Spoilt Brat

♥ OPPS! I am falling for a WASTREL ♥

Chapter 4!

I hope this chapter is still up to your expectation if it is

too boring, too long or not nice please don't hesitate to leave your comments for me.

I will try to improve on my further chapters

Thanks! =)

Both Yesung and Leeteuk sat onto the round table situated inside a sheltered hut; they sat opposite of each other. Yesung looks at the brother he grows up with during childhood and grin. “Hyung, are you sure you want to play this with me? You never win me since childhood.”

“I don’t believe that I would lose you again.” He smirks at him. “My luck is with me now.”

“Oh really, then I must really see who shall win today.” He smiles. “If I win today, you will have to go back with me.”

“Okay” He nodded. “But if you lose, you have to stay here with me until I am willing to return home, okay?”

“Um” Yesung pause as he goes into his thought before answering Leeteuk. Within minutes, he took in a deep breath and nodded. “Okay”

“Good luck.” Leeteuk grins and look up to Shindong who is the dealer for their game.

Shindong nodded when he saw the glance from Leeteuk. “The greatest number will win. We will have a total of 6 games.”

“Okay” Both Yesung and Leeteuk nodded.

“Ok, let’s start.” Shindong nodded and started shuffling the decks of cards that was in his hand before distributing the cards out. He places the deck of cards onto the table, using his right hand he place one card from the deck in front of Leeteuk and Yesung. “You may see your card.”

Both of them flip their card onto the table showing to one another. Looking at Yesung’s card, Leeteuk laughs. “I won. I got an Ace and you just got a King.”

“No problem. It is just the first round.” He shrugs his shoulder. “Next.”

“Second game” Shindong places another card from the deck and place it beside the first open card. “You may see the card.”

“Oh Yesung, that was a pity. That was close.”

“Next” Yesung exclaim.

“Third game” Shindong repeats the procedure again by placing another card beside the first, two open card.

Yesung takes a deep breath before flipping open the card and after seeing his own card and Leeteuk’s card, he smile. “Hyung, Queen and Two, is a big win.”

“Is okay, I won you twice.”

“There is still chance.” He smiles at him with a smirk and flips open the next card on the table. “Ace”

“Ace spade” Leeteuk flips open his card hoping for an Ace that was bigger than Yesung’s card but unfortunately the card came out something off his expectation. “What? Seven?”

“Tie, it was a tie now.” Yesung reveals his teeth with a huge smile after the score goes into a tie and he flips open the next card. “Four. What about your card?”

Leeteuk huff a deep breath out from his mouth slowing bringing his card and peep into his hand before opening it for Yesung. “Damn! Two again”

“It is already the last card.” Yesung picks up the last card from the table looking at straight at Leeteuk’s anxious expression and laughs. “If you win, it was only a tie but if you lose then let’s go home.”

“Ho… how do you know I will lose? You haven’t even open yet. I am a Jack, maybe you are only a 10.” He exclaimed.

“Sorry hyung. I am just a little bigger than you.” He smiles and threw the card on his hand to the table revealing his card to Leeteuk. “Jack spade”

“What the hell! This is impossible.” He stood up from his chair exclaiming and couldn’t believe the sight that was in front of him. “One more”

“No hyung. You promise me only one. Let’s go home. Have some integrity.” Yesung walks over to the side of Leeteuk pulling his hand over his shoulder, he walk him over to where the yacht was stop. “Go home.”


“Yes hyung” He stops turning his head towards him. “Are you going to cheat again? I won again.”

“Ah damn.” He screams out as soon as he came through the facts that he lose to Yesung again and stomp his feet up to the yacht.

Yesung laughs. “Sammy, bring us back to the harbor.”


“Uncle Kim, the dinner is ready.” I placed the last dish of food onto the dining table and walk over to Uncle Kim that is at living room.

“Thanks Youmin. I am so sorry that I have to call you back so last minute.” He apologized.

