
Hold me tight


Yoongi looked outside the window and saw the rain outside. He stared deep into the sky, As if staring deep into one's soul. He sighed as he remembered the first rain of relief that poured down on him.


"Damn hyung, that's a disaster!" Jimin exclaimed after listening to Yoongi's explanation. They already knew about his step uncle and his filthy work, so they weren't surprised. However; they didn't expect that his uncle's actions aftermath will follow Yoongi even after his death. "Language Park Jimin." scolded Jin and Jimin rolled his eyes in response. “So what are you planning to do?" asked Taehyung. Yoongi sighed & shrugged.

“Hyung, you can't prepare 400,000$ in 3 weeks! Unless you steal or pray that money falls from the sky!"

"I know Namjoon, I freakin know. But the am I supposed to do?! I can't let them hurt (Y/n)! No way in hell!" Yoongi half yelled with clear wrath.

"What am I gonna do?!!" Hoseok patted the older's shoulders in comfort. "Hey, it's ok we'll figure out something together." "NO! It is not ok. You don't understand!  I can't let her get hurt!"

"Yoongi." Jin called with hesitation. “Then .....I think ....maybe...uh, like-" "What hyung?" Interrupting, Yoongi asked

"Break up with her." Jin said quickly. "WHAT?!" Yoongi's eyes widened and Jin repeated calmly. “HYUNG ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MIND?! YOU'RE ASKING ME TO BREAK UP WITH HER? NO!"

“He’s right Yoongi!" stated Hoseok. "You said you don't want her to get involved, and then the only way to keep her away from you is to break up. Because she's always around you, and right now you're certainly not safe. In one way or another, she will get involved. You wanna keep her safe stay away from her , break up with her."

"But in this way am gonna have to stay away from her, which increases the possibility of her getting hurt!"

"But they said they want their money only." Jungkook added "WELL THEY CAN LIE!" He yelled. “Then in that case we'll call the police." Stated Namjoon. “Hey, why don't you call the police and tell them now? Maybe they can do something."

"The police can do nothing about it, Jimin." Replied Namjoon.

“Why? Ofcourse they can, they're police for god's sake!"

“That’s not the only case. If they're a gang then god knows how much of them are there. The police won't do." Namjoon said spacing out.

"Then we will?!" Jimin scoffed. “We got to call the police! They might kill you hyung, they might kill her, they might kill every one of us!"

“NO!" Interfered Jin. "We can't call the police. For one, they threatened Yoongi not to call the police. We don't know what might happen if we called them. Secondly, what are we going to tell the police? That his uncle was a drug dealer & he cheated on a gang and this gang is following Yoongi?!"


"Well no muscles boy, we can't because they may want Yoongi for investigation you know? This is drug-dealing; they can't just let it slip when his uncle is involved. They might take Yoongi and even us to long periods of investigations. We're talking about POLICE here." Jin explained calmly.

“Long periods investigations are better than getting shot in the brain! What are we going to do?!"

“Jimin, I think Jin hyung is right." Hoseok stated.

“If we can't call the police then what are we going to do?" Taehyung asked with clear confusion.

“I think I know." Namjoon said who had been spacing out through this whole conversation. “But first Yoongi you need to break up with her."

Considering the matter for several minutes Yoongi said: "I-I'll think about it....I don't know. I mean no I don't wanna break up with her, I love her! I can't.... I just can't. You don't understand!"

"You love her, this is why you're gonna let her go. I mean you can ask her to come back after you're done with this gang." Taehyung said.

"I-I don't know" Yoongi sighed. "How? How am I gonna make her break up with me? I can't hurt her." "Well you have to." spoke Jin

Yoongi sighed and closed his eyes with anger..........

*2 weeks later... (On the day of the break up)*'

"How did it go?" Namjoon asked concerned. Yoongi chuckled bitterly. "I did it. I broke up with her."

"It's for the best hyung, you know that." Comforted Hoseok. Yoongi sighed in response.

“So since we're done with YOUR hard part, then let's get to the hardest part." Jin said...................

                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Hyung are you sure this is going to work?" Yoongi looked up from the ground to face Jungkook, who was sitting on the floor across from Yoongi with his back against the wall, forearms on his knees. “Let’s hope it does. We have no other choice." Yoongi looked back to the ground, sitting on the couch his forearms propped on his knees, and his fingers intertwined.

