Chapter 5

My Light in the Forest



The sun was setting as the five boys ran towards the creek to meet the rest of the elves. About fifty feet away from the bridge, the boys ducked down into the tall grass, crawling slowly into position. As they approached the other elves, the boy who alerted them crawled over.

“All the boys are in position” he whispered.

“Both sides on the bridge?” Minho asked seriously.

“Of course. We followed the plan exactly.”

“Good work,” said Key. “How long until Kyuhyun arrives?

“About fifteen minutes.”

“All right. Let’s get into position.” The boys crawled to the head of the group directly in front of the bridge, waiting silently for what seemed like hours.

“I’m getting kind of nervous.” Jonghyun said as a queasy feeling settled over his stomach.

“Don’t be, Hyung. You’ll be okay.” Taemin reassured. Just as Jonghyun opened his mouth to reply, everyone tensed at the sound of horses. They peered through the tall grass and saw several black horses surrounding a carriage approach. As the carriage began to pass over the bridge, the elves jumped out surrounding the front and back of the bridge so that the enemy could not move.  The dark elves were obviously shocked at the attack, but still managed to gather their wits quickly as they jumped off the horses and drew their swords. In a matter of moments, the light elves had gone from ducking in the grass to dueling with their enemy, and Jonghyun suddenly felt as if he was in far deeper than he realized. He stood in the midst of this chaos, mouth open, staring at everything going on around him. Suddenly he felt a tug on his wrist.

“Yah! What are you doing?” Key shouted.


“Hurry up and help me! Kyuhyun is still inside that carriage, and I’m going after him. Sneak around and open the left door. He’ll try and escape out the right door, and he’ll run right into me.” Key said with a smirk. Jonghyun numbly followed Key’s orders as he ran around fighting elves, trying to avoid the swords which were flying around him. As he was about to reach up and open the carriage door he heard Key shouting. He ran around to the other side of the carriage just in time to see a dark figure disappear into the forest with Key in pursuit.

“Follow him! He might need help!” Jinki yelled as he clashed swords with a dark elf. “Hurry!” Jonghyun quickly followed Jinki’s orders and ran into the forest, glad to get away from the chaos. Though he was out of sight, he could hear twigs snapping under Key’s weight as he chased Kyuhyun. Jonghyun ran for what seemed like miles trying to catch up with Key until finally the sound of a pursuit was over and he found Key standing in the middle of the forest, breathing heavily and kicking the forest floor.

“I lost him.” Key said, slumping to the ground as Jonghyun approached him.

“Yeah, I guessed.” He said squatting down next to his friend.

“I don’t know what happened. He was right in front of my face and then just- he was just gone.” Jonghyun was about to say something, but for once he decided it would be better to shut up. He quietly sat there for a few minutes until Key broke the silence.

“C’mon, let’s go.” The two stood up and began to walk around. It was only about a half an hour later that they realized they were lost.

“I normally don’t come to this part of the forest since it’s right on the border of the light and dark side.” Key said dejectedly. They walked a bit longer a few minutes later, it began to rain.

“Great. This is lovely. This is just what I wanted right now.” Key said bitterly.

“Oh, don’t you love rain though? It’s like a shower for the earth, washing all the bad things away.” Jonghyun said happily, trying to lighten the mood. Key just glared at him.

                “Whatever. I’m pretty sure we came from this direction.” The elf said as he quickly walked ahead.  Jonghyun followed, but after several minutes it became very clear that this new path was not the right way either. Now the two boys were lost in the middle of the forest in a torrential downpour. Not to mention the fact that it was already almost dark, and though Key’s small bag contained a lantern, it would not last very long in the rain.

                “What are we going to do?” Jonghyun asked.

                “I’m not sure. Let’s just keep walking.” A few moments later, Jonghyun’s face broke into a wide grin and he pointed ahead.

“Look! There’s a cave!” Jonghyun shouted excitedly as he took off running through the wet forest.

                “Yah! Wait for me!” Key shouted as he stumbled after his friend.  A few minutes later, the boys finally reached the cave and walked inside.

                “Wow! It’s dark in here!” said Jonghyun.

                “And cold.” Key whined as he his lantern.

                “Ah! That’s better!” Jonghyun laughed as the dim light filled the cave.

                “The rain doesn’t look like it’s going to let up anytime soon.” Key said as he looked out the cave’s entrance. “It’s almost dark too. We’d better plan on sleeping here tonight.”  

“Okay, but I wish we had some dry clothes-it’s so cold! We’ll get sick if we stay in these wet clothes all night!” Jonghyun said as he peeled his wet shirt off.  Key followed suit and then turned to face his friend.

“Wow.”  Key thought as he looked at Jonghyun’s body. “Who would’ve guessed that this idiot had such a hot body?”  As soon as Key realized what he had just thought, his cheeks turned bright red and he quickly flicked off the lantern and lay down with his back to his friend.

“I’m sleeping now,” Key announced. “Goodnight.” He was surprised at how heavy his eyelids began to feel in just a matter of moments. Despite this, his eyes quickly opened in surprise a minute later as he felt a pair of warm arms wrap around his waist.  

“W-what are you doing?” he asked as he jerked away from his friend.

“I’m cold, aren’t you?” Jonghyun pouted as he pulled Key back into his arms. “Let’s just sleep like this tonight, okay? I don’t want to freeze to death.”

“Ah..okay.” Key heard himself say in agreement. “Why are you so nervous? He’s just your stupid friend. Stop being weird, Key.” He scolded himself. Key realized he was as stiff as a board, and trying to relax, found himself resting his head on Jonghyun’s chest.

“You’re warm.”

“Didn’t I tell you this was a good idea?” Jonghyun said. Key could almost feel him flashing his know-it-all grin.

                “Goodnight, Jonghyun.”

                “Goodnight, Key.”


A/N: I'm sorry it took so long to get this chapter up. I've had 3 tests and tons of homework this week, not to mention the fact that I'm very sleep-deprived. I may only be able to update once a week from now on. I'll try and update more though! ^^

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- Oh em gee. TaeMin.! <br />
I'm not even into fantasy, but I really like this FanFic; probably 'cause of JongKey. <3[;<br />
- Anywayss, hope you update soon.!
fantafae #3
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Interesting idea I like the plot, it's original ^^
this is so cool :D kinda brings me back to a fantasy series I loved but never finished ^^
sounds pretty interesting. please update soon. ♥