I smile. “It is okay. This is my job.”

“Kim, is the dinner ready?”

As Uncle Kim heard that voice coming, he turns to where the voice is coming looking at the man walking down from the stairs. “Master, the dinner is ready.”

“Good.” The man nodded as he reached the ground, he looks at me curiously and turns back to Uncle Kim again. “Kim, who is she?”

“Master, she is the new household helper.” Uncle Kim replied.

“Oh, what’s your name?” He nodded and turns over to me asking for my name.

“Lee Youmin” I replied politely.

He nodded and sat down onto the dining table looking at the dishes on the table, he looks up at me again. “Is this all you made?”

“Yes” I nodded. “Hope you like it.”

“Thanks” He smiles and started tucking in the food. “It has been a long time since I ate home cooked food. I can’t even remember how long I have not eaten home cooked food.”

“Master, since Mrs. Park passed on.”

“Oh yes, since my wife passed on but the way you cook all these dishes looks very alike as my wife.”

“Really” I look at him with amazement.

“Yes, is very nice. Thanks Youmin.”

“Welcome” I smile and look onto the watch on my wrist and realized the night has turn late and asked to be excused. “Um, I am sorry but is there anything else for me. If not could I leave as my brother is still waiting for me at home?”

“Oh sure” He nodded. “Sorry to keep you up so late.”

“It is okay.” I smile.

“Um wait Youmin.”

I stop on my feet turning back looking at Mr. Park. “Yes, Mr. Park.”

“Mr. Park, Jungsu is back.”

Hearing that sentence, he turns his attention from me to the two guys that have just walk in from the main door and his gentle look changes 180 degrees as he looks at the guy in pink shirt. “Jungsu”

“Hey dad, when did you come back? Why didn’t you told me about it? I can go to airport to fetch you.” He exclaimed.

“I do it in purpose of not letting you know so I can know what you have been doing in the company, in fact you did nothing.” He exclaimed. “Instead, you have been spending money buying stuffs. Jungsu, can you be serious for once?”

“I have always been serious.”

“Serious? You called this serious when you merely enter into the office since the day I left for overseas trip and instead of caring for the company; you bought over that stupid resort that is off a deserted island.” He exclaimed. “Look at those vehicles outside, which is the one car that you drove more than 2 years?”

Leeteuk sigh laughing. “All those cars outside are to go with my mood and feelings on that day. I bought over the resort is because I saw a potential in it.”

“What potential?”

“Some potential out there, I couldn’t say it out now.”

Mr. Park sighed. “If you were half alike of Yesung and Heechul, I would be so happy.”

“But too bad I am not.” Leeteuk stood up from his chair walking over to his dad, he bends down his waist looking at him smiling. “If you want a child like them then ask them to be your child. I don’t want to be the son of Mr. Park Yonggi.” With that, he turns over walking out of the dining room and up the staircase back to his bedroom slamming that door behind.

“You…you… how would I such a son?” He sighed and realizing I am all along there during their conversation, he turns and looks at me awkwardly apologizing. “Sorry, letting you see all this.”

“It is okay” I shook my head.

He smile nodding his head gesturing to me a thank you and turns over to Yesung, the guy in white polo tee. “Yesung, could you send Youmin home? It is pretty late now.”

“Sure” He nodded turning over to me. “Let’s go.”

“Thanks.” I nodded and started following behind him as we exited the house, I enter into his black SLK convertible car and also not forgetting to tell him my address. “Thanks.”

“Welcome” He smiles back at me. “We are really sorry for all that happened just now.”

“It is okay but …”

“But what?”

“Is that guy always like this? Does he always behave like a spoilt brat? ”

“You mean Leeteuk?” He asked.

I nodded. “Yes, he is the one that I saw behaving like a spoilt brat with no simple manners for his appa.”

“Ever since his mother passed on, he started to become like this.” He explained.

