The lonely prince and the lovely princess

Become flower
Become a flower
Story 1;

The lonely ice prince and the lovely princess

「The clear blue sky, the green grass on the ground. Are you smiling right now? My wavering feelings, your forced smile. The you who I love so much is not here anymore. Even though tomorrow there is no answer to your falling tears "Please be alive!" We feel the wind and look at our own sky. A tear fell from your cheek that day of departure. 」

December 7 2018

This year too, i'm celebrating my birthday alone. Four years ago you were still here by my side, smiling.
Your scent still linger around every corner in the apartment, the you who would always smile and pout when things goes wrong,
I want to ask " How are you breathing?"
I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me. I let you down.

*Ding Dong*

The door made a sound after a long time of silent I stood up. When I opened the door; You were there standing, with a pooh bear in one hand and on the other chocolate.
- Otanjoubi omedetou Hane-chan! Eh? Why are you so pale? Are you sick Hane-chan? You stood there innocently looking at me
- Yuko...! I said and hugged you tightly, your body became stiff.
The shocked you were standing here in my arms, clueless.

-Hane-chan? Did something happen? You asked me, grabbing my shoulder. Your hands are soft just as i remember it.
-n-Nothing... I Just miss you... Alot... You Looked into my eyes, there is a glimpse of saddness but it was hidden by the worries.
-Really? I'm sooo happy! You hug me tight with your little arms, and rested your head on my left shoulder.

I hope this moment will last forever, the moment with you. We stayed silent for awhile.

-Hane-chan? You say breaking the silence, just like the first time we met.
-Hmm? I grabbed you little shoulder and looked into your eyes. There it was again a glimpse of saddness but it quickly got coverd by a happy smile
-What do you want for dinner? You ask, walking in to the kitchen.
You putted Pooh bear and the chocolate on the table, as you walk to the fridge,

-You really have nothing here... Should we go shopping? You sigh and putted you hands on your tiny waist.
Looking at your back, i noticed that your hair is lighter then before, it has also grown alot.

-Hane-chan? You say turning your head towards me.
-Ah! You burst out and run past me to the little table at the window,
-It's a Zinnia (Magenta)! You still remember i LOOOVE this flowers! You said looking at it.
-Mm... well... listening to you always talking about your beloved flower all the time... Isn't always that bad... I say not looking at you.
You turn around and looked at me, smiling like always.

-Then should we go shopping? You said and dragged me to the entrance.
-Put on your jacket! You say while putting on your shoes.

we walked out, it was cold. Your hand touched mine, you took my hand without hesitation and smile at me.

-Nee... Hane-chan you know... You started but it started snowing.
-Ah! The first snow! So beautiful! I hope next year and the year after I can see this with you again Hane-chan! Untill we get old okay? Promise me!  You say facing me.

-Um! Sure! Ah! What were you about to say? I ask and a glimpse of regret came across your eyes  but disapeard as fast as it came.
-Eh? ah! Nothing!I forgot it! You say with a shy smile.

-Eh?! Why do you have such a bad memory? Then about our promise you'll also forget, then you will leave me all alone while your having your own adventure somewhere! I say pouting at you.

You only laugh and continue walking.
As we continued our walk we ended up holding hands again. You hands were unexpectedly cold, i remember your hands to be soft and warm,
It's soft  but cold, lifeless. In a way.
We reached the litte supermarket and walked around when you broke the silence with

-Hane-chan~ I'll make Tonkatsu Curry rice for tonights dinnner! You say walking to get the pork cutlet.
-That's the only thing you can cook without making it bad! I chuckled behind you.
-Mouu! HAne-chan is so mean! I'm not cooking for you anymore! You say pouting with your arms across your chest
-I'm just kidding! Even though it's the only thing you can cook but it's the best cooking ever you know! I said hugging you from behinde.

I feel your body tense up again. You start laughing and walk away to get everything.
Looking at your profile, i smiled.
After we had done shopping when we came out the snow was already like a white sheet over the tall buildings that looked like it would reach the sky, and the usually black ground. Everything was sparkling.
I realized that the season really comes and goes fast away in a blink of an eye.

When we reached the little aparment, you putted everything on the table. and looked my way,.

-Hane-chan you can go take a bath, when your done you can come eat ne! You smile again. Turning your back to me you take you apron and start taking stuff up.

I took a warm bath i was about to close my eyes  when the bathroom door opened with a bang.

-Uwwwaa! What are you doing!? Have you ehard about knocking. I screamed in shock
-Haha! okay Knock knock! Hane-chan! Food is done hurry up! You laughed and closed the door again.

I got up from the bath and change to my pajamas. When I came out you were putting forces and glasses on the table, looking at you like that. I felt that it woulnd't be bad to continue like this.

-Phahaha! You laughed upon seeing me in my pajamas.
-What?! I jokingly looked mad at you.
-That Pooh bear shirt! Is-hilarious! You say while laughing as if there was no tomorrow.
-You know I Love pooh bear! Stop laughin i pouted at you who only laughed
-How old are you Hane-chan? You're already 24 years old! haha! You continued
-Mouu! Just stop laughing and let's eat i'm hungry.
-okay.. you said with teary eyes and sat down.

