

Luhan thinks that Baekhyun is lucky that he’s his friend. If it were anybody else that Baekhyun had called at two in the morning, he would be sure to be left with a dial tone or maybe even a “ you, I’m trying to sleep, god damn it” from Jongin.

Luhan had woken up earlier that hour with the loud shrill of his cell phone ringing in his ears. He picked up only to hear his best friend breathlessly tell him that he needed his help. Desperately. Half asleep, Luhan had asked what it was and Baekhyun made a small whine and there was a deep chuckle and even through his sleepy haze, Luhan was suddenly scared of what Baekhyun had to say next.

“I need- ” his friend cut himself off and then a moment later, Luhan heard a quiet, “, Chanyeol. Can’t you wait- .”

Luhan awkwardly stumbled out of bed, phone pressed to his ear, waiting for Baekhyun’s response. There were a few breathy moans before Baekhyun quickly spoke again. “Luhan, you still there?”

“Yeah. Please stop having with me right here. I never want to hear those sounds coming out of your mouth ever again,” he managed to say as he pulled on a hoodie.

“Chanyeol, stop,” Baekhyun hissed and then, “Alright, can you go to the convenience store and buy me a box of condoms. We only have like one – stop it, Chanyeol, I’m trying to get Luhan to – .”

“It’s two ing AM, Baek. Stop. Why in the world are you guys even going at it like rabbits at this time?”

“Sorry. Chanyeol’s ,” Baekhyun groaned from the other end. Another whine and then Luhan heard Chanyeol say in his deep voice, “Just get us some condoms, Lu. Thanks.”

The line went dead and Luhan was left staring at his phone, speechless. He decided to pretend that he never heard those sounds come from his friend or Chanyeol and he safely tucked the phone into his hoodie. He thinks there was a convenience store not far from Baekhyun’s place that was still open at this unheavenly hour of night. Dear lord, help him. 


Luhan yawns for the tenth time that hour and rubs his eyes once again. He squints at the signs hanging over each aisle, silently wondering if there would be one labeled ual endeavors at two ing AM. Honestly, Luhan never thought he would ever be up at this time buying condoms. Especially for another person. Screw Baekhyun and his stupid boyfriend. Screw his light sleeping. Screw him for being such a nice friend to Baekhyun.

Luhan finally finds the condoms near the back of the store (sadly, there's no actual label for it) and as he's going through the choices, he finds his face getting redder and redder. Man, people are . But the question was, how was Chanyeol or – even worse – Baekhyun? Luhan takes out his phone and pulls up Baekhyun’s name. He wonders if he should call but then decides that he doesn’t want to know if his friend was getting it on at that moment and texts him instead for safety precautions.

me: hey what type of do you want?

Luhan quickly sends the text before he regrets it and he’s glad he did because he feels his cheeks heating up again. His phone buzzes soon after.

baek: you’re at the store near my place right?

me: yeah.

baek: get the ones on the bottom shelf. large please ;)

Holy crap, Luhan thinks. He makes a mental note to just erase those texts because he definitely does not want to remember this night – technically, it was morning but whatever – and he most definitely does not want to know Chanyeol’s size.

Luhan obeys his friend, though, and he looks at the bottom shelf. He grabs the correct item and practically makes a mad dash to the counter. He doesn’t think he can handle this any longer. Remind him never again to help his friend with these things.

The checkout counter is empty – of course it would be, it was like two in the morning – and he wasn’t sure if he was grateful or not. Luhan had quite literally rolled out of bed to go help his friend with his, er, problem, so he looked like absolute and it didn't help that the guy at the checkout counter is impossibly cute and is even more possibly judging him. Although his face is trained into one of pure boredom – hard to blame because, again, it’s like two in the morning and he’s probably stuck on graveyard shift – it’s hard to say that a face like that is not attractive at all.

By the time Luhan reaches the counter, he’s shaking. He’s never been good at dealing with cute boys. It was part of his personality to repel them before they even get close. Luhan’s hands are clammy and he can feel his body breaking into a cold sweat as he places the item down on the counter. Luhan’s eyes immediately stray to the boy’s nametag – Sehun, it read – and he might’ve stared at him from a little too long because there is a hand waving in front of his face. Luhan looks back up and his eyes meet Sehun’s and maybe he’s blushing a little and Sehun is also blushing a little, too. But then Luhan realizes why Sehun might be blushing because he’s awkwardly holding the box of condoms in his hand. Oh dear god, Luhan thinks and he wants to do nothing more but curl up and cry at that moment.

In a hurry to salvage his dignity and possibility of getting a date with Sehun, he blurts out, “Oh dear god, they’re not for me. They’re for my boyfriend- I-I mean, my friend’s boyfriend. Holy crap, can I die?” Luhan covers his face.

