Jackson Wang - Wasted Time

GOT7 Scenarios

*The amount of times I’ve changed this is untrue, I’m putting it up now before I decided to modify it anymore. This wasn’t a request it was just something that came out of my brain. I’m apologizing now to anyone that has requested anything and I’ve not written it yet. I’ve had major major writers block, I’m annoyed at myself but anyway I hope you guys like this*

The sunlight streamed through a gap in the curtains, your eyes being its target. Although you were aware of it you refused to open your eyes.

‘You didn’t close the curtains properly’ You mumbled, causing the person next to you to stir.

‘No, you didn’t close them properly’

You snapped your head up to glare at your boyfriend.

‘Bwoh! You’re the one that closed them last night’ You stated, defensively.

‘Alright, Mrs Defensive’

You scoffed at his remark and lifted a pillow from beneath you, bringing it down on Jackson’s head, making him bolt right up.

‘I correct myself, Mrs Violent!’ He exclaimed, throwing the pillow back.

The rays of light that filtered in through the curtain had made their way to Jackson, making it more prominent that he was in fact shirtless.

You caught yourself staring and so did he.

‘Like what you see?’ Jackson smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at you.


You hit him again but this time with your hand and not a pillow. He held his hands up in defense, all the time he was laughing.

‘Go get dressed, loser’ You ordered, pushing him towards the edge of the bed with your feet.

‘I don’t want to’ He complained, grabbing hold of the sheets to prevent the inevitable.

Too late. You watched as his body disappeared from your sight as it slid of the bed only to reappear again as he crawled to the bathroom on all fours, making you giggle at his stupidity.


‘What time will you be done?’ You asked as you both walked to the door.

‘About 6, why?’ He replied, tugging his shoes onto his feet.

‘I was thinking maybe we could go out for food tonight’ You suggested. ‘You know just us two’
‘Sounds good’ He smiled, scooping you into his arms to kiss you goodbye.

‘Have fun today’ You urged and he nodded, giving you one last kiss before he grabbed his backpack and opened the door.

‘I love you, _______’

‘I love you too, Jackson’ You grinned, an expression to which he mirrored.

‘See you later, front of the building’ He said, plugging his earphones into both ears.

‘Yeah’ You nodded and he smiled, waving to you as he walked out the door. You finally closed it when he got onto the elevator at the end of the corridor, sighing with happiness as you started your day.


You made it to the JYP building with time to spare. You hadn’t realised how early you’d left your apartment until you checked your watch when you arrived at your destination. You placed yourself on a nearby bench, hoping he’d be let out early or at least ask to be.

The air was chill but not too cold, the perfect weather in your opinion. You didn’t have to layer your clothes but you could be comfortable wearing a jacket too. You looked at your phone to see if he’d text you, there was nothing but you weren’t surprised. He always got so busy during practice you never expected to hear from him and most of the time you didn’t until he’d finished for the day.

You looked around, blowing air into your cheeks. There were a lot more people around than you’d expect at this time in the evening but it put you at ease. You liked it when places were busy; it made you feel oddly safe. You checked your phone again, this time for the time. It had already made it to half 6 but you weren’t concerned yet. You knew Jackson and how slow he could be when he got ready he always procrastinated about things and hung around.

You laughed, thinking about what he’d be like after practice, probably getting scolded by JB for being so slow.


As time passed by you got more and more anxious. Where the hell is he? He didn’t forget did he? Don’t be stupid he was looking forward to it? …….Or was he? So many questions ran through you head as an hour turned into two and two turned into three. By this point you were fed up with it all, you were tired and hungry and it was pretty clear that he’d forgotten about you. You got up from your sitting position, stretching your legs, preparing to leave and it was only then that he happened to show up. He wasn’t alone, his band mates accompanied him. All holding boxes of food in their hands as they exited the building. Your eyes brimmed with tears, the sight of him laughing and being cheerful usually made you smile but right now you were so far beyond angry. What made it worse was the fact that if it wasn’t for Mark pointing you out to him he would have walked straight passed you. His face showed it all. He knew he’d done something wrong and he was figuring out what would make it better, if anything could.

You stared at him as he got closer before turning around to leave, not wanting to hear what he had to say.

’_______, WAIT!’ He yelled, grabbing a hold of your arm to stop you from going anywhere.

'Do you not think I've waited long enough?!' You asked, tears falling on their own accord. He brought his hands up to dry your face but you slapped them away before he could touch you, drying them quickly yourself with the sleeve of your jumper.

He took his hat off, sighing as he ran his fingers through his hair.

‘I tried to message you but my phone died’

‘Oh so you thought I would somehow telepathically know that you weren’t coming’ You argued, anger rising from his pathetic excuse. ‘You were with six other people that all own mobile phones Jackson and don’t even tell me theirs were all dead too’

He opened his mouth to retaliate but you shushed him.

'You know what Jackson, I don't even want to hear it. I'm done'

You turned away for a second time but again Jackson tried to prevent you from leaving.

’_______, just wait please’ His voice pleading with you to hear him out. You considered turning back, knowing he understood that he’d hurt you but you didn’t want to break so easily. He needed to know you were serious.

'I told you before Jackson, do you not think I've waited long enough?'

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BeautifulRain #1
Chapter 2: It was soooo great~~~~!!
Thank you so so so sooo much ^0^ and dont worry, this chapter is perfect...no need to rewrite it ^-^ once again, thank you so so so much ♡
Nila Xoxo
BeautifulRain #2
Chapter 1: Oh noooooooooooooooo T^T
Is it possible to write a sequel ^0^ !? Cause it is toooo good ^3^ !!
If not, it's okay :) ♡
Nila Xoxo