We talked about the time we still where a child. How you would always hide my skate shoes before traning because you didn't want me to leave you, or how when we were graduating elementary school and i confessed and you just said " I've known that for awhile. you know?" When we were done I let you take a bath and i washed the dishes thinking about random things.
What if we marry each other? I wonder how many children will we have? Will they start scating like me or start playing music like mom?
If you cook and clean i'll wash the clothes and wash the dishes. And every sunday i'll take us to a theme park and play around before heading to a family restaurante. You came out with a white t-shirt, it's blurry but i could see the scar between your chest.
You broke my thought with.

-I can help you dry the disk. You say and takes the plate.

When we were done you yawned cute.

-Should we go to sleep now? I ask and you nod.
 We entered the bedroom which was full of Pooh bears and Doraemon
I turned off the light and got under the white fluffy sheet together with you. I kissed your forehead and said:

-Good night see you tomorrow...
You were already fast asleep. Looking at your peaceful face, i touched your cheek you frowned in your sleep. After awhile i closed my eyes.
I felt something on my lips, you were kissing me. and said in a soft voice:

-I'm sorry...  really sorry yuzuru... I love you... i lied to you... i don't have a donater...
You got up and was walking away, i got up and shouted

you became blurred and disapeard.  What was left was a Zinnia

-AAAAH!! DON'T GO YUKO! I screamed out and looked at my surroundings. I wasn't in the apartment anymore. There were alot of lights and I heard Mao-sans worried voice

-Are you okay, Yuzuru? Mao asked me with concern in her voice I looked around.

That's when reality hit my face... HARD... Yuko was dead, dead for a long time...

-Did you dream about her again Yuzuru? Daisuke-san said looking at me.
-She died 4 years ago Just an houre before you competed in the olympics and won a gold medal, remember? That's the reason you fell two times. Daisuke-san said looking at me.

That's right, you didn't have a donater, you had a weak heart ever since we were a kids, you were always alone. I approched you when i heard you play piano in the music room. I got to know you, you told me that you had a weak heart and was waiting for a donation. I told you i had asthma and you told me "Then we are almost the same ne?"
Under our first year of middle school you got a donation. During our second year in highschool it became a problem again, your body where growing again and your heart coulnd't take it. You were absence from school for a long time.
When i was to compete in the olympics you send me a letter again saying you got another donation, because you were growing fast and your heart coulnd't take it so you got a new donater. and that after the olympic if i don't win then you will be mad at me. Because you too are going to do your best during the operation too.

But then i got a international call, it was from your brother. He told me...

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry to tell you but... Yuko lied... She lied... She didn't have any donater, she has been hospitaled for a long while, Everyday that went she got worst. The only thing left to do for her was to see you win... So you better win... I'm sorry... She told me not to tell you... I can't help it...! " Your brother were crying. he was crying his heart out.

I was frozen. I had so much going through my head and i coulnd't stop the tears. It was a shock. I did my best but your face still distracted me... but i won...
When i came back to japan. I found myself on my knees at a gravyard.

Koyama Yuko
11/3 1994 - 14/2 2014
"A talented pianist and a wonderful sister, daughter. You might not be here physically but you are always in our heart"
I remeber crying like no tomorrow and repeated the words "I won see! I won! Now come back! It's not funny anymore!!"

-Yuzuru? Hey! Yuzuru! Daisuke-sans voice snapped me out of my thoughs.
-Eh? I asked looking confussed
-She is dead... Don't you remember the letter she wrote? You promised didn't you? Mao-san said looking at me. Everyone else too Daisuke-san, Mao-san, Kanako-chan, Takahiko-san, Akiko-san.
-Yes i remember... Clearly...

The letter Yuko's brother gave me...
I remember as if i had it infront of me.
Dear Hanyu yuzuru aka Hane-chan!
I might not really look serious writing this letter but, i have really big hopes that this letter won't be delivered to you. Because if... Then my time on earth is gone...
I hope it went well with the olympics! I'm cheering for you!
Yuzuru, this is the first time i actually write your real name... I had a hard time finding the right kanji. I'm sorry! XD
But if your sad and thinking i'm mean and i broke my promise about growing old together, i'm sorry i didn't though it was this fast.
But please keep on living! If you were feel down i'll become the sun to brighten up your days! and when you need a push on the back i'll become the wind and push you!
No matter how difficault tomorrow may be. please keep living!

-Yuzuru don't tell me you have gone to her apartment again? Kanako-chan asked
-mm.... I coulnd't help myself. The landlord left everything like that.
-It will only hurt you more... Daisuke-san said looking worried at me

*knock knock*
The door made a noise everyone looked at each other when daisuke-san said
-Isn't everybody here?
-Yeah... Akiko-san said looking at the hallway
-I'll go open... I said and walked to the door. When i opened it the only thing i saw was a Zinnia.
-Is anybody there? Kanako-chan said coming out to me.
-Huh? A flower? Kanako said looking confussed
-Didn't Yuko-san also like flower? Takahiko-san said
-What does it mean? Mao-san said
-In flower languages it means... Long-lasting affection... I asnwerd with a smile.

In the end you never really leaved my side did you?

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