A loud thud on the table before Yoongi caused him to look up again. “This better work." Namjoon said nervously, pointing at the black suitcase with the 400,000$.

Hoseok entered with a pistol in his hands and bullets in the other. “This should work , because if it didn't, then this money that you borrowed from the bank as a loan will be taken and we will have our brains out. So we all got to stand our ground and fight. We will take them down and bring back the money to the bank!" Hoseok said with determination. Having once dealing with gangs and being once a gang themselves under the name of Bangtan made the boys a fierce and powerful street fighters, so they weren't frightened by the fact that they're going for a gang fight again. They all were used to using pistols, however; they never took the path of drug-dealing. They stopped after Yoongi fell for you and confessed, and decided to lead a normal life. It took a while for them to adjust, for Namjoon to stop grabbing the cashier’s collars every time something goes wrong with item or if it's unavailable in the said market. It took a while for Yoongi to stop cursing at people loudly every time somebody shoves him in the shoulder, for Hoseok to stop wearing that mask to cover himself, afraid of being discovered or seen. But in the end they all adopted the new ordinary life.

“It’s not as easy as you think. We might fight till dawn, if it's 12:15 a.m right now." Jimin said putting a bandage around his left hand, after practicing boxing to prepare himself for the APOCALYPSE. “Calm your head down Park Jimin. We'll be ok as long as we don't panic."

“We don't how many of them are there!" Jimin half yelled with rage. “We handled like them before we can do it now." Yoongi said as he stood up.

They all started preparing their pistols, bullets, and everything they might need. “We might need extra help." "Don't worry Hoseok I already told Iron, 11even, Supreme boi, and the rest of the boys to be on set whenever we need their help." Namjoon replied. "Let's go!" Yoongi yelled.

The Warehouse was old, humid and dark. The black walls brought nothing but fear and insanity. The smell of what seem the remnants of dead animals and corpses was hideous enough to get the boys vomit all what they ate the previous year. The air was cold that they could've sworn that their veins were frozen to allow blood movement. At the sight of the place Yoongi's heart dropped and he became paler than he already is. He felt that the blood didn't run in his face anymore.

“Just like old times." Jungkook whispered, breaking the dead silence.

“I thought we said we don't need anyone with you." A rough voice said, and they all turned to see the V-scar man behind them followed by the other two.

“You said don't call the police. I don't recall you saying anything about not bringing my friends with me. After all I can't trust any of you; you might take the money and kill me, Mr. Z." Yoongi emphasized the letter Z. The man chuckled darkly. “You’re a clever boy all right. You're all just kids anyway." Jimin was provoked by his statement and was about to give a comeback but Hoseok held him back signaling 'no'.

“Give us the money." The other man on the left demanded. “Come take it." Yoongi replied.

“Boys, search them!" The man yelled, and a crowed of men appeared more than 100. The boys panicked. Namjoon with quickness of a light opened the GPS and sent a message to Iron with a symbol, hopping that Iron will get it and run for help. As several men came closer to the boys, before one of them laid a hand on Jimin, Jimin kicked him in the balls earning a scream from the latter. With Jimin's action the rest of the six boys got triggered and the fight began. A man charged at Yoongi with his fists up, but Yoongi caught him and flipped him to the ground, then he jumped over another charging man, propped on his shoulder and kicked the next three men in the chest. The man tried to free his shoulders from Yoongi's grip only to find a kick in his face leaving him unconscious on the ground.

A man from the back grabbed Hoseok by the neck nearly choking the breath out of his throat, but Hoseok kicked the man’s shin with his soles and flipped the man on his back, kicking him out of consciousness. He turned to his sides and found two men holding sticks running towards him, Hoseok quickly bent to the floor causing the two men to crash into each other and collapse. Meanwhile, Namjoon was fighting with a man, till the man punched his guts out. “You son of a bit**!” Namjoon yelled with pain, and grabbed the man’s hair, kicking his nose. The man screamed with pain, but his scream didn’t last when Namjoon knocked him down with his stick.

