kyungsoo’s head.


“So you’re telling me to just forgive him after everything that happened?” Kyungsoo asked.


“I’m telling you to cherish what’s on the present before you regret your decisions. Go rest.” Kris said as he bid goodbye to Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo went straight to his apartment only to find Baekhyun on the kitchen.  Baekhyun came running out of the kitchen and held Kyungsoo’s face between his hands.


“Kyung! Why are you so early? And have you been crying?” Baekhyun asked worry evident in his voice.


“Oh, something happened at the café, please don’t ask and why are you here?” Kyungsoo said.


“Oh, I was planning to sleep over and I’m really sorry!!! I forgot to gave you this because I am so caught up in the job, it’s been busy, and I am really sorry, please don’t tell Kai that I gave this to you three days after he asked me to give this to you. And promise I didn’t open that.” Baekhyun said handing me a paper and a box.


Kyungsoo went to his room that night without saying much to Baekhyun. Baekhyun frowned as he noticed that Kyungsoo was depressed. Kyungsoo sat on his bed and closed his eyes.


Kyungsoo waked up and saw his friends around him. He saw Tao and Luhan crying, Kris and Sehun calming them down but also on the verge of tears.


Kyungsoo tried to speak but his voice was hoarse and he can’t form a single word without feeling that something heavy is above him.


“Kyung, you’ve been hit by a car and the doctors said that you need more rest, so don’t force yourself to speak or to sit up.” Kris explained.


Kyungsoo struggled and tried to get up.


“Soo, I said you need to rest.” Kris said pushing Kyungsoo down.


“N-no, I, I, J-J-jongin…I n-need to see h-him.” Kyungsoo said.


Luhan cried harder as he gripped my bed sheets. Sehun ran a hand through his hair muttering a ‘damn that Jongin’ under his breath.


“Soo, Jongin’s not here, he’s at New York. He went there to study.” Kris explained calmly.


“N-no, Jongin, he l-loves me, he w-would never leave me. No.” Kyungsoo said still trying to sit up.


“Kyungsoo! Just face it! You need to face reality! Jongin left, without even telling you. Stop doing this to yourself, look where it got you!” Kris shouted startling everyone in the room.


Kyungsoo placed a hand on both sides of his head and muttered a ‘no, no, no’ repeatedly. Tao can’t take it anymore so he hugged Kyungsoo and let Kyungsoo cry on his shirt.


“Shhh, don’t worry, we’re here for you.” Tao muttered.


Kyungsoo opened his eyes to block the memory and noticed himself crying. He opened the box Jongin gave him and saw a recorder and under the recorder are bunch of letters. He opened the paper Baekhyun handed him a while ago and read it.




Are you reading this? I hope you are, I hope you didn’t throw this to the bin. I know that this is a bit too late but late is better than never right? Well to cut the long story short, I wanted you to have these things. Please don’t throw them away, I just want you to listen to the recorder and read the letters. They’re all for you. I won’t say much in here, but please just give me this one chance to explain myself.




Kyungsoo didn’t know what to do; he didn’t want Jongin invading his life once again. He stood up and proceeded to go near the trash bin to throw the things away.


“You sure about that?” Baekhyun said getting inside his room.


“You knew?” Kyungsoo asked.


“I had to interview lots of people, even Ka- I mean Jongin, I was so embarrassed.” Baekhyun said holding his cheeks.


Kyungsoo still looking at the floor started to notice that tears were falling in his eyes again.


“I know it hurts Kyungsoo…I don’t have the right to say this, because we have different circumstances, but Kyungsoo, I know what pain is when I see one, and I know it’s hard to forgive…” Baekhyun said and Kyungsoo noticed that the man is serious because Baekhyun never used his name when he’s serious.


“But look at me, I moved on right? And I’m happy…but Kyungsoo I tell you the pain is still there, but I’m holding it in for Chanyeol and you, because I know you both love and care for me just like I do for the both of you.” Baekhyun said as he hugged Kyungsoo and let Kyungsoo cry on his shoulder.


“Look, I’ve been talking to Jongin for the past few days, and I can see it Kyung, he still loves you and I know you still love him too.” Baekhyun said while caressing Kyungsoo’s back.


“Let me help you this time, just like those times you helped me in the past.” Baekhyun continued.