Sehun awkwardly laughs and somewhere in all the fantasies that Luhan has already conjured up within the first thirty seconds they met, he realizes that he never thought Sehun would sound so beautiful laughing. Luhan just continues to hide – if you can call his hands a brilliant hiding place – and hopes that this was not reality. 

The sound of an item being scanned fills the void of awkward silence. Sehun sounds a little choked when he tells Luhan, “$15.49.”

“Ugh. Why does Baekhyun want these condoms? Too damn expensive,” Luhan groans, his voice a bit muffled from behind his hands.


Luhan quickly squeaks out, “I’m single, I swear,” and then he drops his arms to get his wallet. He fishes out sixteen dollars and drops them in Sehun’s waiting palm. The cash register pops open after a few button clicks and Sehun deposits the sixteen dollars into the container. His face is ducked down, hair framing his face and Luhan isn’t sure if it’s the lighting that is just perfectly striking Sehun’s face – and shining directly into Luhan’s poor eyes – or the fact that it’s two in the morning so he has absolutely no grasp of his mind and actual sanity, but he finds himself, blurting out, “You’re cute.”

Sehun stops in the middle of counting out the change and connects his eyes with Luhan’s. “What?”

“Oh my god, keep the change,” Luhan rushes out in a flurry of incoherent noises and stumbling limbs. He makes it out the doorway and halfway towards his car before he hears Sehun yell, “Hey!”

You’ve done it. You’ve ually harassed a kid. He was probably on some cruddy low-wage part-time job that he hates and now you made him hate it more. And then he’s going to report you and then you’re done for. Luhan turns around despite himself. To his surprise, Sehun is waving a bag around and Luhan realizes that he forgot to take the condoms for his stupid best friend and his equally stupid boyfriend. Sehun huffs a little as he jogs up to Luhan.

“You, uh, forgot these,” he scratches the back of his head.

“Yeah, hehe. Thanks. Can’t forget these,” Luhan awkwardly laughs and grabs the bag. He wants to move away because this is really, really weird but Sehun isn’t moving away and Luhan actually kinda likes this. He rocks back and forth on his feet and tries to look anywhere but at Sehun.

Finally, Sehun breaks the silence. “So, uh, see you…?”

Luhan forgets how to breathe. And also how to say his name. “Lufan. I mean, Wuhan,” he shakes his head. “I actually mean Luhan.”

Sehun laughs but this one sounds much more relaxed than Luhan’s. “I’m Sehan. I mean-”

“Sehun,” Luhan finishes. Wow, he can remember somebody else’s name but not his own. Good job, brain, good job.

“Hey, how’d you know?”

Luhan simply points at Sehun’s nametag and realization dawns on the other male.

“Oh right. Ha. Forgot. But, yeah, see you around. And just for the record, you’re also kinda cute,” Sehun’s blushing now and Luhan thinks he is too, because he can already feel the heat creeping into his face. He also thinks his face might as well be permanently red around Sehun.

“Okay, um, alright. Gotta go. See you around,” Luhan starts walking backwards and Sehun nods and waves at him before returning to the store. Luhan squeals just a little and runs the rest of the way to his car.

Once he's safely seated inside, Luhan takes out his receipt and finds a few digits on the back. Call/text me, it reads. He giddily tucks the new information into his hoodie pocket and ignites the engine. Luhan is honestly very torn between cursing or thanking Baekhyun for sending him on this late night/ early morning run. He spends the rest of the car ride deciding what the fate of his friend would be.

(However, when Luhan gets to Baekhyun’s apartment and wanders inside to find his friend and his friend’s boyfriend lying on the couch, , he decides that he will curse Baekhyun to the pits of hell first because this is not what he woke up at two in the morning for.)


I may have unintentionally procrastinated on uploading this oops. Better late than never, right? Hoped you enjoyed it! (I didn't, I'm still blushing from writing this)

Also, I might expand on this idea (if I'm not too embarrassed omg) so stay subscribed if you want more updates!

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Chapter 1: Sequel please.. Pretty please... :)
Daeyon-shi #2
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh! This was so incredibly cute and so hilarious and awkward at the same time. I was laughing my of and a second later I was blushing so hard, because HunHan an oh my they're soooo cute and awkward! I'm in love with them already. You did a really good job at writing this. You really made my day with this super cute HunHan interaction <3 (all the feels, I can't handle it! Ahhh!) I really hope you find time for expanding on this idea ;D I'd love to read more of this awkward-hopefully- soon to be couple :3
elugant #3
wtfamireading #4
yuuus expand this omg
sehun introducing himself as sehan hmmm coincidence? i think not c;
this was so darn cute ♥
Chapter 1: This is really cute.
faithlu #7
Chapter 1: aww sequel?
Chapter 1: awww i want a sequel maybe? lol but its really cute. i swear.
Chapter 1: I found this by pure chance but damn that was brilliant XD
loveluck #10
Chapter 1: Cuteee XD u should write moreee