“They’re too many of them!” Yelled Jimin from the other side as he budged away from the punches and kicks, and knocked some men down with his fists and sticks.

“They seem to never end!” Breathed Jin with anger, as he jumped and knocked men down away from Jungkook with his stick. “ Hyung behind you!” Jungkook panicked at the 3 charging men, but Taehyung flipped one of them and crashed the other two heads with each other. Taehyung stood before Jin with his thumps up “You welcome you’ll pay me later.” Jin shook his head and turned to Jungkook only to find him trapped between two men in the far corner, but he couldn’t go for his rescue because he had another 3 men charging towards him. Jungkook looked at the two men with sticks, he quickly ran to the wall behind him stepped on it and bounced back with a flip towards the two men, knocking them down. “We can’t keep on fighting like this we need some-“

 “Help?” Interrupted Jungkook turned to see Iron, 11even, Supreme boi and another 2 boys at the door of the warehouse, with sticks, and ropes. “You’re throwing a party without us?” Iron said sarcastically. “Namjoonnie we received your “message”.” 11even said emphasizing the word message. Namjoon would’ve scolded the latter for calling him with his nickname in this kind of situation, but he was too busy knocking men down that he promised to let 11even call him Namjonnie for the rest of his life, if they came out alive.

“GET YOUR BUTTS OVER HERE NOW!” Yoongi yelled with rage.

“WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?” Asked one man from the three bosses who were standing all this time at the very back watching the fighting scene. “We are-“Supreme boi was interrupted as his punched one man. “The-“gave another punch. “Boys.” He ended as he knocked to men on the floor. The boys couldn’t easily reach the 3 main-heads men because they were at the back and the rest of the gang was protecting them. They had to knock all these men first.

They couldn’t take the risk of using the pistol because if they did and shoot one of these men then the twelve of them will get shot down in return. They were much more than them, so the 12 boys kept on knocking men down till they were sure that there’s no more.

With his back facing the three men Yoongi said panting: “How about you just damn give up?”

“I don’t think so.”

 “Hyung!” Yoongi turned to find Jungkook with V-scar man, a gun on his head. Yoongi’s eyes widened. “LET HIM GO! HE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!”

“WELL YOU BROUGHT HIM HERE!” Then man on the right yelled back, holding a gun towards them.” ONE STEP FROM ANY OF YOU AND WE’LL SHOOT YOUR BOY!”


“HYUNG!” Jungkook panicked

“SHUT UP, PUNK!” The man shoved the gun harder thru his head.

“IN THE CAR!” Taehyung yelled. Yoongi looked at him only to see him smirking. “Yeah! It’s in the damned car.” Yoongi answered calmly.

“THEN GO GET IT!” The man on the left yelled. “Wait, no I’ll go with you.” He smirked, held Yoongi by the arm and positioned the gun over his head.

“Any unwanted move, you die. You hear me Sugar boy?” The men whispered

“Your breath stinks.” Yoongi pointed out with disgust.

“Complementing me will get you to nowhere.” The man smirked, as he led Yoongi outside towards the car.

“Open the car fast.” He ordered and pushed Yoongi’s head with the pistol.

“You’re holding my left arm, and the keys are in my left pocket.” Yoongi replied calmly.

“Well, use your right arm fool!”

“I can’t the keys are too deep in my pocket; I can’t reach.”

“Am not letting your arm go; I’ll take out the keys. Which pocket?”


 With the hand that held the gun, the man reached two fingers inside Yoongi’s pocket. Yoongi took advantage of this second, as he kicked the man’s shin, twisted the arm that held his arm and flipped the man on his back, before the man could have the chance to shoot. The man yelled with pain, when Yoongi stepped on the hand that held the gun, but Yoongi silenced him as he hit his head with a stick. He didn’t shoot him because he was afraid that the other two men would hear the shot and shoot Jungkook.

“What’s that voice?” The V-scar man, who held Jungkook, asked with a frown.

“I SAID ONE STEP AND HE’S DEAD!” The other man screamed at Jimin, who attempted to come closer.

“Drop all your weapons! NOW!”

“Why don’t we just charge at them? They’re two and we’re 12!” Whispered Taehyung.