“And believe me when I tell you this, Jongin still loves you, it wouldn’t hurt to give him a second chance and if you’re afraid, don’t be because we’re all here for you.” Baekhyun finished and looked at Kyungsoo in the eyes.


“I don’t want you to regret your decisions Kyung, trust me and just try to read those. I’ll leave you to yourself now ok, just call me when you need something.” Baekhyun said and he bid goodbye to Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo once again sat on the bed and fiddled with his fingers. He was still hesitating wether he will open the letters that Jongin gave him. And in the end, he decided that he would just open it.


He started to open the first letter, which was unbelievably thick, there wasn’t any paper on it when he opened it but instead there are pictures. Those are the pictures of him and Jongin three years ago. There were pictures where he and Jongin went to the amusement part. There are pictures of him singing. There are also pictures were he was sleeping, he didn’t know Jongin took a picture of him while sleeping. But what shocked him the most are the pictures of him with only his shirt and boxers on. Instead of being pissed Kyungsoo got really embarrassed and covered his reddening cheeks.


Did Jongin matsurbat—what are you thinking Do Kyungsoo! Kyungsoo scolded his mind.


As he continued scanning the pictures he saw that the last pictures was Jongin holding a pillow, a big pillow, slightly smaller than Jongin. He was hugging the pillow and the next pictures were close up of the pillow, and there on the pillow was an attached picture of him and Jongin was kissing it. And once again Kyungsoo’s poor cheeks heated up with a wild beet of red.


“Ok, ok, next letter…gosh, this is so embarrassing.” Kyungsoo said while opening the next letter.




Ahhh…I miss you so much…this isn’t enough to be able to express how much I miss my Kyungie…I am so bored here, practice here, practice there, practice everywhere, and I am tired as hell…I just always look at your pictures…and I always kiss them! And look, I made this really human sized pillow and I place the picture of you in it and I cuddle with it every night thinking it was you I cuddle with…”


The letter and next letters were full of Jongin’s stories about his life at New York but mostly about how much he missed Kyungsoo. The letters were dated three months after each letter were written. He noticed some marks on the paper and to Kyungsoo it looks like dry tears.


Jongin’s crying while writing these… Kyungsoo thought.


After the last letter Kyungsoo picked up the recorder he placed his earphone on it and clicked play.


“H-hyung…*sniff sniff, I-I, Sehun told me w-what happened!” Jongin cried in the recorder and Kyungsoo thought he would be deaf.


“I-I want to go h-home hyung! I-I want to see you, b-but, hyung, I-I don’t have money and I so badly want to call you, b-but hyung they confiscated my phone…” Kyungsoo smiled at Jongin’s childishness.


“I know that y-you hate me now, b-but hyung! I love you and that will never change…I-I wanted to t-tell you, b-but I don’t want to hurt you, and hyung, I-I don’t want to be a burden to y-you, because I have a ty job and all that, and you, you give up your singing career for me, I am sorry hyung, I k-know it’s my fault even if you didn’t tell me. I-I want to d-deserve you hyung, that’s why I left, I want you to be proud of me…but I guess I can never hold you again after this…I am really sorry hyung, I-I love you! Aishh, what, this recorder is so annoying, it’s full now, I can’t believe this…wait hyung! I love you! Remember that! *Beep *Beep” Jongin said and the line got cut.


“He really did try to contact me.” Kyungsoo said slumping on his bed


Kyungsoo closed his eyes and let the memories flood his head.


“H-hyung! What are you doing here?” Jongin asked while he lay on the hospital bed.


“Idiot! Why didn’t you tell me you were sick! I was worried!” Kyungsoo said.


“I-I didn’t want to ruin your audition hyung.” Jongin said as his eyes widened.


“WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR AUDITION?!”  Jongin asked shaking Kyungsoo.


“Calm down and lay to the bed.” Kyungsoo said as he laid Jongin to the bed.


“I didn’t go, you’re more important than anything else.” Kyungsoo said caressing Jongin’s hair.


“B-but hyung! It’s your dream and yo---”


“Shhh, don’t talk just sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up and I don’t want to hear anymore. Sleep.” Kyungsoo said and Jongin obliged.


Kyungsoo smiled at the memory.


This is so ed up and I am so in love. Kyungsoo thought laughing.


Kyungsoo woke up early the next day and went to the café.


