If you knew

"My life was really depressing. i really wish not to go back home. ive wanted to stay anywhere but home. have you ever experienced having an evil aunt and a cousin who is a brat? i know i did. this what happened to me 4 years ago." Mina wrote in a book.


4 years ago;

i stood in front of my mirror and looked at my reflection. am i perfect? No. Am i skinny ? No. Am i pretty? No. im nothing. i have scars everywhere. i sighed and went down stairs.

"Why are you late ?? its your first day at seoul high !!" Aunt shouted.

"Im sorryyy"i said while my eyes are looking at the ground.

the moment she left i took my backpack and went outside , The weather outside is below 8 degrees. All i had is some soft blazer on.

i can feel my nose turned red, hands are numb and my legs are frozen, i can barely walk...

Good thing i made it! i quickly went inside the school rubbing both hands for some heat. I went to the prinicpal's office. when i knocked the door he told me i can come in.

"You are the new student here ? im Mr. lee the principal" Mr. lee said while handing me papers.

" You need to sign these. These paper say that you will not break the rules in school" He said.

When i finished signing i asked  "Where is my class?"

"Mrs. Min-Ju  is your teacher, She will lead you where to go" he said.

i left the principal's office and went with Mrs. Min-ju.

"I know how it feels being a new student. Just relax okay ?" She patted my shoulders as she went inside the classroom and i waited outside to be called by her.

i can feel my heart beat. i hate thiss!

"Everyone , Please take your seat. We have a new Student." She said and told me to come in.

as i eneterd the classroom i felt everyone is staring at me which made me a bit nervous.

" Hi, Im Kim Minah, Nice to meet you all" i said and bowed to the class.

"KIm Minah, You can take a seat next to the window" Mrs Min-Ju pointed at the seat.

there was no one next to me, i was glad tho...

The teacher taught us till the bell rang for break time. I've placed my books inside the locker .A girl approached to me

"Hi Im Yuri." She smiled.

"Oh nice to meet you Yuri , Im Kim Mina" i said.

"Is this your first day at school ?"  Yuri said.

"Ahh yes it is my first day at this school."

"Comeon ill show you around , okay ?" Yuri said while holding my hands.

"So this is the nerd group , and this group is full of ert guys , Im warning you stay away from them. And these are my friends." Yuri said.

"Ah there is Yuri!" D.O said to the group.

" Hey everyone i have a new friend here ! " Yuri said.

i saw a familiar face , when i realized it was chanyeol my old freind.

"Im Kim Mina , Nice to meet you all" i said and faked a smile.

When i finished introducing my self i felt someone hugging me. I was shocked.

it was chanyeol.

"Dont you remember me Mina?" He softly said.

I quickly pulled back from the hug and looked at him.

" How was life??" he asked.

"E-hh ? you guys know each other?" Yuri said while the other exo members kept staring in disbelief.

"He used to be my only one friend back in Middle school" i said,

"Hello old friend! " Chanyeol laughed.

"Come sit here Mina" Chanyeol said.

I sat between him and a guy.

"So this is baekhyun the one who is sitting next to you , This is D.O ,suho , kai and our makane sehun and his girlfriend yuri"Chanyeol introduced

Yuri has a boyfriend ? doesnt look like they're a couple at all i thought.

They were feeding each other, which is kind of cute , But Everyone is silent, i felt like i wasnt supposed to be here.

Chanyeool offered to walk me to class.

"I will be in the class next to you" He smiled

"Ah Okay Thankyou chanyeol" i said.

i've sat and watched the beautiful nature outside.


My First day of school wasnt bad. I thought it will be bad but thank god its much better than i thought.

i saw my cousin hannah coming from the other side,

"Hannah! Why did you leave for school without me? We could've went together" I said.

"You took so long and i was already late" Hannah said and went inside.

Aunt Jung prepared Dinner for Hannah while i ate noodles.

when i finished eating my noodles i went to my room and took a quick shower.

i laid on the bed and went to sleep.


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Chapter 1: Love it <3 please continue !!!
Missha #2
Chapter 1: Good story baby girl, will be waiting for the next chapter
Mozaalk #3
Chapter 1: I love it ! Please update *^*