“Can’t you see the gun in Jungkook’s head for god’s sake?!” Hissed Hoseok. “If we take one step they’ll shoot him! They pulled us from our weakness point!”

“Drop your weapons and kick them towards our direction!” Another demand echoed .They did as they’ve been told to. Each one kicked his stick, and gun towards the two men.

“Aish where in the world is Jaekyung? Ya! Jaekyung! Hurry up and bring the money.” They called for, which the boys assumed, the third man.

“They’re not going to let us go! They’re going to kill us all! They won’t let Jungkook alive, not after what we did!” Jimiin whispered with panic. “Hush!” Namjoon silenced him.

Suddenly Namjoon’s eyes widened and whispered to Jin: “Hyung look!” Jin looked up from the ground only to see Yoongi coming silently from behind the two men down, from what seemed like a door to the rooftop, and into the ground.


“ANY LAST WORDS PUNKS?” The man that held Jungkook smirked.

“Yeah, any last words?” Namjoon smirked. “What-“ BAAM! BAAM!......With two shots in the heart, Yoongi killed them both.

Bewildered Jungkook raced before the others to Yoongi. “HYUNG! You didn’t die, but how? Where’s the money? What happened to the third man?

 “After I knocked down the third man I climbed to the rooftop and sneaked here just like you saw.”

“Wait so the third is still alive?” Hoseok asked “Yeah but unconscious.”

“We have to kill them all.” Jin stated. “How will we do it? We can’t shoot all of them, they’re more than 100.” Asked Jimin, and the others shrugged.

“Anyone would like a sip of gasoline?” Iron finally spoke up with a smirk. They all looked at him and exchanged glances of hesitation……..

“Run faster, faster, Come on. Before the fire would catch with us!” The boys yelled to each other as they  all ran away from the flaming abandoned warehouse. As they had a decent distance from the burning warehouse, Yoongi stopped on his track. “We did it! We got rid of them.” He smiled with relief, and the others cheered with joy. “Let’s get the money back to where it belongs!” Namjoon said along with their cheers, but the boys were too relieved to hear.


Yoongi looked up, only to see the sky raining. The rain of relief.

  *End of Flashback*


“Huh? Yeah?” He touched the ground again, when the waitress cut his backspace. “We’re sorry sir but it seems that the machine malfunctioned, so your macchiato is unavailable. We would you like to order something else.?” The waitress said with an apologetic look. “Uhh…yeah ok, but I’ll go and order in the cashier because I’ll have it as a take-away.” The waitress bowed and left.

   *Your pov*

*Mmm…I haven’t ordered anything yet; maybe I should go to the cashier and take it as a take away.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You both ordered as a take away, and stood at the cashier not noticing each other because each one of you stood on different cashier .

After several minutes of waiting, oblivious of your surroundings….

“Mr. Min Yoongi, your order is ready.” “Mrs.(Y/N), your order is ready.”

At the sound of the familiar names, you both lifted your heads at the same time, and……….your worlds stopped. Both of your eyes widened, the blood stopped pumping through your face, you were at lose of words. “Yoongi.” You barely whispered. *(Y/N)!* He thought. You stood still for what seems like days, none of you dared to speak to the latter till the waitress broke your silence and asked you to please move aside for the customers in the row, so you grabbed your order and moved outside the shop.

You gulped, your heart started pumping to much blood to your veins at once that you thought they would explode, and your stomach flipped that you had the urge to vomit, but that was from your insides. On your outsides… really didn’t want to know how you looked like. Yoongi felt the same too. Part of him was shocked and in cloud nine for seeing you again, and he wants to explain to you all that happened to them and ask you to come back, but the other part is afraid as hell that you will act cold towards him.

“H-Hi, (Y/N).” He whispered. “Hello,Y-Yoongi.” You whispered back, your ears turning red.

“How have you been doing?” “Am…am good, am fine. Uh you?” “Am good too….I...I miss you...”

Your breath hitched, but you continued talking anyway. “O-oh o-ok well, it was nice seeing you again.” “How long has it been?” He asked spacing out, trying to remember, but the memory seemed too far away.