“Oh” I nodded and turn my head back looking to the front. I looked out of the car window at everything that passed and all these started to have a hypnotizing effect on me as both my eyes begin to get heavier and heavier but I tried to open it as wide as possible, it can be quite rude sleeping in someone’s car. However, I still fail to force open these two heavy eyes and shut off tightly bringing me into my dreamland on my way home.

Yesung drove a 45 minutes ride and he stops his vehicle at the side of the curb, changing the gear to neutral and he pulled up his handbrake. He turns over trying to wake me up but my Z monster is stronger than what I could expect, without further calling he sits back against his seat waiting patiently for me to wake up on my own. ‘She looks cute’ He mumbles as he turns his head staring at me.

“Isn’t that nuna?” Taemin runs across the road to where the car was parking, he smiles at the guy in the driver seat.

“Hi” Yesung winds down the window looking at the person standing beside his car.

“Hi” Taemin smiles back politely and switch his attention to the girl who is still sleeping in the passenger seat. He lightly taps onto her shoulder and calls out. “Nuna, wake up.”

I slowly peeks open my eyes with the few taps on my shoulder, looking at my brother outside the car I realized have dozed off on the journey back and quickly turns over to Yesung and apologize. “Sorry”

“It is okay” He shook his head. “You must be really tired. Hurry goes up and has your rest. Goodnight.”

“Thanks, goodnight to you too.” I nodded and exited his car with the help of Taemin carrying my bag. I bend down my waist and looking into the window I bid him with a goodbye. “Bye, have a safe journey.”

“Thanks” With that, he sped off from the curb.

“Nuna, who is he? I thought you are supposed to be working?” Taemin stared at me suspiciously sensing something not right.

I sigh. “You are thinking too much. He is just one of the people staying in that place that I am helping out and the master asks him to send me home as it is already late in the night.”


“Yes” I nodded. “Let’s go, I am really tired.” I drag him into the building that we are staying stopping him from asking anymore question.


Yesung drove his car into the mansion parking his car into the respective lot; he exited his car and enters into the house. “Appa”

“Oh Yesung, you are back?” Uncle Kim stops and turns over to his son as soon as he heard his voice. “Have you send Youmin home?”

“Youmin?” Yesung looks at him with a question mark. “Her name is Youmin?”

“Yes, Lee Youmin. She is the new household helper in charge of cleaning our house.”

“Okay, did she clean my room too?”

Uncle Kim shrugs his shoulder. “I bet so.”

“Okay, thanks and goodnight appa.” He bids his dad a goodnight before heading up to the second storey and walking down the corridor, he enters into the second room. He lies down onto the bed immediately after a long day. “Um, Lee Youmin” He smiles sweetly to himself.


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xiaoQi #1
therest123: Thanks for reading my story and hope you like the storyline updated so far. Hope to see you soon. <br />
threst123 #2
^^:) Update soon
threst123 #3
^^Hwaiting~Awesome story:)
xiaoQi #4
emobunbun: Thanks for your comments. Yesung is indeed cute and in the current chapter you will know is the AHH for. Hee! Hope you would like it and see you soon <br />
<br />
`<br />
<br />
leeteukbaby: Thanks for your comments! Hope you like the following chapters too and hope to see you soon.
Wha I wonder what the AHHH~ was for <br />
LOL<br />
keep it up<br />
leeteukbaby #6
Oh new reader! This story is so interesting! Yesungie so cuteeeeeee.<br />
Update soon! :)
awww yesung is cute~<br />
I hope you update soon :P
xiaoQi #8
@emobunbun thanks for your comments! Indeed, Taemin has something fishy behind Youmin's back <br />
but looks like the sister is abit stupid not to sense it. Let's see will Youmin know what Taemin is hiding behind her back. Hope to see you again! =)
heat my <br />
LIES~<br />
lol<br />
updates please~<br />
OMG hospital<br />
dun dun dun<br />
updates are amazing lol<br />
keep it up ♥♥~