He decided to talk to Jongin that day, and for the first time in his life, he felt like everything would be all right. When he arrived at the café he saw Kris and Tao already inside preparing.


“Hey guys, good morning.” Kyungsoo greeted.


Tao looked at him then he looked at Kris, Kris nodded at him. Kyungsoo was confused when Tao approached him.


“Here.” Tao said giving him a small piece of paper.


“What’s thi—an address? Who?” Kyungsoo asked.


“You see, Jongin was hospitalized yesterday because of his ba--”


“What? Where’s the hospital?” Kyungsoo panicked.


Tao held him in place as he took a deep breath.


“He was injured in the practice yesterday and the team brought him to the hospital to get checked up, but he’s at his condo right now.” Tao said.


“And if you want to come and see him, I’ll give you a ride.” Sehun said.


Sehun was early at the café to talk to Kyungsoo, but found Tao and Kris, so instead, he waited for Kyungsoo to arrive, and Kyungsoo didn’t notice him at the corner.


“Sehun.” Kyungsoo said.


“Yes, hyung, so decide now, the car’s ready, are you coming?” Sehun said wearing his usual poker face.


“I’ll go.” And with that Kyungsoo decided to open a new door in his heart for Jongin. He knew Jongin has the key to open that door and he cannot wait for that door to be opened.


“He’s really miserable you know.” Sehun said while driving.


“Just drive Sehun.” Kyungsoo said.


“I know it hurts to forgive him, but trust me hyung, he never really stopped loving you.” Sehun explained.


“Neither do I.” Kyungsoo said looking at the window.


“It hurts Sehun, I was so blinded by the hurtful feeling and failed to see that he was hurting too.” Kyungsoo said gripping the satchel on his lap.


“And when I came to realize that, I actually laugh, because we’re both hurting and the only way of this misery is us together. It was so simple, but I keep on ignoring that fact.” Kyungsoo said tears on his eyes.


“Wipe that tears now hyung, I don’t want Luhan to cry seeing you crying, you know how sensitive he is towards you, sometimes it gets me jealous.” Sehun said smiling.


“Yea, get jealous Oh Sehun, I got your boyfriend wrapped around my hand and I have a handsome, hot, celebrity boyfriend, yea get jealous.” Kyungsoo said chuckling.


“It’s good to see you laugh hyung.” Sehun said laughing.


The two of them arrived at the Gold Palace place and saw Luhan pacing at the lobby.


“Lu!” Sehun called.


Luhan turned to look at the two of them and smiled. He came to hug Kyungsoo and both of them almost fell on the ground.


“Oh my gosh! Kyung!!!” Luhan squealed as he peppers Kyungsoo’s face with kisses.


“Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop it!” Sehun shouted and removed his hyper boyfriend off Kyungsoo.


“Really, Lu?” Sehun asked.


Luhan smilled but his smile immediately turns into a frown.


“Oh my, Jongin!” Luhan said.


“What happened?” Sehun asked worried.


“I was trying to contact you, when Yo Seong came and she threw me out, she said that Jongin was his boyfriend and all that, Jongin was sleeping inside and I didn’t call any security because I was afraid that Jongin’s reputation will be ruined and all that! Oh my!” Luhan said grabbing his hair in both of his hands.


"Ye Seong? The girl who tried to bribe Jongin? Gosh, she's persistent." Sehun said running his hand through his blonde locks.


“Room number?” Kyungsoo asked.


“Huh?” Luhan asked.


“What’s Jongin’s room number?” Kyungsoo asked one more time.


“Don’t make me lose my patience Luhan.” Kyungsoo said.


Luhan immediately told to follow him. Kyungsoo and a smirking Sehun followed behind Luhan.


When the three of them reached the door of Jongin’s room Kyungsoo knocked naturally. Sehun and Luhan both looked at each other anticipating on what’s going to happen. When the door opened, it revealed at beautiful and hot girl only wearing a baggy shirt with who knows if she’s wearing anything inside.


“Who ar—yah!” the girl shouted when he was pushed in the floor by none other than Kyungsoo.


“Yah! Where do you think you’re going?!” Ye Seong stood up and chased after Kyungsoo.


Both Sehun and Luhan just went inside to look what would happen.


“Yah, didn’t your parents told you not to intrude in other people’s houses?” the girl said and that made Kyungsoo stop.