“Uh, I don’t know. A year and a half maybe.” You answered shocked by the sudden question. “Wow” He chuckled bitterly. “You grew more beautiful I see.” “T-thank you.” You said formally and bowed, suppressing the urge to break down before him. “W-well, I have to be somewhere else. See you around.” You excused yourself and turned to leave, when a tight grip held you back. “Kajima.” He whispered. “Yoongi, let me go.” You sighed as tears pooled in your eyes. “No, no am not going to let you go. No, not this time.” “You let me go once, so let me go now.” Your voice shook as you spoke, tears already falling. “No, no.” He spinned you around, and held both sides of your neck. “Just let me explain please.” Tearsbegan to form in his eyes too. “There’s nothing left to explain, didn’t you say your feelings cooled down for me?! Just when I started to move on, you decided to appear telling me to come back!! Am I a toy for you?! Am too good for you! Remember?!” You suddenly snapped at him as tears were falling. “I lied! OK I LIED TO YOU! I STILL LOVE YOU AND I WILL ALWAYS DO, BUT I HAD TO LIE TO YOU, I HAD TO LET YOU GO TO PROTECT YOU. I WAS DANGEROUS THAT TIME AND I COULDN’T LET YOU STAY BESIDE ME!” He yelled back at you, and your eyes widened. “What?” “I love you so much, this why I broke up with you. To keep you safe.” He repeated clamly. “Yoongi, I- I’m confused. I don’t understand.” “Can we sit somewhere and I’ll explain everything to you?” You hesitated at the beginning but finally agreed.

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“That’s why you broke up with me?” You whispered, feeling angry but guilty and happy at the same time.

Angry because he didn’t let you stay to fight with him and lend him a support when he needed it. Guilty because he had to go through all this, when you thought that he was having fun with some other girl, and happy because he still loves you like he always did, his feelings never cooled down. You looked at the trees and the people passing by, the air of the park covering the silence between you. “Why, why didn’t you let me stay with you and hold your back when you needed it?” You broke the silence. “I already told you. I can’t let you get hurt because of me.” “Then why didn’t you at least tell me?” “I know if I did, then you’ll never leave.” “You know how much was I hurting?” “Did I have other choice (Y/N)? I didn’t. I was welling to hurt myself and let you go, so you could stay out of this.” You both looked into each other’s eyes and heard your heart pumping with electricity. You gulped and looked at your hands. “A-am sorry you had to go through all this, because of your uncle.” “Am sorry I had to break your heart like that.” He whispered back. “But whether you still feel the same or not, I just wanted you to know that am still madly in love with you.” Shocked you looked up to meet his piercing gaze. This gaze that you missed, he has never been the type of guy to show affection, he gets awkward with it, but you had always read the love he had for you in his eyes. It was enough to cover for his lack of affection. “I still love you too.” Your face turned red, and your insides screamed for happiness, as you looked down at your hands. Yoongi’s face turned red as well, and he couldn’t hide the smile that formed on his lips. He suddenly stood up before you, and took your hands. “Will you come back to me again?” You stood there, shocked, happy, excited, confused. You felt ambivalent. “Yes, Suga.” You looked at your hands, when you felt yourself crash at a hard surface. You were surprised but his manly scent that filled your nose and mind made you feel nostalgic, and you felt the love. You hugged his neck tightly as his arms were tightly around your waist and back. “I miss you so much.” He spoke with this voice that always got you melted. “I miss you much more.” You never wanted to let go of his hug, but he pulled back. “I love you.” He held the sides of your face and kissed your forehead passionately. His lips stayed against your forehead for a while, that the feeling lingered for several seconds after he pulled back. “Promise me that you’ll never let me go again.” You said ,your foreheads against each other. “I promise.” And he closed the distance between you with another hug. You wanted to stay like that forever. Finally your heart beats beating again as one.

“I promise to hold you tight forever.”

Yaaaaaay! I finally finished it *wipes imaginery sweat* SO tell me what do you think of it? maybe a little comment? Anyway thank you for reading and hoped you enjoy..plz comment down what do u think. I would love to hear your opinions ^_^ Thank uuuuu *throws hearts and kisses*

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piekska #1
Chapter 1: Omg. Well-written! And a nice ending! Good job authornim~
Vvarmy14 #3
Chapter 2: I love it!!!!!!!!
Chapter 2: This is just beautiful