“Oh, I see, you were taught.” the girl said.


“Last time I knew, this is not your house either.” Kyungsoo fired back and smirked.


He continues to walk to what it seems like Jongin’s room. When he opened the door he was shocked from the scene.


There on the bed was Jongin topless with bandage on his waist looking at him and that’s not it, his wrists are tied on the bedpost as he tried to remove them.


“K-Kyung, wait, I-I can explain.” Jongin said as he tried to remove the rope.


Kyungsoo approached him and helped him remove the rope of his wrists.


“You need to be careful, look there are marks now, I think it’ll bruise.” Kyungsoo said as he rubbed Jongin’s wrists.


Jongin just looked at him with confused eyes.


“Did she tie you?” Kyungsoo asked.


Jongin looked at where Kyungsoo was looking and saw Ye Seong at the door shocked.


Jongin nodded and looked at Kyungsoo pouting.


“It hurts.” He whispered.


Kyungsoo stood up and collected the clothes of the girl that was on the floor. He threw it in front of the girl and crossed his arms.


“You are free to go now.” Kyungsoo said.


The girl laughed evilly.


“Oh my, don’t you know me? I am the daughter of the CEO of Go enterprise, and if I tell my dad that you pushed me to the floor, he’ll get you arrested.” Ye Seong said.


Kyungsoo just smirked.


“And if I tell your dad that you force yourself on a male celebrity by tying him and harassing him, he’ll send you to a mental ward.” Kyungsoo said eyeing the girl.


“You can’t prove it.” the girl said.


“Oh, trust me I can.” Kyungsoo said as he pointed at Sehun recording everything.


“Aishh!” Ye Seong stomped away and were going to the bathroom to change when Luhan stood in her way pointing at the door.


“Are you serious?” Ye Seong asked in disbelief.


“You’re going to let me change outside?” she asked.


“I never joke.” Luhan said and pushed the girl outside.


The girl kept on pounding on the door, but after a few minutes it died down. Both Luhan and Sehun laughed at what happened and when they were about to laugh at Kyungsoo, they notice that the door of Jongin’s room was already closed.


“I think we should leave, right now.” Sehun said.


“Yea, I think so too, before we hear weird sounds…” Luhan said chuckling.


Before the two can put up one step, the door on Jongin’s room opened a little.


“You two cook dinner, we’ll just talk things out a bit.” Kyungsoo said blushing.


Kyungsoo closed the door again.


“I think they kissed.” Luhan said.


Sehun nodded.


And the two proceeded on making dinner.


Meanwhile while Luhan was sending Ye Seong out, Jongin stood up and pull Kyungsoo inside his room as he closed the door.


Kyungsoo was not shocked, he expected Jongin to do this when he planned to go in his apartment.


“So, I heard you’re injured.” Kyungsoo started fiddling with his fingers.


“Yeah, I-I uhm, my…” Jongin stuttered.


“Your back, what happened?” Kyungsoo asked as he approached Jongin placing his hands on Jongin’s injured back.


Jongin furiously nodded with a blush on his face and Kyungsoo found it very adorable.


A shy Jongin is always adorable. Kyungsoo thought.


“Sit.” Kyungsoo commanded as he went to rummage in Jongin’s wardrobe for a shirt.


“Here, wear this.” Kyungsoo said.


Jongin followed what Kyungsoo said and wear the shirt Kyungsoo gave him.


“Are you hungry? I'll cook you dinner.” Kyungsoo said.


Before Kyungsoo could move Jongin grabbed his wrist and hugged him on the bed.


“J-Jongin.” Kyungsoo called.


“No…Don’t go hyung.”  Jongin said.


“Yah, Jongin, sit up, you’re injured.” Kyungsoo said and Jongin sits up but with him, because he was still hugging him.


Kyungsoo tried to push Jongin with all his strength. When he looked at Jongin, he saw the hurt and the sadness on the younger’s eyes.


“I’m sorry hyung, I am really sorry.” Jongin said crying.


Kyungsoo cannot contain it anymore, they were both hurting, and there’s only one way for them to be happy. So he did what he thinks is right.


Kyungsoo cupped Jongin’s cheek and leaned in until their lips was only millimeters apart.


“You are forgiven.” Kyungsoo whispered as he completely closed the distance between their faces.


Jongin didn’t need to be told twice. He smiled and laughed in between the kiss making Kyungsoo yelp in digust.


“Yah, Kim Jongin, don’t spit on me.” Kyungsoo said.


Jongin smiled and captured Kyungsoo’s lips once again and this time he grabbed Kyungsoo’s waist and he pushed him down the bed.


Kyungsoo blushed at Jongin’s actions as he placed his hands on Jongin’s chest.


“Hmmmm, Jon-ahhhhmmm…” Kyungsoo failed to start his words as Jongin shoved his tongue inside Kyungsoo’s mouth.


“hmmmmmm!” Kyungsoo moaned.


Kyungsoo knew where this is going, but he’s not going to have with Luhan and Sehun outside so he smacks Jongin right on the head.


“oww, hyung…” Jongin whined and pouted.


“Sehun and Luhan is here you idiot.” Kyungsoo said and went to the door.


Kyungsoo opened it a little when he felt Jongin back hug him.


“You two cook dinner, we’ll just talk things out a bit.” Kyungsoo said blushing.


Kyungsoo closed the door again.


“You’re blushing.” Jongin mentioned.


Kyungsoo looked at him and sighed.


“I read your letters and have seen the photos, also listened to the recorder.” Kyungsoo admitted.


“I figured, since you’re here and you forgave me.” Jongin said smiling.


“But, I really did try contacting you, everything. There’s this time I talked to Kris-hyung but he told me that you don’t want to talk to me.” Jongin said tears on his eyes evident.


“I kind of told him to say that.” Kyungsoo said.


“I understand hyung, why you’re angry, I didn’t even have the slightest hope that you’ll forgive me, but after I saw you at the concert, I figured the I can’t just let you go, I need you, I can’t live without you. You’re my past, my present, and my future. And I couldn’t be more happy that you’re now here by my side.” Jongin said.


“I understand that feeling, I thought I moved on that’s why I agreed on going at the concert, but after I saw you dancing everything just keeps coming back, the feelings that I thought I didn’t have anymore came running back to me, and here I am, still truly, madly, deeply in love with the idiot that broke my heart.” Kyungsoo said chuckling.


“I am really sorry hyung, I can’t promise you that I won’t disappoint you any moment, because probably, I’ll do some idiotic things that will get you angry or owrst case scenario hurt you, but always remember that I love you and I will always be sorry for it.” Jongin said cupping Kyungsoo’s face.


“I am sorry too Jongin, I didn’t realize that you were insecure, but you will always deserve me as much as I deserve you Jongin. Don’t ever think about things like that ever again. And I want you to always confide your feelings to me because you know that I will always understand you.” Kyungsoo said kissing Jongin’s forehead.


Jongin leaned in and bumped their foreheads together.


“I want to kiss you.” Jongin said.


“What’s stopping you?” Kyungsoo said smirking.


Jongin leaned in and before their lips touched the door was pushed open.


“Ok! Let’s pause the ing and continue that later when we’re not here, now dinner’s ready, chop! chop!” Sehun shouted when he saw the two lovebirds was about to kiss.


Kyungsoo glared at Sehun and was about to strangle him as soon as he went out of the room when Jongin stopped him and turned him around.


That’s when he felt lips on his own plump ones. With Jongin’s arms on his waist he kissed him with so much passion and love.


When Jongin released him he was so flushed with his cheeks as red as tomato and his eyes lidded.


“You’re so cute hyung.” Jongin said grabbing his hands and kissing it.


They both went to the kitchen hands intertwined with each other.


And that’s when Kyungsoo realizes: I can get used to this.


.. THE END ..







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Chapter 1: This was so good! ^^
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Chapter 1: the bestttttttr fanfic i have ever read
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Chapter 1: I've got college in like 8 hours and I sat here sobbing and laughing at this. And I don't even regret it
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Chapter 1: And here the girl who, with burning passion, LOATHES angst, but guess what shes effin reading this woth efiin teary eyes. IKENOT!!!
kaisoo_92 #7
Chapter 1: I`m cry for sadneSs but i`m smile for happiness,,
dyahputria #8
Chapter 1: BRILLIANT!! i love this!~ good luck on your next project~
I really LOVE this story !! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: ahhh i comes here again and yet after reading it for so much time, i still cried TT^TT